Learning in Development. Olivier Serrat
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Box 7: Characteristics of Successful Road Projects
• Adequate levels of traffic use the completed roads; traffic growth is associated with economic growth.
• Vehicle operating costs and journey times were reduced and transport services improved.
• Continuity of ADB’s engagement in a country’s road sector and of ADB staff involvement had a positive influence on ADB’s contribution to project success. Reform initiatives were often pursued through a dialogue spanning several lending and TA operations, sometimes covering a decade.
• Good quality at entry covered the quality of the project preparatory TA, the project design, and the incorporation of lessons learned from previous projects.
• Strong government ownership was evident when ADB supported parts of a major highway investment plan that featured prominently in the medium-term investment plan of the DMC.
• Executing agencies performed well, were sometimes supported by supervision consultants, and often had a track record of having previously handled similar projects.
• Executing agencies, consultants, contractors, and ADB staff worked together to solve problems and handle unforeseen circumstances that developed during implementation.
• Supervision consultants and contractors performed satisfactorily.
• Regular ADB supervision missions were a consistent feature of successful projects, particularly during the first 2–3 years after loan approval, when most problems arise and ADB missions can be of most help.
• Adequate maintenance is essential for project success and sustainability.
Box 8: Characteristics of Successful Power Projects
• Because of the large deficiencies in the supply of energy, demand was not a problem, and benefits were immediate once the projects were completed.
• Increased electricity supply facilitated economic growth and contributed to a better quality of life.
• ADB evidenced a long-term commitment to working in the power sector.
• The plant and equipment were fully utilized and correctly operated and maintained.
• Financial policy dialogue and tariff reform helped to ensure sufficient funding for investment, operation, and maintenance.
• The project management team in the executing agency showed commitment, quality, and experience; familiarity with ADB’s loan requirements; and an ability to learn from previous projects.
• There was continuity of the executing agency’s staff and the consultants employed to assist with implementation.
• There was early recognition of problems during implementation and a flexible approach by both ADB and the executing agency to solve problems.
• ADB support contributed to strengthening institutions.
• ADB’s contributions to successful outcomes included a careful assessment of the capabilities of the executing agency, a flexible approach to project design and implementation, and regular project review.
Box 9: Characteristics of Successful Irrigation and Drainage Projects
• Elements of an enabling environment that allowed farmers to supply the demand for their produce included (i) a policy and institutional framework that promotes sound water resource management; (ii) a legal framework for water user associations that promotes cost recovery at least sufficient to finance sustainable operation and maintenance; (iii) rural infrastructure (e.g., roads that allow farmers to market their products, and farm inputs to be delivered when they are needed); (iv) efficient markets that are free of price distortions and barriers to competition for both farm products and agricultural inputs; and (v) access to information on demand, prices, and technology.
• Long-term ADB involvement in the sector and building up effective partnerships with executing agencies over a decade or more contribute to project success, policy reform, and the development of institutional capacity.
• Indicators of project ownership by executing agencies include (i) establishing site-based project offices, (ii) well-qualified staff, (iii) selecting executing agency personnel involved in earlier projects, and (iv) financing a considerable share of project cost.
• Good quality at entry reflected the quality of the feasibility study and project design, incorporation of lessons from prior projects, and the level of stakeholder participation.
• Direct stakeholders and beneficiaries were involved in all project phases, particularly operation and maintenance. Participatory techniques were used to develop a sound understanding of the roles and responsibilities of farmers and water user associations and to create a climate in which participants were willing to pay irrigation fees.
• Adequate water supply reached tail-end users, who are usually small farmers.
• Making changes in project design during implementation contributed to achieving good project outcomes.
• Effective quality control systems for civil works and internal and external audit systems were in place, even in remote areas.
• During implementation, continuous attention was paid to building the systems needed for effective operation and maintenance.
• Effective ADB project administration includes regular review missions, proactively helping to solve problems and making required approvals in a timely manner.