The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders. Roberto a. Martinez
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204. Ibid., 75–78; 99–101.
205. Böhlemann, Jesus und der Täufer, 2.
206. Ibid., 59.
207. Ibid., 143–59. For instance, in reference to the motif of the “greater,” after citing as examples 7:28, 9:48, and 22:26, Böhlemann concludes: “Die gennanten Stellen machen deutlich, daß Lukas sich sehr subtil mit dem Motiv der Größe des Täufers auseinanderstetzt” (145).
208. Roth, Character Types, 25–26.
209. Roth (ibid., 173–77) highlights several rhetorical devices used in the passage: the repetition of the “word-for-word” question of John, the use of the phrase su\ ei] (3:22, 4:41; 7:19), and the “freezing up” of the scene by the summary report introduced by the narrator in 7:21.
210. Ibid., 175.
211. Müller, Charakterzeichnung, 59–64.
212. Ibid., 217. Müller undertakes a brief tradition and redaction analysis and attributes essential elements of Luke 7:18–35 to Q (217–21). He also pays attention to how references within the text recall or highlight previous portions of the Gospel. For instance, Müller notes how the use of a0gge/lwn 0Iwa/nnou (7:24) forms an inclusio with a0ph/ggeilan (7:18) and how through this inclusio Luke is adjoining sections 7:18–23 and 7:24–35 (222–26).
213. Ibid., 231–43.
214. Ibid., 232–33.
215. Ibid., 238–40.
216. Ibid., 242.
217. Ibid., 243–45.
218. Ibid., 246–48.
219. Spencer, Rhetorical Texture, 4–5.
220. To explain the rhetorical arrangement of the passage, Spencer (ibid., 101–13) divides its structure into an amplified chreia (7:17–23), quaestio (7:24–26), chreia (7:27), rationale (7:28), digression (7:29–30), statement by analogy (7:31–32), statement by example (7:33–34), and conclusion (7:35). He also highlights the use of irony, ecphrasis, synkrisis, and enthymemes throughout the rhetorical argumentation.
221. Ibid., 103.
222. Ibid., 146–53.
223. Ibid., 149.
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