The Top Gear Story - The 100% Unofficial Story of the Most Famous Car Show... In The World. Martin Roach
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With Series 1 flying the flag for testosterone-fuelled challenges and supercars, it was clear that the new version of Top Gear would not shy away from the more dramatic world of motoring. The on-screen chemistry between the three presenters was immediately apparent from May’s first show in Series 2 and this is often best seen when they are basically fooling around. And what better to fool around with than a caravan?
The series has a hate-hate relationship with the little white traffic jam-makers. Over the years, Clarkson and chums have made no secret of their intense dislike for the homes-on-wheels (perhaps on a par only with cyclists). This has manifested itself into numerous hilarious stunts. The first time that the innocent ‘van’ was desecrated came in Series 2, Episode 1, when they burnt the show’s debut caravan with the afterburner of a drag-racing jet car; however, the tense relationship really worsened in Series 2, Episode 6. For this show, the team tested the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII versus the Subaru Impreza WRX STI. After the clip had been shown, Clarkson revealed an out-take of himself in one of the cars, going berserk as the crew followed a caravan up ahead at a snail’s pace. He went on to describe the hotel-on-wheels as ‘the bane of our lives’. Clearly, something had to be done.
In response, the Top Gear team attempted to set a new land speed record for caravan towing. The current record stood at 128.8mph, so they sent new boy James May to a track to see if he could top that. Using a turbo-charged Mitsubishi Evo 7, which could generate more than 700bhp, a stunt driver called ‘Lee’ (notably not The Stig as would be the norm in later series) and an Abbey GT 214 caravan, they attempted – and failed – to beat the record time. A combination of cross winds, caravan kitchenette window blow-outs and ultimately, the Evo blowing a piston defeated them. Still, May had his revenge and dropped the caravan from a great height off a crane at the end of the show.
In Series 3 (otherwise largely dull when it came to fun features), the schoolboys/presenters took the caravan owner’s car of choice – a Volvo 240 estate – and attempted to see how many caravans it could jump over, Evel Knievel style. They chose the car because it was ‘the caravan’s friend’. ‘Every summer they ruin our roads,’ declared Hammond, before going on to slaughter caravans as transport vermin. So, how many caravans could the Volvo jump? Not many, it transpired.
The vendetta was taken up a notch in Series 4 while playing darts with cars. Using a gas-powered cannon normally reserved for mad stunts in James Bond movies, Hammond and May perched themselves on the top of a quarry and proceeded to fire six old cars at a dartboard, way down below. After several disputed shots, they decided to clarify the bullseye with the placement of the ultimate target: a caravan. With telling poignancy, the very last car is a caravan-loving Volvo and Hammond triumphs by hitting the bullseye/caravan perfectly after which he announces: ‘We are all winners because the caravan bought it!’
However, it was in Series 5 that Top Gear revealed their most vicious-ever caravan abuse when James May joined Hammond to play the aforementioned ‘Caravan Conkers’. It was actually the much-maligned Health and Safety Executive (HSE) who inspired this challenge after they had declared in 2009 that children wanting to play the age-old game should wear safety goggles (Clarkson has gone on record as calling the HSE ‘the PPD’, which stands for ‘The Programme Prevention Department’).
Two enormous green cranes were provided by the same specialist team who had worked with the car-launching hydrogen cannon for the previous car darts sequence. Hammond and May then proceeded to engage in a three-round competition of conkers using a selection of six of Britain’s finest fibreglass homes, such as the Musketeer, the Sprite and of course, the Ford Mondeo of the caravan world, the ubiquitous Monza. Before battle commenced, there was much talk of 3-er and 9-er conkers, with each presenter displaying a genuine glint that betrayed a childhood spent playing the actual game in the playground.
The caravans were painted a brownish-red to look like conkers but unfortunately the emulsion paint virtually washed off in the rain before filming began. Suspending the caravans high in the air and 50 feet apart, Round 1 went to Hammond’s heavy Piper model, but May struck back with a surprise win for his Sprite Musketeer in Round 2 against the much-fancied Monza, only for Hammond to sneak a victory with a high-spec Abbey GT in Round 3, a caravan with hot and cold running water and a separate bathroom, no less, which must have given him the edge. It was all pointless, puerile and utterly great fun. May pretty much summed up the feeling of any ‘bigger boy’ watching this feature, when he said: ‘It’s better than working in a bank!’
Although this was perhaps their most violent demolition of the hated towing beast, undoubtedly the best Top Gear caravan jinx came in Series 14, when May went up in a caravan airship, racing Hammond on the ground in a Lamborghini. The very sight of the caravan strapped to the base of a Zeppelin-esque airship was perhaps one of the most bizarre of any episode of Top Gear, but things quickly started to go wrong. The original plan had been to land the odd-looking flying machine on a cricket pitch somewhere in Cambridgeshire (and ideally in the middle of a match for obvious dramatic effect) but strong winds rapidly blew the caravan airship off-course so it crash-landed in a farmer’s field near the A428. Although the tabloids ran pieces about May’s ‘lucky escape’, in fact no emergency services were needed, not least because the accident was at a recorded speed of 2mph. You walk at 4mph, so the ‘crash’ actually resembled falling over … slowly. (Note: May once suffered a sprained wrist while ‘travelling at speed’ in a shopping trolley for Top Gear Live in 2006).
The humble caravan also found itself repeatedly battered as an indirect result of otherwise unrelated challenges, such as the time when the team were testing the resilience of a 911 Turbo and decided it would be a good idea to drop the German car from a great height onto a caravan. Later, the roles were flipped for a Toyota Hilux feature, when they dropped the caravan from a great height onto the pick-up – proving beyond doubt that despite their complaints about the ‘van’, if nothing else it is a highly versatile vehicle. Hammond has also tried to see how far a car towing a caravan can jump in response to the same stunt being done by the rival show, Fifth Gear.
Meanwhile, James May slept with the devil on his show, Oz and James Drink to Britain, in which he travelled the nation drinking with famed wine connoisseur Oz Clarke (surprisingly, you would expect May to be a nifty vino tippler, but he’s actually a dedicated bitter man; he has also said: ‘I’ve never quite trusted water, I don’t think it’s entirely healthy.’). May drove around the isles in a predictably British Rolls-Royce Corniche Cabriolet, but he risked the wrath of his Top Gear colleagues by spending good money on a 1978 Sprite Caravan for their sleeping quarters. Judas!
Of course the most obvious thing to do with a caravan is to go on holiday and that’s exactly what the Top Gear team did in Episode 6, Series 8. They bought a lovely Elddis for £3,000 and attached it to a Kia, the Caravan Club’s ‘Towing Car of the Year’ no less (Clarkson’s own opinion of the brand is slightly less positive, dubbing it ‘soulless’). The team set off for Dorset and before long there was a huge traffic jam behind them, with the three presenters cringing with embarrassment in the Kia. Hammond even declared: ‘I can’t bear the shame!’ Clarkson made the point that while the Caravan Club claim their members will pull over and let traffic queues past periodically, he has never once seen this in 30 years of driving.
After the Top Gear dog (‘TG’) was sick in the car, they finally made