UnLearning Church. Mike Slaughter
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Don't take it from Mike Slaughter either.
If you don't already know inside that what Mike is saying is true . . .
If, as you're reading what follows, you aren't saying, "Hey, I already knew that—I just didn't have the words for it . . ."
If Mike is not saying things here that you've already felt deep inside but not brought to consciousness . . .
If this book doesn't illuminate what you think but didn't know you thought until you read it here . . .
Then don't take it from Mike.
But if, as you read this book, you find yourself saying over and over again, as I did, "Oh, I see . . . I see . . ."
If God is giving us flashes of insight: "Aha . . . Amen . . ."
If God is opening in us an awareness of "that's right . . . of course . . ."
Then we're not taking it from Mike.
We're taking it from the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is resonating with both our spirits and Mike's spirit to move us from belief to faith, from "ought" and "should" to "must." Besides, as Mike is the first to tell us, it's not about him anyway. It's all about Jesus and his "must" claims in our lives.
UnLearning Church is a "must" book for church leaders.
Leonard Sweet
E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism
Drew Theological School
Madison, New Jersey
A friend who is under thirty-five told me this story of a major transition that happened in his life and ministry:
When God began to nudge my wife and me toward starting a church, I began looking for someone who was "doing church right." I had grown up in churches that pushed me to participate in worship and ministry but in which very few people actually met Jesus and became a part of those communities.
My search led me to attend a conference at a well-known teaching church. I was so inspired about reaching lost people that I remember crying with joy intermittently through many of the talks. My wife and I set out to plant a church just like the one I had visited. At conference time the next year, I brought all our key people from the new congregation we were launching in Clemson, South Carolina. We each left the conference ready to build that church in our state.
It took us about six months to realize that something was seriously wrong.
It wasn't working, our generation wasn't responding, and I felt like quitting. It was as if we were putting on a big performance that left people unaffected.
Fortunately, God is faithful and taught us in our discouragement. He used the teaching church to free me to be creative and think outside the box and inside the Spirit's leading. God took that freedom and many of the things I had been taught growing up about a more participative church and blended them into something that appealed to and changed Clemson students. We made a bunch of changes all at once, and lives began to turn toward Jesus. We moved from a school auditorium to a bar, from morning gatherings to night gatherings, and from lousy music to a solid worship band.
More important, what really changed us and the course of the church was our move to make high-engagement worship central to everything we did. We became worshipers and a real family. We began to build a faith community that experienced worship, a sense of family, and personal growth. The church expanded rapidly toward God and numerically over the next three years.
—John Reeves
UnLearning Church is about people like John. I hope it is also about people like you.
The following pages address the unique qualities of your church, your community, your leadership, and your life. This book is about leaders in churches, old and young, daring to leave the status quo and fearlessly stepping out into God's promising and yet unknown future. It's about "unLearners" on the cutting edge of how God works best—through unique personalities localized to their context. It's about the prophetic witness to Christ's presence in individual communities with a ripple effect reaching around the world.
No longer can any one community of Christ's followers dictate what another church must do to succeed. I'm "unLearning" the model of cloning someone else's blueprint. That era is over. God's kingdom is not best represented by franchises of McChurch. If you focus your energies on copying someone else's methodologies or programs, you will miss something crucially important.
The Holy Spirit is empowering transformational leaders who demonstrate the kingdom of God in unique ways in each different community. That's a world of difference from copying someone else's ministry and building a "been there, done that, bought the T-shirt" look-alike.
Every church leader has a specific call and distinguishing gift base of talent. You already have the God-given gifts you need. Your mission is to use them to excel in a local implementation of the overall mission of Jesus Christ. Your effectiveness in the future will be measured by how well your church demonstrated the kingdom of God in unique ways to your indigenous community and beyond. Your goal is to connect people to an authentic experience of God in this world.
An Ancient-Future Answer
Today's emerging churches are anchoring themselves in the ancient truths of biblical authority, yet they're operating in an atmosphere of innovation and change. Armed with a strong sense of "first causes," they're forming distinctive communities of faith. They are safe spaces for spiritually hungry hearts, environments of deep connection, experiences of community, and centers of involvement in the pursuit of social justice.
The surrounding culture has significantly changed in recent years. This book is an urgent call for spiritual and prophetic leadership toward the new developments in our culture. The question is not "What is Ginghamsburg (or Pick-Your-Favorite Church) doing these days?" Nor is the motivation to climb the American ladder named bigger-better-more.
The call is to unLearn—to break the rules of conventional wisdom in order to translate God's ancient purposes to today's postmodern world. The challenge is to translate and target those purposes to each indigenous environment. This book is about visualizing and articulating alternative pathways of ministry based on who you are and how God has uniquely gifted you. It addresses the fulfillment of your life mission as a church leader, your specific commitment to spiritual growth, and your ministry focus for the next year.
This book is organized into two parts:
Part 1 shows how unLearning CHURCHES connect people with a high-touch experience of God in a high-tech world. These chapters will help you formulate a vision of what God wants to do through your church.