Countdown to Corruption. Glenn Edward Kirk
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Rachel went up to bed early. I went to my study. The events of the evening made me feel stronger in resolve and there was so much to do. I picked up the phone and slowly dialled Jackson’s number. He was at home.
“Good Evening my friend. I am fully focused on our project. When is the next meeting?”
“Glad you have such positive thoughts. Funnily enough Marlon called a few minutes ago, Friday night 6pm, venue to be advised.”
“Good, it is noted. Let me know the venue once you have it.”
“Will do, see you then.” The call ended. Focused determination enveloped me. I felt good.
The Friday meeting was a success. My continuing contribution and sharp attention was noticed and I could sense some approval and a growing confidence but knew there was little time to play with. Work mode took over. It consumed me and within no time it was possible to gauge where the leadership lay and recognise the herd instinct within the other members. Jackson, Marlon and Sandile were the leaders but it would take time to understand the exact contribution each member made and how they fitted in to the general structure of the immediate group. After the meeting was closed we had drinks but, true to form, I soon went home . It was expected of me.
My Company work was demanding . There were new policies to develop and implement, targets to establish and achieve. I was constantly on the lookout for any signs from staff members which might connect them to “ The Force”, the name chosen to replace “ The Committee”. My silent observations revealed nothing. The Force held meetings weekly and each time I found myself growing more and more incredulous at what they expected to achieve. Black Empowerment was the buzz word, Nationalisation generally the vehicle. The all consuming greed became more obvious. My suggestion that if Mandela was released he might not support take-overs on such a vast scale met with raucous laughter. He was to have no personal power, he belonged to the people. It is Marlon and his cronies who will commercially represent the people. They will control economic power and be represented at all levels throughout the mining and industrial sectors. This was the reality. The Force will run South Africa. It is the black man’s right and heritage. Those whose help they enlisted would be well rewarded but ultimately the country belongs to them. I remained silent. Any attempt to try and make them realise the absurdity of their views and the futility of their policies would invite disaster and death for me and my family. Marlon turned and looked at me.
“Charlie we expect more from you. You are part of The Force’s hierarchy but your participation and planning is not increasing at a fast enough pace.”
“Marlon, I will be making a presentation in a few weeks. Gentlemen please ensure you are all present.”
“We will be there,” came the unanimous reply.
The evening of my presentation quickly arrived.
“Good Evening All, I will, with your permission, chair the meeting this evening.”
“Go ahead Charlie, the formality suits you……ha ha!”
“No comment, but, thank you,”
“You are all aware that over the last few months I have been trying to fully comprehend The Forces’ ultimate goals and modus operandi in achieving such goals and have noticed some resistance from a few of you which is understood. You feel I am a recent addition, a white man, part of the privileged financial and industrial world of South Africa. What I am about to tell you tonight should dispel any doubts some of you might still have about me. Furthermore it will have a major impact on the future of The Force. We are in for an interesting night!!”
“Get to the point man!” shouted Jackson.
“I am getting there. Gentleman, you might, however, not be aware that an Executive Director of my parent company has been attending meetings of a political nature within and beyond our borders. It is unknown who initiated these meetings and the only reports we have received internally were that talks were sporadic with little being accomplished. I have had a more direct source of information in that my father-in-law has been a party to these meetings. He did not confide in me as to content or progress but things have recently changed. Events were accelerating hence my unexplained request asking you to be here today. Yesterday he called me to his house, casually mentioning he had some additional urgent family business to discuss and instructed me to say nothing to my wife or, in fact, anybody. As a member of The Force my obligation and duty is to share this information with you here this evening. What you are about to hear must remain within these four walls until we have reached agreement on how to proceed from this point. Do I have your word on this Gentlemen?” I went around the table making sure we were all in agreement. “Nelson Mandela is about to be unconditionally released from the Victor Verster Prison. After being incarcerated for 27 years he will be walking out a free man. The date set is 11 February. It is rumoured he will address a rally in Cape Town immediately after his release but this has not been confirmed.”
There was stunned silence. Suddenly each member jumped up shouting. Jackson took over.
“Quiet!” he demanded, “We do not know if this is true …… SILENCE PLEASE! Charlie, can we believe this?”
“I have it on the best authority and it has to be believed. There is no way the Nationalist Government can retract on the deal. It would start a civil war! We must all hope to God his release does not erupt into violence. God help us should that happen.”
Both Jackson and Marlon looked at me. Marlon grinned and then stiffly said,“ We do not want civil war, disruption must come from us. It will only happen if there is resistance to our taking economic power into our own hands. Mandela’s release could cause a delay in economic transfer but the end result remains the same. Our vision continues. Those of us sitting here today, the true instigators of black economic control, will be the leaders and will reap the financial rewards of our brilliance and foresight. This is only a hiccup in the planning schedule. If Mandela becomes a problem we will deal with it. The plan stays on course .” Marlon got up and gave the clenched fist black power salute, a sign that to me signified,“ Beware, Extreme Danger.” The others followed. I remained seated. I knew my time as a member of The Force was over.
I arrived home physically and mentally drained. We were scheduled to have dinner with my parents-in-law and I decided to use this opportunity to confide in Sir Frederick. I had absolutely no idea how he would react nor to what degree I could confide in him.
Rachel and I drove in silence. She sensed something serious was in the air and had the sensibility to say nothing. My mind was racing. As we drove up to their house I turned sideways in my seat and looked at her. “ There is something of extreme importance I wish to discuss with your father. When I ask him to give me a few minutes of his time, please do not suggest we talk during business hours. It must be dealt with tonight.” She looked at me and frowned. The door opened, we entered. Pre-dinner drinks were in the drawing room. As he handed me my drink the front door bell rang and Mary walked in, David close behind. Damn, another obstacle to deal with.
“Well everybody, it is so nice to have you all here. It is not by coincidence we are together this evening . Alice and I want to discuss family matters. David please close the door. You are not all aware of the latest developments in the Nelson Mandela saga.” He paused, looking around at all of us. “He is about to be released from jail. You will appreciate this is a momentous event in the history of South Africa and I personally believe it will herald a new beginning for all the people in the country. It is the question of unrest that bothers me and the subsequent dangers we as a family might be subjected to. It is time for us to