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dashboard dashboards
NOUN the instrument panel in a car
NOUN information, usually in the form of facts or statistics
database databases
NOUN a collection of information stored in a computer
date dates
NOUN 1 a particular day or year that can be named • What is your date of birth?
2 If you have a date, you have an appointment to meet someone.
3 a small, brown, sticky fruit with a stone inside. Dates grow on palm trees.
daughter daughters
NOUN Someone’s daughter is their female child.
dawdle dawdles, dawdling, dawdled
VERB If you dawdle, you are slow about doing something or going somewhere. • Don’t dawdle, we have to be there in ten minutes.
dawn dawns
NOUN the time in the morning when light first appears in the sky
day days
NOUN 1 the time taken between one midnight and the next. There are 24 hours in one day.
2 the period of light between sunrise and sunset
daydream daydreams, daydreaming, daydreamed
NOUN 1 pleasant thoughts about things that you would like to happen
VERB 2 When you daydream, you drift off into a daydream.
NOUN the part of the day when it is light
NOUN the part of the day when it is light
PHRASE If you are in a daze, you are confused and bewildered.
dazzle dazzles, dazzling, dazzled
VERB If a bright light dazzles you, it blinds you for a moment.
dazzling ADJECTIVE
PREFIX added to some words to mean removal or reversal of something • She debugged the computer program. • We had to defrost the windscreen before leaving.
ADJECTIVE 1 no longer living
2 no longer functioning • The phone went dead.
ADVERB 3 precisely or exactly • We arrived dead on eight o’clock.
deadly deadlier, deadliest
ADJECTIVE 1 likely or able to cause death • a deadly disease
ADVERB OR ADJECTIVE 2 used to emphasize how serious or unpleasant something is • deadly dangerous • deadly serious
deaf deafer, deafest
ADJECTIVE Deaf people are unable to hear anything or unable to hear well.
ADJECTIVE A deafening sound is so loud that you cannot hear anything else.
deal deals, dealing, dealt
NOUN 1 an agreement or arrangement, especially in business
VERB 2 If you deal with something, you do what is necessary to sort it out.
3 When you deal cards, you give them out to the players.
PHRASE 4 A good deal or a great deal of something is a lot of it.
dear dearer, dearest
NOUN 1 You call someone dear as a sign of affection.
ADJECTIVE 2 Something that is dear is very expensive.
3 You use dear at the beginning of a letter, with the name of the person you are writing to. • Dear Sunita.
death deaths
NOUN the end of the life of a human being or other animal or plant
debate debates, debating, debated
NOUN 1 argument or discussion
2 a formal discussion in which opposing views are expressed
VERB 3 When people debate something, they discuss it in a formal way.
debit card debit cards
NOUN a plastic card that allows someone to buy goods using the money in their bank account
NOUN fragments or rubble left after something has been destroyed • After the eruption, volcanic debris was found scattered for miles.
debt debts
NOUN a sum of money that someone owes
debut debuts
NOUN a performer’s first public appearance
decade decades
NOUN a period of ten years
ADJECTIVE Decaffeinated coffee or tea has had most of the caffeine removed.
decathlon decathlons
NOUN an athletic competition in which competitors take part in ten different events
decay decays, decaying, decayed
VERB When things decay, they rot or go bad.
ADJECTIVE FORMAL A deceased person is someone who has recently died.
NOUN behaviour that makes people believe something to be true that is not true
deceive deceives, deceiving, deceived
VERB If you deceive someone, you make them believe something that is not true.