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put over an object to protect it or keep it warm

      6 The cover of a book or magazine is its outside.

      7 Cover is trees, rocks or other places where you can shelter or hide. • When it started raining they ran for cover.


      NOUN The coverage of something in the news is the reporting of it. • There was complete coverage of the Wimbledon finals on television.

      cow cows

      NOUN a large female mammal kept on farms for its milk and meat

      coward cowards

      NOUN a person who is easily frightened and avoids dangerous situations

      cowardly ADJECTIVE cowardice NOUN

      cowboy cowboys

      NOUN a man employed to look after cattle in America

      coy coyer, coyest

      ADJECTIVE If someone behaves in a coy way, they pretend to be shy and modest.

      crab crabs

      NOUN a crustacean with four pairs of legs, two claws, and a flat, round body covered by a shell

      crack cracks, cracking, cracked

      VERB 1 If something cracks, or if something cracks it, it becomes damaged, with lines appearing on its surface.

      2 If you crack a joke, you tell it.

      3 If you crack a problem or code, you solve it.

      NOUN 4 one of the lines appearing on something when it cracks

      5 a narrow gap • My ring fell into a crack in the pavement.

      cracker crackers

      NOUN 1 a thin, crisp biscuit that is often eaten with cheese

      2 a paper-covered tube that pulls apart with a bang, and usually has a toy and paper hat inside

      crackle crackles, crackling, crackled

      VERB 1 something crackles, it makes a series of short sharp sounds • The bonfire started to crackle as the flames grew higher.

      NOUN 2 a short sharp sound

      cradle cradles, cradling, cradled

      NOUN 1 a box-shaped bed for a baby

      VERB 2 If you cradle something in your arms or hands, you hold it there carefully.

      craft crafts

      NOUN 1 an activity that needs skill with the hands, such as weaving, carving or pottery

      2 a boat, plane or spacecraft

      craftsman or craftswoman craftsmen or craftswomen

      NOUN a person who makes things skilfully with their hands

      craftsmanship NOUN

      crafty craftier, craftiest

      ADJECTIVE Crafty people get what they want by tricking other people in a clever way.

      SYNONYMS: cunning, wily

      crag crags

      NOUN a steep, rugged rock or peak


      cram crams, cramming, crammed

      VERB If you cram people or things into a place, you put more in than there is room for. • I crammed my dirty washing into the washing machine.

      cramp cramps

      NOUN pain caused when muscles contract


      ADJECTIVE If a room or a building is cramped, it is not big enough for the people or things in it.

      crane cranes, craning, craned

      NOUN 1 a machine that moves heavy things by lifting them in the air

      2 a large bird with a long neck and long legs

      VERB 3 If you crane your neck, you extend your head in a particular direction to see or hear something better.

      crash crashes, crashing, crashed

      NOUN 1 an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged

      2 a sudden, loud noise

      VERB 3 If a vehicle crashes, it hits something and is badly damaged.

      crate crates

      NOUN a large box used for transporting or storing things

      crater craters

      NOUN a wide hole in the ground caused by something hitting it or by an explosion • The surface of the moon has many craters.

      [from Greek krater meaning mixing-bowl]

      crave craves, craving, craved

      VERB If you crave something, you want it very much. • I craved a bar of chocolate.

      craving NOUN

      crawl crawls, crawling, crawled

      VERB 1 When you crawl, you move forward on your hands and knees.

      2 When an insect or vehicle crawls somewhere, it moves there very slowly.

      crayon crayons

      NOUN a coloured pencil or a stick of coloured wax

      craze crazes

      NOUN something that is very popular for a short time

      crazy crazier, craziest

      ADJECTIVE INFORMAL 1 very strange or foolish

      2 If you are crazy about something or someone, you like them very much.

      creak creaks, creaking, creaked

      VERB 1 If something creaks, it makes a harsh sound when it moves or when you stand on it.

      NOUN 2 a harsh, squeaking noise

      creaky ADJECTIVE

      cream creams

      NOUN 1 a thick, yellowish-white liquid taken from the top of milk

      2 a substance that you can rub into your skin to make it soft or protect it

      ADJECTIVE 3 a yellowish-white

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