Oorblyfsel / Voice Over. Breyten Breytenbach
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drie, vier, vyf dae en nagte
onsigbaar oordag, onsigbaar soos doodgaan
of die groei wat greep vir greep uitbloei in ’n huisie woorde
se ontbinding in die donker
wanneer die tyd tydsaam ’n maaier is
oor die landerye van die liggaam
totdat die los lykevlies vervaag
en skaduwees oor die naakte landskap
wegval soos vodde verrottende vlees
en die maan mandolien en maagdelik vol is
’n skip van been
jou skedel, Magmoed
when you die, Mahmoud
when your aorta thrashing
all sluggish and crinkled
like a purple snake bursts
because the lines can no longer
slither the perfect metaphor,
and your heart as poem spurts
the final blood
in that hospital in foreign parts
of the barbarian land,
when your heart is at last
a sundered vowel
a moon grows above the island
among scudding clouds
of this ‘little winter season’
which soon will spill danker ink
in long verses over the waves
so that crows and goats and dirt-poor children
in song may splash in the madder
as if celebrating birding
three, four, five days and nights
cordage by day, invisible like dying
or the grope surfacing stitch by stitch in a stanza
to unbind darkness
when time has its tidal time as reaper
with the fields of the body
until the veiled fleece fades
to shrouded likeliness
and schedules over the nacre land
fall away like rags of rotting flesh
and the mandolin moon bloats virginally full
a sloop of bone
your skull, Mahmoud
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