The Tijuana Bible Reader. Victor J. Banis

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The Tijuana Bible Reader - Victor J. Banis

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buck convulsively and squeal hysterically. Or maybe it was those huge, dangling balls! He ducked down and licked the tremendous hairy eggs in their bag, nursing each orb in the streaming baths of his mouth’s saliva, making the Centaur cry like a baby! Maybe it was the rich, ripe horsey odor between those glossy haunches that sheltered his meaty genitals and gave them that added deliciousness of flavor! He nuzzled into the warm moist haven between Equesto’s hind legs, sniffing about the balls, licking the sleek silky skin...a fragrance to make one drunk with lust!

      The trembling Centaur was whinnying giddily, beside himself, his huge cock jerking joyously, when Hercules decided, No! It was that delicious dick and nothing else.... Equesto squealed hysterically as Hercules’ lips suddenly sank back down over the hugely throbbing cock. The unexpected sucking attack of that ravenous mouth sent thrills shooting like streaks of delicious lightening through his pendulous balls and quivering flanks. He was so clutched with the pleasure he was not even aware that he farted with a helpless explosiveness! “Oooh shit, baby,” he whimpered, “I didn’t know anything could feel so good! Now I understand why the old man jumped around like a crazy snake while that kid was eating him! Oh Herky, I don’t know if I can stand it or not!”

      But his muscled brother knew he would...he hadn’t met a guy yet who yelled “Stop!” before he shot his wad. And anyway, Hercules knew that he, himself, wouldn’t stop even if his horsey partner begged him to, because this was one of the sweetest tasting tits he had ever nursed on. Mmmm, it was just so delicious!

      Resting on his hands and haunches for better leverage, he ate that dick like there’d never be another, taking long pulling sucks, rolling the bulb lingeringly in the fluid feast of his lips before swooping down on it again, with a greedy sob, to suck up the stem again. The Centaur shivered violently with each swallowing swabbing suck, clear down to the root, and moaned dementedly with each slow, savoring suck back up to the head where that rolling, spit-lubricated massage on just the bulb made him squeal again, with punctuating farts. “Oooh man! Ooooh shit, man!” he sobbed. “It’s so good! It’s so beautiful! Oh Herky, I can’t stand it! My balls feel so good!”

      But Hercules was eating for cum, now! His mouth, though a sea of saliva, was parched for that sweet creamy boy-honey! He rocked back and forth furiously, dredging, devouring that delicious dick with thick guttural grunting sounds of hungry pleading. His lips smacked and belched in the ravenous attack, employing every thrilling twist and slide to provoke the warm, milky lava to eruption from Equesto’s swinging testicles. And from the wild, incoherent whimpering sounds dripping from the Centaur’s lips, he knew he’d get that fountain soon!

      And then Equesto was babbling like an idiot, “Oh, god, Herky, it’s too much...I’m going to shit...I’m going to’s’s balls! Oh shit, I’m coming...I’m coming!” He retched convulsively in a nausea of dizzying sensations that shot his load like a spurting spigot into his brother’s rabid mouth. Rich, buttery cream filled Hercules’ mouth in a flood, and his tongue, bathed in the milky sweetness, tasted the heavenly healthy goodness that is solely male! With a gluttonous grunt he swallowed that massive tool to its root and drank the goop with greedy gulps, while the Centaur jerked and sobbed deliriously in the pure discovery of heaven!

      But at last the soaring climax flowed away, leaving Equesto feeling drained but deliciously content, still reared against the tree as his brother nursed away the last dewy dribbles from the lip of his softening peter. Hercules lipped and lapped with a lingering tenderness about the bulbous head, still savoring the ambrosial cum he had drunk from its gushing tip. But when he released the thickened tit and it dangled once more between his hind legs, the Centaur with a blissful sigh dropped his front hoofs to the ground. “Man, that was sweet!” he said happily.

