Miss Marple – Miss Marple and Mystery: The Complete Short Stories. Агата Кристи
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‘Who the devil are you?’ demanded George.
For answer the other drew out a card and handed it to him. George read it aloud.
‘Detective-Inspector Jarrold, Scotland Yard.’
‘That’s right, sir. And you’d do well to tell me all you know about this business.’
‘I would, would I?’ said George thoughtfully. ‘Do you know, Inspector, I believe you’re right. Shall we adjourn to a more cheerful spot?’
In a quiet corner of the bar George unfolded his soul. Inspector Jarrold listened sympathetically.
‘Very puzzling, as you say, sir,’ he remarked when George had finished. ‘There’s a lot as I can’t make head or tail of myself, but there’s one or two points I can clear up for you. I was here after Mardenberg (your black-bearded friend) and your turning up and watching him the way you did made me suspicious. I couldn’t place you. I slipped into your room last night when you were out of it, and it was I who sneaked the little packet from under your pillow. When I opened it and found it wasn’t what I was after, I took the first opportunity of returning it to your room.’
‘That makes things a little clearer certainly,’ said George thoughtfully. ‘I seem to have made rather an ass of myself all through.’
‘I wouldn’t say that, sir. You did uncommon well for a beginner. You say you visited the bathroom this morning and took away what was concealed behind the skirting board?’
‘Yes. But it’s only a rotten love letter,’ said George gloomily. ‘Dash it all, I didn’t mean to go nosing out the poor fellow’s private life.’
‘Would you mind letting me see it, sir?’
George took a folded letter from his pocket and passed it to the inspector. The latter unfolded it.
‘As you say, sir. But I rather fancy that if you drew lines from one dotted i to another, you’d get a different result. Why, bless you, sir, this is a plan of the Portsmouth harbour defences.’
‘Yes. We’ve had our eye on the gentleman for some time. But he was too sharp for us. Got a woman to do most of the dirty work.’
‘A woman?’ said George, in a faint voice. ‘What was her name?’
‘She goes by a good many, sir. Most usually known as Betty Brighteyes. A remarkably good-looking young woman she is.’
‘Betty – Brighteyes,’ said George. ‘Thank you, Inspector.’
‘Excuse me, sir, but you’re not looking well.’
‘I’m not well. I’m very ill. In fact, I think I’d better take the first train back to town.’
The Inspector looked at his watch.
‘That will be a slow train, I’m afraid, sir. Better wait for the express.’
‘It doesn’t matter,’ said George gloomily. ‘No train could be slower than the one I came down by yesterday.’
Seated once more in a first-class carriage, George leisurely perused the day’s news. Suddenly he sat bolt upright and stared at the sheet in front of him.
‘A romantic wedding took place yesterday in London when Lord Roland Gaigh, second son of the Marquis of Axminster, was married to the Grand Duchess Anastasia of Catonia. The ceremony was kept a profound secret. The Grand Duchess has been living in Paris with her uncle since the upheaval in Catonia. She met Lord Roland when he was secretary to the British Embassy in Catonia and their attachment dates from that time.’
‘Well, I’m –’
Mr Rowland could not think of anything strong enough to express his feelings. He continued to stare into space. The train stopped at a small station and a lady got in. She sat down opposite him.
‘Good-morning, George,’ she said sweetly.
‘Good heavens!’ cried George. ‘Elizabeth!’
She smiled at him. She was, if possible, lovelier than ever.
‘Look here,’ cried George, clutching his head. ‘For God’s sake tell me. Are you the Grand Duchess Anastasia, or are you Betty Brighteyes?’
She stared at him.
‘I’m not either. I’m Elizabeth Gaigh. I can tell you all about it now. And I’ve got to apologize too. You see, Roland (that’s my brother) has always been in love with Alexa –’
‘Meaning the Grand Duchess?’
‘Yes, that’s what the family call her. Well, as I say, Roland was always in love with her, and she with him. And then the revolution came, and Alexa was in Paris, and they were just going to fix it up when old Stürm, the chancellor, came along and insisted on carrying off Alexa and forcing her to marry Prince Karl, her cousin, a horrid pimply person –’
‘I fancy I’ve met him,’ said George.
‘Whom she simply hates. And old Prince Usric, her uncle, forbade her to see Roland again. So she ran away to England, and I came up to town and met her, and we wired to Roland who was in Scotland. And just at the very last minute, when we were driving to the Registry Office in a taxi, whom should we meet in another taxi face to face, but old Prince Usric. Of course he followed us, and we were at our wits’ end what to do because he’d have made the most fearful scene, and, anyway, he is her guardian. Then I had the brilliant idea of changing places. You can practically see nothing of a girl nowadays but the tip of her nose. I put on Alexa’s red hat and brown wrap coat, and she put on my grey. Then we told the taxi to go to Waterloo, and I skipped out there and hurried into the station. Old Osric followed the red hat all right, without a thought for the other occupant of the taxi sitting huddled up inside, but of course it wouldn’t do for him to see my face. So I just bolted into your carriage and threw myself on your mercy.’
‘I’ve got that all right,’ said George. ‘It’s the rest of it.’
‘I know. That’s what I’ve got to apologize about. I hope you won’t be awfully cross. You see, you looked so keen on its being a real mystery – like in books, that I really couldn’t resist the temptation. I picked out a rather sinister looking man on the platform and told you to follow him. And then I thrust the parcel on you.’
‘Containing a wedding ring.’
‘Yes. Alexa and I bought that, because Roland wasn’t due to arrive from Scotland until just before the wedding. And of course I knew that by the time I got to London they wouldn’t want it – they would have had to use a curtain ring or something.’
‘I see,’ said George. ‘It’s like all these things – so simple when you know! Allow me,