Wellspring. Karen Moore

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Wellspring - Karen  Moore

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to see how we're doing. How good are we at putting others first? How conscious are we of the rest of humanity?

      Was it ever all about you? Yes. In fact, at one point in history it was indeed about you. Jesus gave his life for one reason only, selflessly, lovingly . . . why? Because it was all about you!

      It's your day to show him what you have to give back. Let his Spirit be your guide.

      In the Flow

       Lord, you are so compassionate and giving. Remind me to lean in to you and then open my heart and my hands to those who need me. Amen.

      February 21

      The Strength of Ten People

       Therefore, the LORD God, the holy one of Israel, says: In return and rest you will be saved; quietness and trust will be your strength.

      —Isaiah 30:15

      Are you good about lifting weights to strengthen your upper body or to give some tone to the rest of you? Do you meditate and pray to strengthen your soul and your spirit? Bravo for you if you do these things. But most of you only have friends who do these things.

      Think about what you admire about a strong person. Some people you know have a kind of Samson strength where they can lift nearly anything, but they are still foolish about the way they conduct their lives. Some people have a deep resolve, an inner strength, that tells you not to mess with them at all because they know who they are and have unshakable faith.

      You may not often feel like you have the strength of ten men, but God knows your potential. He knew how to build you and create a strength in you that is undeniable. It doesn't depend on you, it depends on him. Whenever you are weak, God is strong. Show him your spiritual muscles today.

      In the Flow

       Lord, thank you for the strength you continue to give me. Raise me up past my weaknesses, to become stronger in you. Amen.

      February 22

      God's Coworkers

       Each one had a role given to them by the Lord: I planted, Apollos watered, but God made it grow. Because of this, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but the only one who is anything is God who makes it grow.

      —1 Corinthians 3:5-7

      Thinking about your coworkers at the office or those who are part of your fellowship team is one thing. Thinking about having God sitting next to you, just down the aisle, one cubicle over, is another. The truth is, that's a good picture to keep in mind. You are meant to be part of God's team, working with him to accomplish his mission on earth. In fact, that's your main job. It's the one he brought you here to do.

      In his love and mercy, he allows us to shine. Sometimes he lets us lead others right to him. Sometimes he lets us influence the lives of others so that they are changed in ways that please him. Whether we're a televangelist causing twenty million viewers to come to Christ or a church youth worker bringing one young teen into the fold, we're still nothing more than part of the team. We were given the opportunity to plant the seed or refresh the spirit of someone else, but only God has the role of opening the heart in such a way that the seed takes root and the spirit grows in faith. We each have a job to do.

      Remember, in all that you do today, God is cheering you on.

      In the Flow

       Lord, thank you for allowing me to play on your team. I know that sometimes I get in there and make things happen by your love and mercy. Help me create those moments today when someone else might see you more clearly. Amen.

      February 23

      You Have an Inheritance Right Now!

       The Holy Spirit is the down payment on our inheritance, which is applied toward our redemption as God's own people, resulting in the honor of God's glory.

      —Ephesians 1:14

      The day you recognized that you were a child of a loving Father, when you chose to bear his name and his resemblance to the rest of the world, you were given an inheritance. He left you a portion to make your life a bit easier right now. He gave you a down payment in the form of the Holy Spirit.

      What does it mean to have free access to God's Spirit? How does that help you right now? J. B. Phillips said, "Every time we say, 'I believe in the Holy Spirit,' we mean that we believe that there is a living God able and willing to enter a human personality and change it."

      That's not the end of our inheritance, though. The Holy Spirit also dispenses gifts to us. They are gifts to help us live our lives in the best ways, able to accomplish the tasks at hand. He offers gifts like kindness and goodness and self-control. He directs our steps as long as we're willing to walk with him.

      Spend your inheritance wisely and joyfully. It is the Father's gift to you today.

      In the Flow

       Lord, you have freely loved and freely given so much to me. Please give me the wisdom to share my rich inheritance with others according to your will and purpose. Amen.

      February 24

      The Light and the Promise

       Your word is a lamp before my feet and a light for my journey. I have sworn, and I fully mean it: I will keep your righteous rules.

      —Psalm 119:105-6

      Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you felt utterly alone and in the dark? You were uncertain about the next steps and you wondered if you would end up in dismal failure or even if you might die? It's possible in that kind of situation that you might call out to God for help, asking him to light your path and guide your next steps. Along with that request is perhaps your bargaining position, your promise that if God does what you ask of him, you'll do something in return for him.

      This psalm causes us to consider two important things. One is that you may encounter darkness at any time. You may find yourself holding on for dear life, gasping for fresh air. You may need more light for the journey at any time.

      Once you're relaxed again, you need to be mindful of what happens to your thinking, what happens to your promises. You've been given a precious guide for all that happens to you through God's word, an opportunity to rest and smooth out the bumps life brings. When you rest in him, you also refuel and refresh yourself in a way that strengthens your path and allows you to carry on his work and fulfill your promises to him.

      Today, it's your day to shine for him once again.

      In the Flow

       Lord, you are the oxygen, the air we breathe.

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