      But the muscled son of Zeus was inspired now, and he moved behind Equesto and dropping to his knees he lifted the dark, plumy tail that twitched back and forth over the glossy rump, to feed his eyes on the fat, brown puckered hole of the Centaur’s ass. “What are you up to now, Herky?” the horse-man asked with giddy eagerness, feeling anticipatory tingles in his shit.

      “I’m going to fuck your ass, baby brother!” Hercules told him, never taking his eyes away from that pooching pit that was contracting and gaping like a greedy mouth already. It looked moist, richly, gooily snug, like delicious molasses, and good enough to eat. It prompted the strong youth to add, “But first I’m going to eat you out good so you’ll be able to take my prong without too much trouble! Here, grab this damn tail of yours and hold it up out of the way so I can eat you easier!”

      Equesto whinnied with nervous ecstasy, glancing down to note the huge distension on Herky’s cock. My god, it was big enough to choke a horse! The thought, apropos as it was, made the Centaur giggle and relax. “You remember the other day when it became rather dark?” he asked. “Well, the reason was that Mars had taken Apollo into a nearby grotto and was fucking the piss out of his ass...from the rear. He had that cute golden blond laid over on a mossy rock putting his peter into him like a crazy looked good and it must have felt good the way Apollo kept squealing and Mars kept sobbing!”

      Hercules knew there was no need to reassure his brother. He’d find out soon enough that a big dick up his ass was far sweeter than he could have imagined. Instead, holding to Equesto’s shanks as the Centaur drew back his tail, Hercules ducked down his handsome head, sniffing the shitty fragrance of the meaty hole, and then licked it, thrusting his tongue into the pitted opening, and rimmed it. His brother squealed happily, feeling little tingles darting through his bowels at this intimate caress, and then sobbing with sheer delight as the strong man glued his lips about the anus and began sucking it voraciously and eating into it with a greediness that plunged his feasting lips deep into the elastic opening, lubricating and loosening it for the moment when his tool would pierce it on its deep thrust....

      When Hercules had Equesto’s rectum thoroughly soupied and the Centaur was sighing contentedly and ready for anything, the good-looking, muscular youth stood up. He saw right away that it would be impossible to connect with the asshole without standing uncomfortably on tip-toes. “Hades!” he exclaimed angrily, trying in vain to stick it in anyway.

      “What’s the matter, Herky?” Equesto asked nervously.

      But ingenuity and tingling desire had already discovered a solution, and the horseman squealed with surprised fear as Herc suddenly seized the backs of the Centaur’s haunches and lifted his hoofs off the ground, and then deftly settled the pooching, puckering anus squarely on the bulbous tip of his stiffly erected penis. And even before his brother could cry out, he loosened the grip enough to allow the heavy weight of the horsey body to sink down, driving his dick deliciously deep into Equesto’s shithole.

      The Centaur screamed out with a delirious delight, feeling the thick, long living tool drilling far up into his bowels. Actually it did not hurt in the least, for horses have larger crap-holes than men, so it took Hercules’ stallion-shaft easily. But, oh, the indescribable pleasure of feeling that piercing plunge, straight to the pit of passion. The long lunge of life itself communicated a thrilling tingle to every vital nerve-end of sensation. And for Hercules, who had screwed Argonaut asses until he had thought he had experienced every turd-hole thrill possible, it was the ball-melting discovery of a New Olympus! Even the asshole of Mercury which had introduced the stripling strong-boy to the first fun of fucking, causing the red-faced youth to helplessly shit joy, lost its aura of the “finest” sucking short of his half-brother. It was like slipping his peter into the ravenous relish of a mouth that was lecherous, laving lips, possessing every inch of dick as it went in with a liquid lusciousness of love!

      As the feeling raced to his balls, threatening to release his wad if his dick drank the depths of Equesto’s ass with one total thrust, Hercules, squealing in concert with his partner, renewed his grip on the Centaur’s haunches to arrest the downward drive of that willing asshole, even pulling up Equesto’s butt a bit as he did so, experiencing an unexpected

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