Garden-Pedia. Pamela Bennett
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Additionally, other plants and/or certain plant parts can have a unique smell. For instance, just think of bayberry candles during the holidays. This aromatic scent is derived from the berries found on Myrica pensylvanica. In fact, if you employ scratch and sniff horticulture, you discover that the stem of this plant is also very fragrant. Lindera benzoin, commonly known as spicebush, has wood which is exactly that: spice scented. Crush Viburnum setigerum leaves and you’ll be reminded of green peppers.
Another term to describe the upright growth habit of a plant.
Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’
Propagation without pollination, maintaining the identity of the parent plant. (See: Clone)
The upper angle between the leaf and stem.
Single-celled organisms that cannot be seen with the unaided eye. Bacteria can be both beneficial and detrimental to plants.
Sometimes called B&B for short – a method used for harvesting large, mature trees and shrubs where a round root ball is dug out and held intact by a large piece of burlap, which is held in place by wire, twine and/or pins, allowing the plant to safely be dug, transported and replanted in another location.
Unlike widgets, plants can’t simply be pulled down off a shelf anytime you want. When it comes to digging and moving in-ground plant material from one location to another, one of the most important things you need to know is there’s a small window of opportunity to accomplish this task with the highest degree of success. Most commonly, wholesale nurseries harvest plant material dug from the field in the spring and fall; in the spring before deciduous plants break bud and in the fall after a killing frost as the plants become dormant. Evergreens and conifers are harvested before they push new growth in the spring.
Yes, you can dig plants during the growing season but it requires planning and a multitude of precautions both before digging, after harvest and again after transplanting. The probability of plant loss is increased when not done in the spring or fall – even for professional growers, let alone homeowners. You can have success with summer digging and transplanting of field dug plant material; just know it is a precise process and you’ll need to provide extra planning, time, and a little extra TLC.
Plants sold without soil around their roots.
These are most often dormant plants that have either been dug out of the ground or removed from a container growing pot and had the soil removed from around the roots prior to shipping to wholesale or retail customers.
Be sure to read the instructions on your bare root plant prior to planting. It’s recommended that you soak the roots in water for a few hours in order to re-hydrate the root hairs so that they can begin to absorb water and nutrients quickly.
The external covering of the stems, branches and roots of woody plants – distinct from the wood itself.
Betula nigra (river birch)
Usually referring to any plant that is produced and sold for planting in the landscape in a flowerbed or mass planting.
Historically, bedding plants were herbaceous plants (primarily annuals) that were grown to be used outdoors in flowerbeds for color. But today, the definition is broader and includes flowers, vegetables, biennials, herbs, ground covers and more.
Insects that are desirable to have in the garden and landscape.
Wait! Don’t kill that insect! Certain insects are highly desirable in the garden and landscape as they feed on pests that can do harm to crops and garden plants. Some insects, such as bees, are necessary for pollinating plants and are an essential component of the cycle of life. Understanding which insects contribute to the overall health of your plants is critical to knowing which bugs need to be eradicated and which should be encouraged to stay. Monitor your garden to see if there are adequate beneficials; if so, let them do the work instead of using pesticides.
Ambush bug
Plants that take two growing seasons to complete their lifecycle.
In the first growing season, the biennial plant will set roots and grow leaves. Typically, the plant will grow in a rosette form (a circular arrangement of leaves that are usually near the soil), remaining short and having smaller leaves than those that will appear in the second season. The plant will go through a dormant period triggered by colder temperatures (not necessarily a defined length of time), and then, in the second year, or warm season, will send up stems and leaves, flower, become pollinated, go to seed and then die. Examples of biennials are parsley, foxglove, hollyhock, and sweet William.
An object that is capable of being naturally broken down or deteriorated over time by living organisms.