Eternal. V.K. Forrest
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“Do you know something about Mr. McCathal’s death?” Glen asked.
“No more than anyone else in town.”
Fia brushed her hand against the girl’s arm. “You didn’t touch anything?”
“No. I just wanted to see if the blood was still there. Meg said her Uncle Mahon said there were gallons of blood. I said she was lying because you don’t have gallons of blood. Everyone knows that!”
Fia glanced at Glen. He seemed to be relaxing a little. He was obviously pissed off, but she could see that he was beginning to see what this was, and that was nothing more than a nosy teenager being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Where’s your mom and dad?” Fia asked.
“I don’t know. Home, I guess.”
Fia looked to Glen. “Why don’t I walk her home, speak to her parents. You better get back to the sisters. Officer Hill was the only other person left in the building and those ladies are liable to tag-team him and take him down with their armored purses.”
She said it with a straight face and heavily laced with sarcasm. To her surprise, Glen grinned.
She liked being surprised by humans. They didn’t do it often.
“Count yourself lucky this time, Miss Kahill,” he warned Kaleigh with an accusing finger. “I catch you poking around my crime scene again, I don’t care who you’re related to, you’ll be arrested.”
Kaleigh opened her mouth to respond, then, wisely, clamped it shut.
Fia grabbed the teenager and steered her to the sidewalk and toward home. “Give me a couple of minutes, Special Agent Duncan. I’m going to escort Kaleigh home and speak with her parents. You can tell Miss Ross—my Miss Ross—she’s free to go. I don’t have any more questions for her.”
He hesitated, then lifted his hand and headed off in the opposite direction. Fia hustled Kaleigh down the street, waiting until Glen was out of earshot before she spoke.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Fia demanded from between clenched teeth. “Didn’t you hear me telepathically?”
The girl looked up with bright blue eyes. “No, I didn’t,” she said in the same indignant tone Fia heard from human teenagers. “I’m only ten months old, remember?”
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