Vision of Seduction. Cassie Ryan

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Vision of Seduction - Cassie  Ryan

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then retreated as the basin was lifted out of her hands and she was pushed back onto the soft pillow-top mattress. Downy covers settled over her, and Katelyn huddled under them, her eyes shut tight against the light.

      The whoosh of drapes closing, and then the resulting blessed darkness, made Katelyn sigh with relief.

      She wondered briefly if she had been drugged, but then the vivid memory of the blue bolt hitting her squarely in the torso returned with force. She lifted her hand to touch her chest, wondering if the area was sore as it had been inside her vision. When her fingers brushed her skin, pain flared as though she was healing from a sunburn, and she winced again.

      “Lie back and relax, Seer. It will take a while for the effects of the draining spell to diminish. In the meantime, I’ve brought you food and drink to help you recover.”

      “Draining spell?” Katelyn asked from between cracked lips. “Was that the blue bolt?”

      “Yes. Prince Grayson said one of the Cunts hit you with a draining spell last night. And from the nasty bruise on your chest, I’d say it was a powerful one.”

      “Prince Grayson?”

      “Yes, my lady. Prince Grayson is the Seventh Prince of Klatch.”

      Katelyn’s foggy memories supplied her with the meaning of Klatch—some type of witch who supposedly thrived on sexual energy.

      Right now, sex is the furthest thing from my mind—for once!

      Katelyn didn’t dare move the cool cloth but settled it more firmly over her eyes, and she dropped her arms beside her on the bed, only now realizing she was completely nude. She couldn’t muster resentment at whoever had undressed her, because the cool sheets against her body were actually the only thing not painful about her current situation.

      Questions sped through her mind, and she took a deep breath to slow them, shoving the pain aside so she could concentrate on the here and now. “Where am I?”

      “You’re on Tador, my lady. Prince Grayson was afraid the Cunts would come back for you if he took you to your home.”

      Because her home was actually upstairs above the shop, she had to agree with that.

      Katelyn let the “cunts” comment go by…for now.

      She wasn’t a big fan of that word—except for the few instances in which it was warranted—but she had more pressing questions to worry about. “On Tador? Is it a boat or a ship or something? And who are you?”

      “I’m Holly, your lady’s maid. And Tador is a planet. The home planet of the Klatch.”

      Katelyn sighed. I had to ask, didn’t I?

      “Okay, Holly. I think I need that food and drink and a Volkswagen full of aspirin before I can even process any of that. But first, I really have to pee.”


      Sela, the queen of the Cunts, paced away from Aedan and back.

      Familiar anger surfaced, and she shook her head as she glanced around the living room of the two-story Earth home in which she’d been forced to exist since her banishment from Tador. She’d been cheated out of living in the palace on her home planet, where, as the rightful queen, she should reside. If the Klatch thought she would meekly give up and live out her days here, they were mistaken.

      After several deep breaths, she thought she could listen to Aedan’s excuses for more than five minutes without killing him. She turned a deadly glare toward him.

      Aedan, the leader of the team of five who had failed to capture the bastard prince and the Seer, stood proud and unflinching.

      Unsure whether she should be irritated that he showed no fear or feel pride that he was brave enough to stand up to her, Sela crossed her arms in front of her. “Tell me why I shouldn’t rip out your heart?”

      Aedan’s white-blond hair fell to the middle of his back, accentuating his broad shoulders and his clear blue eyes. It really would be a shame if she was forced to kill him. Aedan had been quite adept at amusing her lately—at least sexually. The man had a high tolerance for pain and could be quite inventive in his sexual play.

      However, she would never let a good piece of ass get in the way of revenge.

      It just wasn’t good policy.

      Aedan smiled, his features turning devastating and gorgeous instead of just handsome. “My informant was correct, Sela. The Seer and the prince were there, just as I was told.”

      “Which doesn’t help us now. What about your pet human?”

      “I missed our dinner plans last night, but she forgave me easily when I told her I’d been mugged. She accepted me back and now thinks we are engaged.” A look of disgust marred his handsome features.

      “No doubt a night of sex is why I see very little evidence of the attack on you.” Sela pointed her index finger at him. “Be careful to keep up appearances. If she sees you heal too quickly from your fake mugging, it will raise suspicions. Keep her close and content. If we are to use the Seer to our advantage, we need a human who cares for her to sacrifice. Your little Rita will do nicely.”

      “Yes, Sela.” Aedan’s eyes darkened, and he raked his gaze over her body in a possessive gesture. “As you can see, all isn’t lost, and you and I are compatible in so many other ways.”

      Sela’s nipples hardened against her silk tank top, and she resisted the urge to lick her lips. A rush of hot arousal flowed over her skin as she remembered vividly just how compatible they’d been the other night when she’d let him fuck her while several other human women sucked on her breasts and fondled Aedan’s balls.

      Business before pleasure…

      Aedan should never forget his place—even if he did make her scream his name as his hot come spilled inside her.

      Sela smiled and took a deep breath as she allowed her magic to build like lava about to erupt. Then she relaxed and let the power flow through her arm, out her fingers, and across the room. Before Aedan knew she was displeased, her power slammed into him like a tidal wave.

      He flew across the room, and his head made a loud crack against the far wall. He groaned, and then slumped to the floor, leaving a large round hole in the drywall.

      An almost sexual thrill raced through Sela, and a laugh bubbled up from her throat to fill the small room.

      When Aedan’s eyes fluttered open, smug pleasure curled deep in Sela’s belly.

      It would have been extremely inconvenient to train a new operative, not to mention a new lover, if he died. But maintaining discipline was always worth the risk.

      She stalked forward to tower over his dazed form. “Don’t mistake me enjoying your body for anything more than my right. And you providing me with information about the Klatch is your duty.” She prodded Aedan with the toe of her sandal. “I’m queen. I’m free to enjoy anyone and anything I wish. As I quite often do.”

      The blood drained from Aedan’s face, and understanding shone in his eyes. He pushed up on his elbows and

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