Ghosthunting North Carolina. Kala Ambrose

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Ghosthunting North Carolina - Kala Ambrose America's Haunted Road Trip

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pride in the air.

      When World War II ended, the ship was sent to inactive reserve in 1947 in New Jersey. In 1958, it was announced that the ship would be sent to the scrap heap to be torn apart and the metal recycled. Citizens of North Carolina formed a group called SOS (Save Our Ship) and raised the money to purchase the ship and bring it home to Wilmington.


      Five sailors died aboard the USS North Carolina when a Japanese torpedo hit the ship’s hull in 1942. Five other men have died aboard the ship due to other circumstances. The ghosts appear in many parts of the ship including the kitchen area.

      In 1962, the USS North Carolina was delivered to the state of North Carolina and dedicated as a memorial to all World War II veterans and those who died in the war.

      As I took in the emotional energy resonating from the ship, I compared it to other naval ships I have been on, and I found the North Carolina to be quite different in feeling. I’ve been on several naval ships, including going on a Tiger cruise, where family and friends are invited to cruise on a naval ship as it returns from a deployment, so I’m familiar with the look and feel of a ship. I’ve stepped through my share of bulkheads to enter rooms, and I appreciate the tremendous amount of thought and planning that goes into building a ship to house so many sailors in one confined space.

      As I walked through the ship, I noticed that there were certainly pockets that felt sad (the brig area being a strong one) and a couple of areas that felt very creepy, but overall, the ship bursts with pride. It rings from the walls, and I think the veterans and tourists who visit the ship each day reinforce this energy, building it to even greater levels.

      For the most part, according to the history, the men on the ship got along very well and were as happy as men can be when involved in war-time activity. But there was one man aboard that ship who appears as if he has never been happy, and he continues to haunt the ship until this day. I felt his presence on the ship after only being there for a few minutes. If he was a sailor on the North Carolina during the war, I feel that he caused trouble and mayhem aboard the ship as often as he could. I encountered him during my visit to the North Carolina, and I’m not sure that he is a ghost. I think instead that he may be a malevolent spirit that has attached itself to the ship.

      At one point during my tour, I sensed the presence of another ghost, and I began to track it around the ship. I encountered stepping into cold spots, following the sound of footsteps where no one was walking, and overhearing a bit of conversation near the mess hall. I became a psychic detective, using my internal radar to guide me to the energy as it would grow and then disappear. Near the ship’s galley, I saw a shadowy mist begin to appear. I quickly reached for my camera to snap a picture.

      Before I could take the photo, the entire camera shut down, and the brand-new batteries that I had loaded that morning were completely drained. I always travel with extra batteries; as any paranormal researcher can tell you, it is a frequent occurrence when ghosts are near that the batteries in all types of electronic equipment will be drained. This ghost that had appeared, though, was not the dark presence I had felt earlier on the ship, as he did not emit the intense feeling of dread that I had detected earlier with the malevolent spirit. He appeared to be involved in his daily activities and seemed more interested in getting lunch from the galley area than anything else.

      The ship itself makes it difficult to take photos that could realistically be used as evidence of paranormal activity. Besides the fact that the ship is mostly metal and the flash from the camera bounces everywhere, many of the displays on the ship are behind glass, which also makes it difficult to take pictures without light of some kind bouncing off the glass and metal and creating the effect of orbs and other anomalies that could be misconstrued as supernatural in nature. I loaded new batteries in my camera but decided that it was time to put the gadgets away and use the best tool I have—my psychic sense. I continued through the ship for about a half hour after that, no longer sensing the ghostly presence. The ship has been wonderfully restored, and it was a pleasure just to take the self-guided tour of this living legend.

      Just as I was about to wrap things up and head for the exit, the angry spirit appeared. I was standing by some stairs when I noticed someone looking at me.

      The only way I know to describe him to you is that he was intense, forbidding, and not at all interested in conversation. Reports from various paranormal investigators and researchers have said that the man they encountered offered his name and, at times, his rank. The being that I encountered was not in the mood to talk, and though he startled me at first, I soon realized that he wasn’t particularly interested in me at that moment, unless he thought I would be interfering with his activities. He was not the ghost I had seen materializing near the mess hall; that presence had been fun to follow around the ship. He was pleasant enough and simply engaged in his daily activities. This entity, on the other hand, sucked the energy out of the area where he appeared and filled it with an angry energy. I held my ground, using what I had been taught over the years to keep a protective shield of light energy around me so as not to allow him to come any closer to me.

      The entire encounter lasted a few seconds and felt like several minutes. I know nothing about this spirit, not his name nor his rank, but I do know what I felt when meeting him. He’s moved past the point of being reasonable; anger has overtaken him, and it’s how he feeds his energy. He takes the form of a man when he appears, but I don’t think that his true form is human. I feel that this spirit attached itself to one of the men who served on the ship and now uses that man’s form to manifest as a human when it desires. The sailor to whom he attached himself during the time he served on the ship was never a mentally well-balanced person. He wrestled with his dark side all throughout his life and enjoyed being cruel to others onboard, which made him prey for this dark spirit.

      He’s definitely not giving out information as to whether or not he was one of the men who died aboard the ship, but it’s clear that he’s attached to the ship with no plans to leave anytime soon. Should you encounter him during your visit, you’ll know immediately. Even if you do not see him, you’ll feel his presence, a mixture of anger and dread, and you’ll struggle not to run as far away from this energy as you can.

      As I kept my light force field shield around me, the spirit disappeared and I could no longer detect his presence. He’s motivated through creating fear and making other people feel afraid, so if you bump into him on the ship, don’t engage with him. The best thing you can do if you run into him is to ignore him and move away to another area.

      If you encounter the other ghosts here on the ship, they feel very different from this spirit. Should they materialize in front of you, they are lighter in color and go about their daily tasks on the ship. In comparison, the dark spirit appears to be hunting for something or someone on the ship.

      Finished with the tour, I gathered myself and prepared to disembark. Turning back to look at the ship one last time, I found myself agreeing with those sailors in Hawaii; the ship is a beautiful sight. Wonderfully preserved, we can’t quite call her a landmark, but she is a presence to be dealt with and honored. The nickname given to the USS North Carolina was The Showboat, and she continues to live up to her name today.

      The Life and Legend of Blackbeard’s Ghost

      Blackbeard the Pirate may be the most famous pirate ever known, and his legend, his legacy, and his ghost remain with us to this day. His proper name was Edward Teach. He gained the nickname of Blackbeard from his long mass of tousled black hair that whipped around his head, as well as his scruffy black beard. They gave him a dark, forbidding look, and it was reported at times that he would place lit fuses under his hat that would shower his face in sparks, in order to further intimidate and scare people.

      He was ruthless as a pirate, but reports also state

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