Victorious Living. E. Stanley Jones
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Is life a bubble, or is it an egg? Is it a bubble with nothing in it, or is it an egg filled with infinite possibilities—possibilities of growth and development and perfection? I vote for the egg view of life. I grant that even an egg, if badly handled, can turn rotten, so life can turn rotten if we handle it badly. Nevertheless, I shall have to vote on one side or the other of that question, and I shall tell you why I vote for the egg view of life.
I follow the One who saw just as deeply as and more deeply than Buddha into the sorrow, the sheer misery of life and yet came out at the other end of it all and affirmed his faith in life. “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” He affirmed that life was not a bubble, but an egg. Was he right?
O God, our Lord, light gilds our darkened horizon as we listen to this Man. But will it be an ignis fatuus* that leaves us floundering in the swamp of final despair? Help us, we pray. Amen.
*Ignis fatuus, literally “foolish fire” or the light from swamp gas.
Week 1 Wednesday
In Which We Look at the Alternatives
1 Corinthians 15:19-26
Is life a bubble or is it an egg? I must make my choice. On the one hand, experts tell us that the universe is slowly running down and that one day it will end in ash, carrying with it all things and all life to its final doom. Death shall reign. On the other hand, they tell us that the universe is being renewed by a silent and saving bombardment of life-giving rays, so that the last word is not being spoken by death but by life. Life shall reign. One says the universe is a bubble, the other says it is an egg.
On the one hand, they tell us that man is made up of elements that can be purchased for a few cents, so that life is only mucus and misery. On the other hand, they tell us that humanity is made in the image of the Divine, that we have infinite possibilities of growth and development before us. One says humanity is a bundle of futilities, the other says we are a bundle of possibilities.
On the one hand, they say that humans are just a composite of responses to stimuli from environment, mechanically determined and with no real power of choice. On the other hand, they say that we have sufficient freedom to determine our destiny and that the soul shapes its environment as well as being shaped by it. One says that human freedom is a bubble, the other says it is an egg.
Some say that prayer is an auto-suggesting of oneself into illusory states of mind, that nothing comes back save the echo of one’s own voice. Others say that in prayer actual communication takes place, that I link myself with the resources of God, so that my powers and faculties are heightened and life is strengthened and purified at its center. One says prayer is futile, the other says it is fertile.
O God, our Lord, we want life, but not false life. Show us if there is real life, and if there is, help us to choose it. Amen.
Week 1 Thursday
In Which We Continue to Look at the Alternatives
Psalm 42:1-5; 53:1
On the one hand are those who tell us that God is an unnecessary hypothesis, that science can explain all, that the interstices and gaps of the universe into which we used to put the working of God are being slowly but surely filled up by science, so that the universe is self-sufficient, law-abiding, and predictable.
On the other hand are those who tell us that God is not to be found in the gaps and interstices and in an occasional breaking into the process, but that God is in the process itself, the life of its life; that the universe is dependable because God is dependable; that it works according to law because God’s mind is orderly, not whimsical and notional; that since intelligence comes out of the universe and meets my intelligence it must have gone into it, so that according to Sir James Hopwood Jeans, the twentieth-century English physicist: “the universe is more like a thought than a machine”; that since the universe seems to work toward purposive ends, we must either endow matter with intelligent purposes (in which case it would not be mere matter), or we must put a purposive creative Intelligence in and behind the process; that since the universe—from the tiniest atom to the farthest star—is mathematical, we must either believe that matter has sufficient intelligence to be mathematical, or else that “God is a pure mathematician.”
It would seem that the purposive-matter hypothesis takes more sheer credulity than the notion of an Infinite Spirit, called God, who is within the process working toward intelligent moral ends, inviting our limited spirits to work with him toward intelligent, redemptive purposes.
One says the idea of God is a bubble, the other says it is an egg. I must make my choice.
O God, our Lord, shall I rule you out and vote for a dead universe, dead because its final goal is death? Or shall I vote for a living universe with you as its genesis, with you as its perpetual Creator and with you as its goal and end? Clarify my mind, my heart, that I may not lose myself and you in the maze of things. Amen.
Week 1 Friday
In Which We Still Continue to Look at the Alternatives
2 Corinthians 13:3 (Moffatt); 2 Timothy 2:8; Hebrews 1:1-3
On the one hand are those who tell us that Christ is a spent force in humanity; that Thomas Carlyle (nineteenth-century Scottish satirist) was right when he stood before the Italian wayside crucifix, slowly shook his head, and said, “Poor Fellow, you have had your day.” They tell us that his day is over because he spoke to a simple age, but now we face a complicated, scientific age; that he was good, but not good enough for us.
On the other hand are those who feel (with the Carlyle of later years) that his day is just beginning; that what has failed has been a miserable caricature and not the real thing; that even the partial application of his teaching and spirit has been the one thing that has kept the soul of humanity alive; that he has been and is the depository and creator of the finest and best in humanity; that when we have hold of him we have the key to God, to the meaning of the universe, and to our own lives; that when we expose ourselves to him in simplicity and obedience, life is changed, lifted, renewed; that he is the one really unspent force in religion. Jesus faces this age as the Great Contemporary and Judge. One says that dependence upon Jesus is a bubble, an illusion; the other says it is an egg with untold redemptive possibilities.
On the one hand are those who say that conversion is an adolescent phenomenon; coincident with and caused by the awakening of the sex instinct; or that it is the result of mob-suggestion, easily induced and quickly evanescent. On the other hand, many affirm that this change called conversion helps them control and redirect the powers of the sex instinct, and that, far from being mob-suggestion, it helps them to cut across the purposes of both the mob and the self when they are wrong. One says that conversion is a bubble, the other says that it is an egg.
O God, our Lord, hold us steady as we face the issues. May there be no dodging, no turning to irrelevancies, and no excuses. Save us to the real. Amen.
Week 1 Saturday
In Which We Make Our Choice
Joshua 24:15; Matthew 4:17-22
The issues of life are before me, I must vote for or against a view of life that has worth, purpose, and goal. If I vote that