A Year Without Food. Ray Maor

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A Year Without Food - Ray Maor

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was piqued. I wanted to know more and so began my quest to fully understand this rare human ability.

      A pranic/breatharian lifestyle is a lifestyle of independence from the daily necessity of food; a lifestyle in which we do not experience hunger or thirst, we have more energy, have a deeper connection to our inner guidance, to nature and to ourselves. Of course, I could not completely understand what it really meant to be a breatharian at the time. I still had many questions that needed to be answered.

      However, the seed of interest had been planted and I knew right then that I would become a test subject and pioneer for this alternative way of being. It was as if my future self was calling me and saying, “Ray, you have already completed this process with success. This is your path and it will bring you great understanding.”

      Having Tal as a friend and advisor gave me an insider’s perspective into this lifestyle. We spent a lot of time together at parties and festivals and I soon had to accept the truth: breatharian living is possible! It was especially important to me to see that it could be a functional lifestyle in the western world. To be a breatharian, one does not necessarily have to be a recluse, live like a hermit or be as holy as an Indian yogi. Today, our little breatharian circle of friends has expanded to include practitioners from all walks of life. My closest breatharian friends live in Tel-Aviv.

      My point in presenting our ‘normality’ is for you to understand that this is not some miraculous and exclusive way of living. You can do anything if you focus and put your mind to it. One thing you, Tal and I have in common is that we each have a burning desire to maximize our potential. This is what drives us to read books on self-realization and to practice meditation. Outside of this we work, travel, have relationships and simply enjoy the pleasures of life. We are not monks who have renounced all earthly possessions or reclusive Indian yogis who meditate 24/7 on a Himalayan peak.

      In this book, I tell my story and the preparations and processes I underwent to transition to a breatharian and my life as a guide with real-life examples of this lifestyle.

      I know that you seekers will enjoy this book, otherwise it would not have found its way into your hands! Just remember one thing—this is my story. Each story has many variables and requires a hierarchy of conscious understanding. What I mean by this is that everything may not make sense right away; in fact, some things may seem quite illogical at first and conflict with your current set of beliefs. That is completely all right and I leave it up to you to decide which parts of the information feel right for you. All the answers you seek are already inside you and the only two words you should practice to completely integrate this information with your higher mind are surrender and allow. Surrender control to your higher, smarter self who knows who you are better than you know yourself and allow that part of yourself to lead you as it has done so many times without resistance from your small egoic fears.


      In Chapters One, Two and Three I discuss the life force of prana, also known as chi, our ability to use it and how to raise it in our body via conscious belief systems. I speak about people who choose breatharian lifestyles and what defines them, as well as why this knowledge is not known to all.

      In Chapter Four I explain why breatharians choose this lifestyle and concentrate on the spiritual and health benefits which come with it. I discuss different aspects of being a breatharian and the advantages I have seen manifest in my friends over the years.

      In Chapter Five I discuss my personal story of discovery, choice and initiation. I detail my challenges and my inner call to make this knowledge available to the public.

      In Chapter Six I delve into my television debut; the experience in which I volunteered to live for eight days without food or water under video surveillance, being medically monitored on a daily basis. Through this media exposure I became well-known which allowed me to connect with many curious souls who seek knowledge in the spiritual realms. (The show can be viewed on my website www.raymaor.com)

      In Chapter Seven I explain the most commonly known methods of becoming a breatharian, including the method that I developed called The Pranic Living Group Initiation.

      In Chapter Eight I discuss the mind-mastery that can be used to actively further one’s personal development. I share a collection of tips and tricks that assist in understanding the way our minds work, how to control and influence them, how to reprogram them and how to become more consciously aware of oneself.

      In Chapters Nine through Fourteen I discuss the different challenges of being a breatharian from my own point of view and through the collective experiences of other breatharians whom I have initiated. I also give theories, scientific facts and additional thoughts about the different subjects discussed throughout the book.


      Prana is the energy that animates and connects all living beings. You may know this energy by other names such as: life force, liquid light, chi, the force, orgone and cosmic particles. The essence we try to convey with all these words is universal life energy. It is important to understand that with each inhalation, we are taking two things into our body—air and prana. Prana is the energy that drives all of life and is essential to our existence, more so than air.

      In yoga, oriental medicine and martial arts, the term prana refers to cosmic energy believed to come from the sun and which connects all the elements in the universe. As the universal principle of energy or force responsible for the body's life, heat and maintenance, prana is the sum total of all the energy manifested in the universe. This life energy has been vividly invoked and described in the Vedas and in Ayurveda, Tantra and Tibetan medicine.

      Prana is not only found in air; it exists everywhere. It is within me and you, in plants and animals, in the earth and all the elements that create our planet. There is no place where prana does not exist. It exists even in the spaces we perceive to be void. Pranic energy is closely connected to the energy one might describe as the soul and life cannot exist without it. There is an old saying that a man can live for forty days without food, three days without water, five minutes without oxygen but without prana, not even one second!

      Prana is invisible to the human eye and not measurable with our current scientific instruments. Despite this, as spiritual individuals we can feel the truth of its existence all around us.

      Prana moves through the body via an energy tube about the size of the circle between your index finger and thumb. This tube begins approximately ten centimeters above your head or crown chakra and continues downward through all seven chakras1, finishing under the perineum located between the anus and the genitals. Prana is a subtle element pervading each cell in the living tissue and fluid of every organism, much like electricity through atoms in a battery.

      Each person naturally maintains a different level of prana which varies from day to day. Generally, when you are in a place where you feel comfortable and in ‘the present moment’, you find you are not motivated to eat from habit or emotional need. For example, when you are happy, content or in love, you may notice your appetite tends to decrease.

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