Listener. Lemn Sissay

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Listener - Lemn Sissay

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      To you tuning in to me.


      A man shot a man who was a father,

      The son of the dead father shot the father of the other son

      Who was the man who had shot the first father.

      Then I was born – I was told it didn’t matter

      ’Cause time had passed.

      But my uncle who was holding the pain

      Of his dead brother – who was my father –

      Said he couldn’t forgive because every year,

      Every minute of every day he loved his brother

      And consequently there was a score to settle.

      I am living here because there was a revolution

      And some say this was why the man killed the father in

      The first place – our family lost our property.

      But I can go back – I am a man now.

      The son of the neighbour who was the original killer

      Was living in our house at home, said that he owned it now.

      My uncle travelled back, to our homeland, but no longer,

      No longer felt at home in his own homeland. He took a gun

      Which was owned by an old friend of the counter-revolution

      And shot himself. And the neighbour who was the son of

      The man who I was told was a killer told me, at his funeral

      That his dad hadn’t shot first that my dad had.


      This is – face blurred to defend identity

      And he says – actor’s voice

      These are his friends – faces blurred to protect identity

      And his parents – actors’ voices, faces blacked out

      Who live near – not real name of town

      Who drive – licence plate obscured

      Have said that they believe their son – face blurred to

      defend identity

      Will return to – not real village name

      But they will keep looking for – not real name.

      The father – actor’s voice – says he is

      Innocent of the social services charges – actor’s voice.

      The events in this report have been changed to protect the


      Of those included.

      If you have any information about – blurred face, fictitious


      And you live in – fictitious village to protect parents

      Then please contact us at – blurred number.


      Another day flies, another brother dies,

      Another mother haunts her home with her own cries,

      Another man falls to another chant and call

      From another racist neighbour behind another thin wall.

      Another sleeps well through another night of hell,

      Another tranquilliser and no one can tell

      That yet another dream was not what it seemed,

      More a paper veil for a hollow of screams.

      Another sister flies from the building in the skies

      Clutching another catalogue of clothes she couldn’t buy.

      Another suicide, another broken inside,

      Another written letter for the parents to hide.

      Another dream shatters as another man batters

      Hope from the eyes of a woman that matters.

      Another crack alarm, another track in the arm,

      Another vein hides from another shot of calm.

      Every day living, every day I give in,

      Every day I wake up to a new beginning.


      I shall be totally honest with you

      And mean all that I say, Delete Undo

      Without you I am incomplete,

      Less of the man I know I am. Delete

      Less your heart, mine won’t beat but burn

      Delete Delete Delete Return.


       It isn’t what’s said, it’s what’s not said

      What says it all.

      The day you brought it home

      I’ll never forget.

      It was only seven foot tall then.

      An elephant! I said.

      Put it in the back yard.

      Fine, you said, Fine!

      And disgruntled

      Tied it to the washing line.


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