Lose, Love, Live. Dan Moseley

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Lose, Love, Live - Dan Moseley

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loss and hope for new life, you will want to seek out friends who can walk with you. You need several. No one person can be all things to you. Sometimes you need intimate friends; sometimes you need strangers. I have discovered that the presence of multiple companions helps us to live these experiences more fully and to discover new parts of ourselves that we might miss were we to walk alone. When you walk with others through these experiences, you can help them grow in spirit and life if you attend to some of these ways of being present with them.

      Welcome to the journey. Welcome to the pilgrimage. Welcome to the discovery of life.

      So out of the ground the Lord God formed every animal

      of the field and every bird of the air,

      and brought them to the man to see what he would call them;

      and whatever the man called every living creature,

      that was its name.

      GENESIS 2:19

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