A Cowboy Christmas. Janette Kenny
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“I’m taking over Mrs. Leach’s role of cook at the Crown Seven Ranch while she’s away,” she said.
Tavish thumbed back his hat, revealing a pair of observant green eyes that no doubt had saved the lawman’s ass on more than one occasion. “Pardon me for saying, ma’am. But most cooks I’ve met tended to sample their fare a bit more than necessary.”
It was the truth, but Reid took umbrage with the way Tavish looked at the lady, like she was a tasty morsel and he was starving. Never mind Reid had done the same earlier. She was his employee, and judging by her tightlipped expression, she didn’t wish to tarry in Tavish’s company.
“So, where have you worked before, Miss Cade?” Tavish asked, his conversational tone at odds with his shrewd perusal.
A dull flush blossomed on the lady’s cheeks, and the rigid set to her shoulders seemed an odd reaction, in Reid’s estimation. “The Denver Academy for Young Ladies.”
“Do tell?” Tavish’s eyes took on a calculating glint.
“I fear I’d bore you with stories of teaching young ladies to acquire discriminating tastes,” she said over the tinkling of harness bells. “Besides I am sure Mr. Barclay is anxious to be on his way.”
“Another time then. Afternoon, ma’am.” Tavish slid two fingers over his hat brim but stayed rooted to the spot. “Barclay.”
Reid dipped his chin in farewell, then guided Miss Cade to the red sleigh. “You leave your baggage at the depot?”
“Yes. I have a small trunk and a carpetbag.”
A rarity for sure. He’d warrant Cheryl would drag all manner of trunks and valises with her from England.
“After we retrieve your things, we’ll stop at the mercantile. I suggest you select anything you need for yourself or the ranch now.”
“I have everything I require with me.”
“Fair warning, Miss Cade. We won’t be coming into town for a week or more.”
“I’m sure everything I’ll need is at the ranch.”
Reid expected she’d say that. So why did he have the sudden feeling he’d be going hungry this night—and in more ways than one?
Chapter 2
Ellie settled into the sleigh beside Reid Barclay, more than happy to put distance between herself and the nosy marshal. Heavenly days, the last person she’d expected to get trapped in a conversation with was the man who’d sworn to hunt down her pa and bring him in—dead or alive.
If her mind hadn’t been focused on the mysterious glint in Reid Barclay’s eyes and the jolt of sensual awareness his mere touch evoked in her, she would’ve paid attention to her surroundings. As it was, she’d rushed to the end of the boardwalk for a breath of bracing air and nearly bowled the marshal over.
Goodness, was Marshal Tavish always lurking in the shadows?
He certainly had been in Denver when her fiancé learned she was an outlaw’s daughter and ended their engagement. He knew her secret. But had he guessed her true reason for coming to the Crown Seven?
Ellie bit her lower lip as worry nipped along her nerves. She couldn’t botch this up, not when her pa’s life was at stake.
Her pa. She’d grown from being a little girl who adored her daddy to a young woman ashamed of what he was. But because she’d loved him with a daughter’s devotion, him staying away from her had hurt that much more.
He’d done it to protect her reputation.
But the truth came out anyway.
It stripped her of her dream of a family and cost her the coveted position in Denver she’d worked hard to achieve.
It forced her to seek a position across the country where nobody knew her. And it brought her here where she’d stepped into the role of another lie.
She could honestly say she didn’t regret it overmuch. It seemed unbelievable that she’d see her pa again after so many years of just hearing of his exploits. She’d be able to talk to him. She’d be able to spend a holiday with him.
As Reid Barclay guided the sleigh toward the depot, she inhaled the crisp, cold air and embraced this rare opportunity that had been offered her. Or she tried to, at least.
Mrs. Leach had assured her that Mr. Barclay was an equitable boss. But she hadn’t mentioned that he was a virile gentleman as well.
His nearness in the saloon had unsettled her to the point of distraction. But the occasional brush of his shoulder against hers sent warmth coursing through her body.
She was beset by a powerful urge to inch closer to him. That was highly improper conduct!
Why, she’d never been smitten with a man.
She’d been as intimate with her former fiancé as a woman could be with a man, yet he hadn’t roused such raw yearnings in her with just a look or casual touch.
This illicit reaction to a stranger had her cheeks burning with embarrassment and her mind cluttered with confusion. In fact she wasn’t able to draw a decent breath until he stopped at the depot and left her while he fetched her baggage.
Too soon he returned to torment her with his virility.
Heavenly days, she knew the perils of succumbing to one’s torrid desires. She’d not fall victim to that again.
As Reid settled her bags in the sleigh, she focused on what brought her to the Crown Seven. Despite what was printed on the wanted posters, her pa was a horse thief—not a cold-blooded killer. She had to stop him from making a deadly mistake and she didn’t have the luxury of time to make him see reason.
Even if she succeeded, this could very well be their last chance to be together as a family. She had to do this right.
She certainly knew how a household should be run, how to entertain frugally or lavishly. She knew what constituted proper meals.
The only problem was she didn’t know how to cook.
Mrs. Leach had assured her there was nothing to it. She wasn’t convinced of that then, and she wasn’t so sure now.
As she tried and failed to recall the first thing about preparing something as simple as stew, she gave in to a shiver. What if she couldn’t cook one edible meal?
“You chilled, Miss Cade?” Reid asked as he slid back into the sleigh beside her and his broad muscular shoulder settled against hers.
Heat blazed at his touch, sending flickers of warmth to dance within her. “Nothing more than a passing tremor. I’m sure the heavy blanket will stave off the cold.”
“I hope you’re right.” He flicked the lines and the sleigh smoothly glided forward. “One more stop