The Mega Book of Useless Information. Noel Botham
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• To get a gallon of milk, it takes about 345 squirts from a cow’s udder.
• A warthog has only four warts, all of which are on its head.
• The penalty for stealing a rabbit in 19th century England was seven years in prison.
• Even bloodhounds cannot smell the difference between identical twins.
• Cows and cats both get hairballs.
• Camels are born without humps.
• Anteaters can flick their tongues 160 times a minute.
• Chimpanzees will hunt ducks if given the opportunity.
• Black sheep have a better sense of smell than white sheep.
• Whales and buffalos both stampede.
• A hibernating bear can go as long as six months without a toilet break.
• A bat can eat up to 1,000 insects per hour.
• Turkeys can reproduce without having sex. It’s called parthenogenesis.
• Snakes have two sex organs.
• Male rhesus monkeys often hang from tree branches by their amazing prehensile penises.
• The English sparrow is not a sparrow and it comes from Africa, not England.
• One humped camels run faster than two humped camels.
• A blue whale’s testicles are the size of a family car.
• Skunks can accurately spray their fluid up to 10ft.
• Sheep snore.
• To maintain a chimpanzee in captivity for 60 years it would cost an estimated £200,000.
• An ant can detect movement through 5cm of earth.
• Lobsters like to eat lobster.
• The only time a turkey whistles is when it is panicking.
• A group of jellyfish is called a ‘smack’.
• Camel hairbrushes are made from squirrel hair.
• Sloths sneeze slowly. They also give birth upside down slowly.
• A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4ft child inside.
• A parrot that shouts ‘Show us your t*ts’ at women on board a Royal Navy ship is always taken ashore during royal visits.
• The Andrex puppy has met a waxwork copy of itself at Madame Tussauds in London.
• A dog just over 7in long and weighing 27oz has been officially confirmed as the world’s smallest living dog.
• Deer urine can turn blue when they become dehydrated in the winter.
• Cash-strapped bosses at Moscow Zoo are renting out animals for the day in a bid to boost funds.
• The London Zoo employs an ‘entertainment director’ for the animals.
• A German pot-bellied pig called Berta has passed an audition to star in an opera.
• A lonely and confused male flamingo has caused a stir at a Gloucestershire nature reserve by trying to incubate a pebble.
• Hook-tip moth caterpillars defend their territories by drumming out warnings.
• Chinese scientists are appealing to the Guinness Book of Records to recognize a 900kg pig which died earlier this month as the biggest ever porker.
• Fish are much brainier than previously thought – and can learn quicker than dogs.
• A Chilean doctor is using alternative medicines to treat pets and their owners for mental conditions including depression.
• A Brazilian vet is offering plastic surgery and botox injections for pampered pets.
• Two polar bears have turned green at Singapore Zoo as a result of algae growing in their hair.
• The world’s first restaurant for cats is about to open in New York.
• Moscow Zoo keepers are to fit televisions in the cages of their gorillas in a bid to make them ‘think more’.
• Rescuers did a microchip scan on a stray cat that was wandering the streets of Oxford and found it had been registered in the USA.
• Scientists say they want to send 15 mice into space to help prepare for possible human missions to Mars.
• A chicken farm in Germany is claiming a new world record after a hen laid a giant egg weighing 6oz.
• Conveners of an Australian agricultural show are so concerned at the rise of cosmetic surgery among cattle breeders that they have issued new rules forbidding it.
• A German businessman who trained his dog to do the Hitler salute was given 13 months’ probation.
• Croat farmers staged a beauty contest for goats in a bid to publicize the fact that traditional goat farming is dying out.
• A Catholic priest has started holding masses for pets in the German city of Cologne.
• A German zoo has scrapped plans to break up homosexual penguin couples following protests from gay-rights groups.
• A Brazilian seaside town has built two toilets for dogs to try to stop pets fouling the beach.
• If an entire family is overweight, it is likely that the dog will be too.
• Homing pigeons are becoming increasingly lost because of mobile-phone masts, say racing enthusiasts.
• A Japanese researcher claims dogs can sense earthquakes before they happen.
• A Brazilian man who bought a 6ft boa constrictor online faces charges after it was posted to him in a paper box.
• Ptarmigans help their chicks go out into the world by teaching them which plants are more nutritious.
• A goldfish believed to be the world’s oldest in captivity is still swimming strongly – 44 years after it was won at a fairground.
• A marathon runner became the first human to win a horse-against-man race in the event’s 25-year history.
• A Brazilian company is launching a chewing gum for dogs.
• The Amazon River is home to the world’s only nut-and seed-eating fish.