One Year of Thankful Thursdays. Susan W. Brown
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Kids have so much of life figured out better than we do, and we need to imagine more the way they can lead to creativity, growth and even joy!
Want actual scripture to back up proof of His imagination? Ok fair enough...go read REVELATION 9!
“Truly I tell you, He said, UNLESS YOU CHANGE AND BECOME LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Take a minute today to just stop, look around, ponder and wonder at the vastness and imagination of God!
Does it make your heart a little lighter, softer, and giddy like it does mine? Stop the stuffiness for a minute and just imagine!
Thankful Thursday #12
Today I am so very thankful for the wondrous gift of PERSPECTIVE and the paradigm shift it can provide if we let it!
I’m also thankful for the people God puts in our paths to allow certain moments of clarity and perspective! So. shoutout to Mike in the seat next to me on this plane ride for graciously allowing me to repeatedly lean over to take pictures and get this shot of Lake Michigan! is formed by our younger years but if we take out those perspective glasses I love to refer to it can completely change in so many beautiful ways!
I am in total awe when I fly..maybe because I don’t do it much, I don’t know. But I do think there is an awe-inspiring childlike wonder that can be a great perspective if you think about flying in how it relates to life.
It gives us a minuscule peek into what God's view must be like. It reminds us of something bigger than ourselves and that every single person matters and that somehow we are all connected.
Being up in the air in the clouds is awe-inspiring enough!
But then, lift up the window shade, look out, and just gasp at the absolute vastness and beauty of God's creation.
The best part, for me anyway, is knowing that as He looks down on what seems to us to be a great big world, He sees me and you.
I don’t mean sees like noticing you are there like we notice people in the grocery store, but SEEING you in the most intimate way imaginable.
It’s almost unnerving until you realize how beautiful it is. He sees past the clouds, the Great Lakes, the streets, the houses, and even past your skin right to your very one-of-a-kind, none other like you in the history of the world, beautiful soul.
He sees your thoughts, knows your insecurities and fears, and is your biggest cheerleader still!
I don’t know about you, but for me that humbles me in ways I can’t express to know He could even notice me amongst all the people,
look at this hot mess, SEE all of me and love me still!
Want some scripture proof of how intensely intimate God's PERSPECTIVE IS TOWARDS YOU?
Go read ALL of PSALM 139!
2 Corinthians 4:18 tells us of the perspective that we should have,
"As we LOOK NOT TO THE THINGS THAT ARE SEEN but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but THE THINGS THAT ARE UNSEEN ARE ETERNAL."
I SAMUEL 16:7b reminds us how God sees through it all, "For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but THE LORD LOOKS ON THE HEART.”
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