Beloved Beast. Karyn Gerrard
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Luke Newman crossed his arms. She had never seen anyone with such a strange shade of skin. Light gray, like the turbulent skies of a winter storm. Or someone who was…dead. What made her think of such a morbid thing? No doubt the exaggerated Karloff comparison. The left side of his face was covered in scars running along his hairline and down his left temple, spreading out across his cheek like streets on a city map. His lips were perfectly formed and a light pink color, made all the more evident by the strange shade of his flesh.
He was immaculately dressed in an expensive gray suit. His raven black hair fashionably cut with long, tapered layers trimmed close to his head and around his ears. To have such handsomeness still evident, yet noticeably marred, touched her deeply.
“It has been quite some time since anyone screamed at seeing my face, but I am well used to it.” His words were clipped. He was annoyed and Gillian could not blame him.
She stepped forward and held out her gloved hand. “Again, please do accept my apologies, Mr. Newman. Lately I am acting more like a startled rabbit than a woman in firm control of her nerves.” He gripped her hand and gave it a brisk shake before letting go. His touch was cool. She felt it clear through her glove.
“Take a seat, Miss Browning.” Well. He didn’t acknowledge her apologies. Fine. She could act as chilly and impersonal as him. Gillian unbuttoned her wool coat and removed her gloves, then took a seat in front of Mr. Parker’s desk. Mr. Newman remained standing next to Mr. Parker, his arms crossed once again.
“There is not much in your file. In fact, the records were poorly kept,” Mr. Parker stated as he flipped between pages. “Tell me. Do you have any immediate family?”
Gillian never told SIS about her sister or of any other members of her family, deceased or not. “No, I don’t.”
Several moments passed. “She lies,” Mr. Newman stated, his tone even.
Small beads of perspiration broke out at her hairline. How did he know? How could he possibly know? She was well-schooled on how to lie, as she had done nothing but lie the past several years.
Mr. Parker leaned forward and clasped his hands on top of her file. “I think the time has come for you to be completely honest. After your assignment came to an end, we made sure you were returned safely even though it placed those who assisted in your escape in grave danger. We gave you an undemanding but well-paid position as a German and French translator and head clerical assistant with a high security clearance. You earned it. And you earned our trust. Was MI-6 mistaken in our assessment of you?” Mr. Parker’s gaze was as officious as the tone of his voice.
“You must already harbor doubts about me for why am I being followed by this man?” Gillian pointed at Luke Newman who stood as straight and still as a statue. She could feel the frost in his shaded gaze. Her hand trembled, and she pulled it away.
“Luke was following you for your protection,” Mr. Parker snapped.
“Protection? Why?” she whispered. Gillian’s insides tumbled in apprehension.
“The Nazis have discovered your affair with Kroger and German spies here in England are now searching for you,” Mr. Parker replied.
The blood chilled in her veins. “How can that be? I was careful. I left before I was discovered.”
Mr. Parker opened the folder again. “It says here Kroger became suspicious, and because of it, you requested to be removed from your assignment before you were compromised. Did you tell him about yourself? Your true identity? The details of your mission? The report in this file is shockingly spare on details. I will have them now.” Mr. Parker sounded deadly serious with thinly concealed anger evident in his tone.
“No. I never told Otto anything. I swear,” she replied firmly.
“She’s being truthful,” Luke Newman relayed in a flat, emotionless voice. Uncanny, how could he know? Gillian glanced nervously between the two men. Both of them were intimidating in different ways and both wary of her. How could she blame them?
“Why did you believe he was suspicious?” Mr. Parker asked.
“He questioned me in detail about my family, where I was from. He wished to meet them. Otto claimed he would leave his wife, obtain a divorce in order for us to be married. Things had gone too far. He asked me outright if I was using a false name. Perhaps he was checking up on me already. I had no choice but to leave immediately.”
Mr. Parker flipped through the papers. “None of the information is here. Damned annoying.” Clearing his throat, he laid the file flat on the desk. “What members of your family are living in the immediate area? Or anywhere in the UK?” he asked with pen poised.
Gillian clasped her hands in her lap to keep them from shaking. “All I have is a sister living in the East End. Miss Joan Simm. My parents are both dead.”
“She is telling the truth about all of it,” Mr. Newman said, sounding more and more like an automaton.
“My God, are you even human?” Gillian cried as she glanced at him.
“That could be debated,” he answered softly.
Puzzled by his response, she looked away. What could he mean? Her insides churned with anxiety.
“Why didn’t you tell your agent-handler of your sister?” Mr. Parker asked as he scribbled furiously.
“My parents divorced when I was young and my mother and I moved to Devon. I use my mother’s maiden name. Joan used our father’s. I had no face-to-face contact with my sister until I returned to England three years ago. We exchanged brief correspondences during our teen years. She was a stranger to me. I didn’t see why it would be important.” She stared at the foreboding Mr. Newman. “Am I telling the truth?” she asked sarcastically as she glared into the dark lenses hiding his eyes.
“You are,” Mr. Newman said.
“Well, it is damned important. If the Nazis are looking for you, they will also be looking for anyone related to you,” Mr. Parker said. “How much they know, we have no idea. The little we do know came to our attention recently. From what we have ascertained from our contacts in the SOE, Kroger’s wife reported the affair and he was taken from his home by SS operatives. The man has not returned, he is either languishing in a concentration camp or he is dead.” He frowned. “Though why the wife waited so long to report it, I have no idea.”
The emotions Gillian fought hard to keep hidden burst free. She sobbed piteously as hot tears trailed down her flushed cheeks. Mortified, she buried her face in her hands. Despite her best efforts in keeping Otto at arm’s length, she’d become smitten with him. Now she may have cost him his freedom, or worse, his life. More guilt to add to the pile already weighing on her soul.
A vision formed in her mind, her and Otto alone in a hotel room, they were naked, kissing and touching as they made love. “I love you, most desperately. I’ve never felt this way before,” he whispered to her in German. “Never leave me or my heart will shatter.” But she did leave him. She had deceived