Eat Your Roses. Denise Schreiber

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Eat Your Roses - Denise Schreiber

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wish you many happy edible adventures with the flowers in your life. Bon appétit!



Eat flowers only when you are positive they are edible.


Just because it is served with food, does not mean a flower is edible.


DO NOT eat flowers from florists, nurseries or garden centers; they have probably been sprayed.


Eat only from flowers that have been grown organically without pesticides.


If you have hay fever, asthma or severe allergies, you should avoid eating members of the daisy family because they could trigger an allergic reaction.


Children under the age of 4 should not eat edible flowers because of possible reactions.


Remove pistils and stamens from flowers before eating. Eat only the petals.


Do not eat flowers picked from the side of a road. Besides exhaust emissions on the plants, you don’t know whose dog was there before you!


There are many varieties of any one flower. Flowers taste different when grown in different locations.


Introduce flowers slowly into your diet in the way you would new foods.


Not all flowers are edible. Some are poisonous (see below).


       Be aware that many innocent-looking and beautiful flowers are not to be eaten because they can cause toxic reactions and serious illness. Here is a partial list of common garden flowers that should not be consumed.

Azalea Rhododendron spp.
Boxwood Buxus spp.
Burning Bush Euonymus alatus and spp.
Caladium Caladium x hortulanum
Clematis Clematis spp.
Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus and C. sulphureus
Daffodil Narcissus spp.
Delphinium Delphinium elatum, D. consolida and spp.
Elephant ears Colocasia esculenta
Four o’clocks Mirabilis jalapa
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
Hyacinth Hyacinthus spp.
Hydrangea Hydrangea spp.
Iris Iris versicolor and spp.
Ivy (English Ivy) Hedera helix and spp.
Jack in the pulpit Arisaema triphyllum
Lantana Lantana camera
Lily of the Valley Convalaria majus
Lobelia Lobelia erinus, L. cardinalis
Morning glory Ipomea purpurea and spp.
Mountain laurel Kalmia latifolia
Oleander Nerium oleander
Periwinkle Vinca major, V. minor and spp.
Privet Ligustrum spp.
Rhododendron Rhododendron spp.
Sweet pea Lathryus spp.
Wisteria Wisteria spp.


       When to gather

      Gather flowers (and herbs) early in the morning before the heat of the day but after the dew has dried. The essential oils are most intense in the morning and the flower petals are filled with moisture. Rinse them in cool water only if needed to remove dirt and debris. (If you are keeping the flower whole, and the top of the flower is flat enough, you can place it upside down to allow moisture to drain out.)

       Proper handling

      Remove petals or flowers from stems at this time. With some flower petals, like roses or tulips, you should remove the white

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