The Long Journey. Susan Wright

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The Long Journey - Susan  Wright

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have you got in your hand?’

      ‘Nothing, Mrs.’

      ‘Don’t lie to me. I know that you have got something in there.’

      ‘Have not, Mrs.’

      Katherine held out her hand. ‘Give me whatever it is you have in your hand…now!’

      With an impish grin he placed his hand in hers. She was aware of something moving in her hand. The small mouse ran up her arm, across her shoulder, and down her back. For days after she could still feel those feet running down her back. She was not aware that she screamed or that she collapsed in a neat heap on the floor.

      ‘Oh blimey, I’ve killed her’ shrieked Dick as he made a bolt for the door.

      Sarah grabbed him. ‘Sit down you stupid idiot she has only fainted. Becky bring me a glass of water. Rachel make some hot tea quickly.’

      By this time Dick was sitting quietly crying. Katherine regained consciousness and with as much dignity as she could muster made her way to her chair where Rachel was waiting with a cup of tea. ‘Thank you Rachel, Sarah could you take over the class for a few minutes please.’

      Sarah stood at the head of the class and no one would dare disobey her. There were no more incidents that day. After a short time Katherine took control again. She actually felt rather sorry for Dick he had obviously had a terrible fright and his ear, she noted, was bright red where Sarah had hit him.

      The class was dismissed at midday. The story of Mrs Kruger and the mouse was told and embellished upon around every tea table in the valley that evening. Even Helmut who at first had been concerned when he heard she had fainted now saw the funny side. ‘You surely were not scared of a little itty bitty mouse were you.’ He said to her across the table during the meal.

      ‘It wasn’t that small.’ As she said it she realized how ludicrous that sounded and began to laugh as well. ‘You have no idea how scared I was that the mouse would come out again. I think that some of the children rather hoped it would.’

      ‘Don’t fret about that. I have taken Jeremiah down and left him in there for the night. Fred will let him out in the morning. I can guarantee you that there will be no mouse within a hundred yards of there in the morning.’

      For the first week the class was dismissed at midday. After that they came back and stayed until mid afternoon. Friday afternoon’s Katherine always tried to make different and fun for the children. The favorite thing was to go behind the wool shed where there was flat piece of ground and they would play Long Ball. Too Gum would prepare them a treat to eat and if the weather was fine they sit and have a picnic, if not, then they would return to class for more hot cocoa. Whatever happened Katherine insured that they went home happy.

      So life once again settled into a routine. Katherine was finding fulfillment and happiness in teaching the children. Although deep inside she felt a deep emptiness but this she would only admit to when alone in bed at night. Exactly what it was she needed she herself did not know, or would not admit to. Helmut continued to remain kind and considerate to her and denied her nothing but she was aware of a feeling of frustration within him as he came to realize that his feelings towards her were not going to be reciprocated. This in turn added to her feelings of guilt. She was sitting alone on the verandah enjoying the late summer sun and thinking about her life here in the hills. Life, she thought, is like a long journey, the final destination is always certain but there are so many different roads one can take to get there. Sometimes we turn to the left and the road is smooth and happy and then we may turn to the right and the road is full of bumps and hurts but whatever the case it always moves ever forward. Sometimes we make a decision which in itself is unimportant yet can have a disastrous outcome. One such decision would be made the following morning that would have such severe consequences as to change all their lives. and even to reach out to effect the next generation.

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