Neuro-Hijacking Manual. Jamie Nuich
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(Plato, The Republic, at 413-414)
From this vantage point, all the drama of life - all the theatrics, everything that seems so intense and chaotic, all the crap that drags you down and makes you feel bad - is all just a charade designed to mindfurk you. It's there to get you to react, fall into line and change your mind so that you will bow down and surrender to the status quo.
To quote the legendary Bertrand Russell:
The social psychologists of the future will ... try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black ... It is for future scientists to ... discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray. (Bertrand Russell, The Impact Of Science On Society)
The game is rigged to separate those who can see through the game (and even construct the game itself) from those who will buy into it and fall for the belief that snow is dark grey (or even black).
Those who fall for the game and take the bait end up disqualifying themselves from ever becoming guardians or progressing ahead in life. They cancel themselves out of the race.
Allow me to put this another way.
If you tell a child (who believes in Santa Clause) that Santa Clause has died, then the child would get upset. But if you tell an adult (who knows that Santa Clause doesn't exist) that Santa Clause has died, then the adult wouldn't think much of it.
In the same way, you wouldn't get upset if you knew that most of what was going on around you was the stuff of Santa Clause. You wouldn't lose heart over a game of musical chairs.
You wouldn't lose heart over a game of musical chairs.
That is easy to say on paper. But it's not so easy to maintain that unwavering mental clarity in the real world where you are bombarded 24/7 with advertising, propaganda, deceptions, agendas and emotions that are trying to compel you to change your mind.
This is why in the text above Socrates says that not just anyone could do the job of a guardian. Could you imagine if the wrong person were in charge and were easily seduced by passing trends? We'd all be in trouble then. No - guardians had to be thoroughly vetted and suitably qualified.
What would a guardian look like today?
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama spring to mind.
Or if the old masters were to post an advertisement on Seek today, it might look something like this:
Looking for highly intelligent leaders to consult at the highest levels of governance, socio-political marketing, meta-psychology and social engineering.
Must be:
1 woke AF
2 cool under intense pressure
3 unfazed by next level shirt tests and blitch checks
4 able to resist overwhelming spells of pleasure and terrors of fears
5 immune to trickery and deceptions (ie., mindfurks) and be able to break into and out of Plato's Cave
6 pick the disturbed characters, be able to manage them and find a place for them without actually being disturbed themselves
7 ethically-focused and able to put ethics above personal gains
8 have good mental health, a positive outlook and good character so that they can keep things outside of themselves in good order too.
Why am I telling you this?
Because your ability to manage human relations well boils down to whether or not you would qualify as a guardian. Or conversely, all the qualities of a guardian are exactly what you need to master human relations well and at the highest levels.
Despite the ancient view that guardians are born, I say you can learn to become a guardian from age 25 onwards (when your brain starts to properly mature). In fact, in Ancient Greece, the guardians-in-wait were expected to complete their final training from ages 35-50. (The thinking was that unsuitable candidates would be broken down by reality by age 35 and that only the best candidates would be left standing.) #truestory
I want to give YOU what you need to develop the qualities and skills of a good guardian, without putting you through the ringer. Forget "pulling back the curtain"; we are going to set fire to that motherforking curtain. And instead, I'm going to let you in on tricks, deceptions and spells to watch out for, as well as the strategies, tools and frameworks that you can use.
Because the modern world desperately needs responsible guardians, who genuinely care for the community, to possess superior, golden intelligence (discernment, tact and skill) so they can rightfully and responsibly stomp out corrupt practices and keep the peace for the good of the community.
The Modern Guardian's Playbook is a guide for practitioners to become responsible leaders and pillars of strength within their own communities.
What does being a good guardian have to do with neuro-hijacking? It's relevant because unveiling the tricks and spells of neuro-hijacking is the first step on the path towards becoming a good guardian. Think of this like doing a virus scan on your computer before you install new software or upgrade the hard-drive. If you don't clear the viruses first, then the new software/hard-drive won't work as well.
You can either read this Manual on its own to learn about neuro-hijacking only or you can complete the trilogy to answer the call and fortify your qualifications to become a modern guardian.
This Manual is Part 1 of 3 of the Modern Guardian's Playbook.
See Part 2 to create your own mental firewalls to STOP neuro-hijacking from taking over your brain, and techniques to keep your cool in the toughest situations >> Liam Neeson Cool in a Crisis Kit (Release mid 2020). Or join Dispute Intelligence² to receive Part 2 included.
See Part 3 to reach the next level of the Matrix with advanced tools to manage hijacks in practice. You will learn the skills required to change hearts and minds at the highest levels >> Mental Anesthetics, Mental Surgery and Mental Sutures (Release late 2020).
Neuro-Hijacking is ...
Neuro as in neurology, neuroscience, the brain and nervous system.
Hijacking as in terrorists taking down the plane or someone trying to disrupt good order and take over a situation.