Soul Survivor. G. S. Willmott

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Soul Survivor - G. S. Willmott

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soon disappeared when she saw her children.

      Lisbeth had been Lara de Neville’s nanny from the time her parents Julie and Harry brought her home from the hospital. Lara was now a happy, healthy six-year-old. She was a very pretty girl with long blonde hair, which she usually wore in plaits. Lisbeth was always delighted when she heard Lara’s infectious laugh, which was quite often.

      Lisbeth and Lara were playing on the front lawn of Westmoreland Manor, the family home, when they saw a black Rolls Royce approach along the long driveway.

      ‘Who’s that Nanny?’

      ‘I don’t know, darling. Judging by his car I think he’s somebody important. Why don’t we go and meet him.’


      The car pulled up under the grand portico. A man with white hair, and a dark pin-striped suit alighted from the back of the vehicle.

      ‘Good morning. My name is Sir Horace Winterbottom. I’m the solicitor for the de Neville family. I take it you must be Lisbeth Forsyth?’

      ‘I am. And this is Lara de Neville.’

      ‘I’m pleased to meet you both. I was wondering if we could have a private word, Miss Forsyth?’

      ‘Yes, come into the house. We can speak in the library. Lara, why don’t you run into the kitchen and ask Mrs Potter if you can have a glass of milk, and a biscuit.’

      Lara skipped off to the kitchen. Lisbeth ushered Sir Horace into the magnificent library and closed the large oak door.

      ‘I’m afraid I have some very disturbing news, Miss Forsyth.’

      The solicitor recounted what had happened on the Chesapeake Bay. Lisbeth was dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe the whole family had perished.

      ‘I can’t believe it. The Earl and Countess were like family to me and what’s to become of little Lara?’

      The distraught woman couldn’t contain her grief and began to sob. Mr Winterbottom waited patiently before continuing.

      ‘What this means Miss Forsyth, is that young Lara has no legal guardian.’

      ‘So what happens now?’

      ‘Well, if you are agreeable I’d like you to care for Lara until a decision is made about her immediate future. Mr Bryant will still run the estate – he’s been the caretaker here for many years, so I’m led to believe. The remainder of the staff will remain employed here. I think it’s important that Lara is surrounded by people she’s familiar with.’

      ‘Who’s going to break the news to Lara?’

      ‘I was hoping you would assist me. Naturally, we have to be very compassionate with her. You being present would be a comfort, I’m sure.’

      ‘So do you want to tell her now?’

      ‘I think that would be best, don’t you?’

      ‘Yes, I suppose so. I’m not looking forward to it I can tell you.’

      ‘Neither am I.’

      ‘I’ll go and fetch her.’

      ‘If you could please, Miss Forsyth.’

      Lisbeth approached the kitchen where Lara was enjoying a glass of milk and chatting to the kitchen staff.

      ‘Lara darling, could I ask you to come with me please.’

      ‘Nanny I haven’t finished my milk yet, and Miss Lucy was telling me a funny story about her milking a cow.’

      ‘I’m sorry, but it’s important. You can finish your milk later.’

      ‘Oh, all right.’

      Lara followed behind her nanny until they reached the library. Upon entering she saw Sir Horace standing in front of the fireplace.

      ‘Hello, Lara you can call me Sir Horace. Why don’t you sit next to your nanny on the sofa. We’ve got something to tell you.’

      ‘Is it a story? I love stories.’

      ‘No, I’m afraid it’s not a story. It’s about your mummy and daddy.’

      ‘They’re in America, but they’ll be home soon. I do miss them.’

      ‘Lara, I’m afraid Mummy and Daddy won’t be coming home. They both had a terrible accident,’ said Lisbeth.

      ‘No, they promised me they’d be home soon.’

      ‘Lara you know when we were playing in the garden today we found a little bird that had died?’

      ‘Yes, that was sad.’

      ‘Well Mummy and Daddy died in the accident just like that little bird. They’ve both gone to heaven.’

      ‘No, no! You’re lying! I don’t believe you.’

      Lara jumped up from the sofa running out of the library and into the garden. Eventually, she stopped running and lay on the grass continuing to cry uncontrollably.

      Lisbeth found the distraught little girl and sat next to her on the lawn she placed Lara’s head in her lap and consoled her.

      ‘It will be all right, darling. I’m here for you and Mummy and Daddy will always be watching over you. I know it’s hard to understand why God took them but he must have had a very special job He wanted them to do.’

      ‘I don’t care! I need them here with me. They promised me they’d be home soon. It’s not fair.’

      Sir Horace decided to take his leave. He intended to speak with Lisbeth the following week about Lara’s future, and indeed her own. The solicitor had a reputation for being an insensitive lawyer but as he was driven out of the estate he felt quite sad for little Lara. He knew he would be partly responsible for her upbringing; he intended that she be given every opportunity in life.

      Lara’s father was the Earl of Westmoreland and Julie, her mother, was an American doctor who married Harry (who was also a doctor) in 1929.

      Julie’s maiden name was Doherty, a well-known naval family in the United States. Captain Joe Doherty, her father, was lost at sea on the Titanic in April 2012. Jack, her brother, graduated from West Point as a naval officer and served in the World War I where he was wounded.

      During a long naval career, Jack was promoted several times including being appointed as a senior military officer attached to the American Embassy in Berlin before World War II.

      Julie and Jack’s stepfather was Rear-Admiral Eugene Leutze.

      All of Julie’s immediate family, including her mother, died in the explosion on Chesapeake Bay.

      Harry’s parents, the Earl of Westmoreland and the Countess of Westmoreland died in a train crash when they were travelling to stay at the family’s estate Raby Castle,

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