Do It To Me. P.F. Kozak

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Do It To Me - P.F. Kozak

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the offer. He knew he had to get some rest before his watch started at eight o’clock. They agreed to meet that afternoon. He told her he would leave the details with Morgy.

      He used his key again to get back to his cabin. That key had a history. When the lock on the door broke, the Captain decided to replace it with a German lock. It came with four-sided keys, which supposedly could not be duplicated.

      The Captain kept a key, and gave a few to the master-at-arms for distribution among the ship’s security officers. The Chief Engineer also got one. It didn’t take long before one of his mates got the Chief Engineer drunk and waited for him to pass out so he could borrow the key.

      Before returning it, he asked Charlie if he could figure out a way to make a copy. Unable to copy a four-sided key the usual way, Charlie made a wax impression of all four sides before giving it back. Once he had the impressions, he used a rat-tail file to duplicate the grooves onto pieces of metal. Then he silver-soldered the four sides together.

      He made several copies. He kept one, and gave one to his mate who had borrowed it. He also made copies for several other crew members, good lads he knew he could trust. No one ever suspected anyone had copies, since everyone believed the key couldn’t be duplicated.

      Later he gave one to Morgy. Morgy’s job included overseeing the stewards for the Monkey Bar, who would often deliver food and drinks to the passengers’ cabins. Many times Morgy would also help out and make deliveries, to the crew as well as to the passengers. When he would be asked to escort a woman for a late-night meeting with a crew member, no one would question his being in the passenger section of the ship.

      Charlie continued his work on the soot blowers that morning, and again got himself filthy. When his early shift ended at noon, he wanted to catch Morgy before he left his meeting with the stewards who would be on duty in the bar that day.

      Knowing the Monkey Bar wasn’t yet open for business, he saw no harm in going there, again looking crusty. Sure enough, he saw Morgy in a huddle with his stewards, going over the day’s work. He waited in the background until Morgy dismissed his staff.

      Morgy had his back turned, so he didn’t see Charlie behind him.

      “G’day, mate.”

      Morgy jumped. “Holy dooley! What are you trying to do? Bury me at sea?”

      Charlie grinned. “Christ, why would I want to kill ya, mate? I need you alive, not dead as a herring.”

      “Now, there’s a comfort.” As he had the night before, Morgy gave Charlie a once-over. “Been working on the soot blowers again?”

      “Spent all morning on ’em. Tonight’s watch should finish ’em off. After my day off tomorrow, I get to work on the bilge pumps.”

      “Glamorous work for a ladies’ man.”

      “Yeah, I know. I got to go clean up, but wanted to tell you, I’ll need your help again. Pet wants to hook up with me this afternoon.”

      Morgy put the clipboard he had in his hand on a table and crossed his arms over his chest. “Is that a fact? Why would she want to do that?”

      “I s’pose she enjoyed herself last night.”

      “You think so?”

      “What, you don’t think she did?”

      “I don’t know.” Grinning like a shot fox, Morgy looked past him. “Petula, did you enjoy yourself last night?”

      “I certainly did, Morgan. That’s why I’m here.”

      When he heard her voice, Charlie wanted to crawl under a rock. “Shit! Pet?”

      “Hello, Charles.”

      Knowing he looked like hell, he still turned around to face her. There she stood, wearing a smart flowered sundress. “What the devil are you doing in here? The bar isn’t open yet.”

      “I know, but the door was open. I stopped by to see Morgan, obviously for the same reason you’re here.”

      “I just got off my watch, and haven’t been back to my cabin yet.”

      “Why don’t I go with you?”

      Charlie glanced at Morgy. He got the message. “You go on ahead, Charlie. I’ll bring Pet along directly.”

      “Thanks, mate. I owe you one.”

      “You wanker! You owe me more than one!”

      “One of these days, I’ll pay you back.” He winked at Pet. “See you in a few minutes, love.” Charlie hurried back toward the engine room, again taking the longer route to his cabin. He had to hustle, or Morgy and Pet would beat him to the door.

      He beat Pet to his cabin. Hoping to at least wash the dirt off his face before she got there, he went to his loo, pulling his arms out of his boiler suit as he walked. He then rubbed some soap and water on his face.

      Before he could rinse it off, he heard the knock on his door. He quickly splashed some water on his face, then grabbed a towel and rubbed it dry. When he opened the door, both Pet and Morgy stood there.

      “Didn’t know you were joining us, mate.” He gave Morgy a questioning look.

      “No worries. Pet asked me to come with her for a few. She wants to ask us something.” Morgy followed Pet into Charlie’s cabin. Then Charlie closed the door.

      Pet sat down on the bunk, as she had the night before.

      Morgy pulled out the desk chair. Still in his dirty boiler suit, Charlie remained standing. “What’s on your mind, Pet?”

      When Petula looked up, her eyes stopped at his chest. “It’s hard to remember, with your being half undressed.”

      Morgy tittered. “Oh, my dear, I tell him that every time he comes to the bar with his coveralls open. A girl can’t think straight with that chest out in the open air.”

      Charlie couldn’t believe Morgy had said what he said in front of Pet. He hurriedly put his arms back into the sleeves of his boiler suit. “You have to forgive my mate, Pet. Sometimes he has verbal diarrhea and runs at the mouth.”

      Morgy chastised him. “Oh, stop being such a whinge. Petula knows I fancy you as much as she does.”

      Suddenly concerned that Pet would think he and Morgy were more than friends, Charlie quickly added, “And Pet also knows we’re good mates and that’s all.”

      Not to be outdone, Morgy retorted, “After last night, I’m sure she knows that very well.”

      Pet agreed. “I certainly do, except I think I prefer him clean. Do you always get this dirty?”

      Glad that Pet had changed the subject, Charlie spoke up before Morgy had a chance to say anything more. “Depends on what I do during my watch. Most days I get pretty damn cruddy.”

      “It’s rather attractive, in an earthy sort of way.”

      Directing his comment at Charlie, Morgy

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