The Dying of the Light. Derek Landy
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“But you like fighting.”
“Fighting without a reason to fight is stupid. And having someone like you around just takes the fun out of it.”
“Oh,” said Darquesse. “I didn’t know that.”
Tanith put away her sword. She looked up at the Receptacle, a globe 100 metres in diameter, set into a cradle of metal with thick wooden struts. Within the globe, blackness swirled. “You’re really going to let them all out, then?”
“I am,” said Darquesse. She trailed her fingers along the side. “All these thousands of Remnants, your brothers and sisters … They’ve been cooped up in this thing, deprived of even a change of scenery. You remember what it was like to be trapped in that room in the Midnight Hotel, don’t you?”
“Yes I do,” said Tanith. “And I didn’t like it one little bit.”
Darquesse gave her a wicked smile. “You want to be the one to let them out?”
Tanith hesitated. “I don’t know. The longer the Remnant is inside me, the longer I’m me, the less I care about other Remnants. I want to free them, but I don’t … need to. It’s something I wanted to do, once upon a time. But now …”
“Personally,” said Darquesse, “I think it’s important to hang on to things like that. That’s why I’m so determined to keep punishing Ravel. It’s what I wanted to do, once upon a time, and I remember that feeling of satisfaction when he first started to scream. I liked that feeling. I want to preserve it.”
“So you think I should let them out?”
Darquesse shrugged. “Only if you want to.”
“Well … freeing them would be advantageous. We could set them loose to distract Skulduggery and the others while you …”
“While I what?” Darquesse said. “What is it you think I’m doing?”
“I’ve seen the future. I’ve seen what you do to the world. You destroy everything.”
“And that’s what you want, is it? Even now? You want a world where everyone is dead? But then there’d be no people to possess, and no trouble to get into. And we both know how much Remnants love getting into trouble.”
“Darquesse, looking into the future, seeing what you do … it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.”
“That was then. What about now?”
“I haven’t changed my mind, if that’s what you’re asking. If you doubt my loyalty—”
“This isn’t about loyalty, Tanith. You’re a different person to who you were.”
“Well, what about you? Only a few days ago you were insisting you had no intention of killing every living thing on the planet. But I notice you’ve stopped correcting me when I say it.”
Darquesse shrugged. “I’m still figuring this all out, and I reserve the right to change my mind. As you should.”
Tanith looked her dead in the eye. “You can count on me.”
Darquesse smiled. “Of course I can. I know that. Pick up our friend, would you? He’s regained consciousness but trying to hide it.”
One of the two last remaining sorcerers in the place heard her, but amusingly he stayed where he was, slumped in the corner where Tanith had knocked him out and shackled him. Now Tanith grabbed his hair, pulled him to his feet. He cried out in pain, and stumbled after her as she presented him to Darquesse.
“And what is your name?” Darquesse asked.
“Maksy,” the sorcerer said, tears in his eyes. “Please don’t kill me.”
“Like we’ve killed all these other sorcerers, you mean? And all these Cleavers? Like we’ve killed just about everyone who was assigned to guard the Receptacle?”
“Yes,” said Maksy. “Please don’t kill me.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Darquesse said. “I have other plans for you.”
She pressed her hand against the Receptacle. The globe looked like glass but wasn’t – it was a solid energy field, a giant version of a Soul Catcher. She pushed her arm through, and the shadows on the other side stirred into a frenzy.
“Ooh,” she said. “Tickles.”
She pulled her arm out, a Remnant in her grip. It twisted and writhed, but couldn’t squirm free. Darquesse noticed Tanith’s lip curling in distaste. “Something wrong?” she asked.
“No,” Tanith said quickly. “Nothing.”
“Don’t make me ask twice.”
A hesitation. “I don’t know, I … I once thought that Remnants were slivers of pure evil. But they’re not, are they? They’re just nasty little unfinished things. The creature you’re holding is nothing but a bundle of sickness that needs a host to become whole. They’re not evil. They’re desperate and pathetic. I’ve seen evil. I know what evil looks like now, and that isn’t it.”
“So what does evil look like?” Darquesse asked.
Tanith glanced at her and said nothing.
Darquesse shrugged, and turned to Maksy. “Open wide.”
He shook his head. He was pale, sweating. Terrified. “No. Please. I have a newborn son. Please. I need to be there for him.”
“Don’t be afraid,” Tanith said. “You can still be you, even when you have a Remnant inside. It won’t even be in there that long. We’ll just need you to carry it around for a day or two, and then it’ll be gone, and you won’t remember any of it.”
“My family—”
“We won’t let you near them,” said Tanith. “You won’t hurt anyone. I promise.”
Maksy tried to pull back as Darquesse approached, but Tanith dug her fingers into his arm, and he reluctantly opened his mouth. The Remnant reached for him, gained purchase, and Darquesse let go and it squirmed in. Maksy staggered and Tanith let him go. His throat bulged for an instant, and then he sagged. Ever so slowly, he rolled his head back, his lips darkening, black veins running under his skin.
He opened his eyes and smiled. “The first thing I see through human eyes in years, and it is two beautiful women. It’s almost worth the captivity, it really is.” He took a moment to breathe in, and then slowly out. “Physical form,” he muttered. “It’s so nice. It’s like coming home. Although this one … Before we release the others, can I go get another host? Someone better looking? Some Remnants go for hosts with power, but I’ve always found that power comes to good-looking people anyway, and … Here, which one of you gorgeous girls is going to help me out of these shackles?”