The Matter of Vision. Peter Wyeth
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Emotion is the motor of the brain.
The brain works through Emotion
Emotion is the raw-material of the brain
The brain thinks Emotionally.
Emotion is the function of the brain
Emotion is the reason the brain exists55 Emotion is the reason the brain adapts.
Emotion is the matter of life and death
Emotion is the motor of evolution
Emotion is the motor of survival.
Emotion is survival
The source of Emotion is survival
survival is Evolution56
Emotion is nature
Emotion is not Reasonable
Emotion has its Reasons
The Logic of Emotion
Is the Logic of Nature
The Logic of Nature is Emotion
Emotion without Reason
No Reason without Emotion
Emotion within scientific method
a revolution
The Automatic
The Automatic is what is not Conscious
The Automatic is the un-conscious57
The Automatic is outside the Conscious
The Conscious is a pin in the Albert Hall
The Automatic is the Albert Hall
The Automatic merits its own term
The Automatic is a positive
(un-conscious is a negative)
The Automatic is the brain58 The brain is the Automatic
The Automatic is three hundred million billion connections
The Automatic is eleven million bits per second
(The Conscious is ten bits per second59)
Vision is the noblest of the senses
Vision is the prime sense
(Language is translation)
Vision is Automatic
(Consciousness is Non-Automatic)
Vision is Emotion60
(No Reason without Emotion)
The Tragedy of Vision
is that we take it for granted
What we know of the World comes from Vision
The world we see
Is the only world we know61
Vision sees everything
iv (a)
Vision and Language
Vision is the major sense
(Ten million bits per second)
Language is the minor sense
(Ten bits per second)
The brain operates through Vision not Language
Vision sees more
Vision sees better
Vision sees faster
Vision sees further
Our wisdom
Is the wisdom of Vision
The Matter of Vision is Emotion
iv (b)
Vision and thought
Vision is the medium of thought
Thought occurs in Vision
Thought occurs only in Vision
(Thought does not occur in language)
Thought is produced in Images
Thought is not produced in Language
Thought does not originate in Language
Thought is translated into Language
Thought exceeds Language
Vision exceeds Language
Language aspires to the condition of Vision
Vision sees into another’s mind
– Automatically
Empathy is Automatic
Empathy is unavoidable
Empathy is unconscious
The ineluctable modality of the Visible
Thought through my eyes62
Thought is Vision
I see therefore I am
iv (c)
The Articulation of Vision
Vision is Automatic
Language is a retreat
Wordless storytelling is natural63
Language the enemy of Vision
Language puts itself above Vision
Language wants to forget its evolution
Language evolved from warning cries64
Language translates Vision