What Katy Did Next. Susan Coolidge

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What Katy Did Next - Susan  Coolidge

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pleasure that will be! And have you heard about Bella? she’s teaching school in the Indian Territory. Just fancy that scrap teaching school!”

      “Isn’t it dangerous?” asked Mary Silver.

      “Dangerous? How? To her scholars, do you mean? Oh, the Indians! Well, her scalp will be easy to identify if she has adhered to her favorite pomatum; that’s one comfort,” put in naughty Rose.

      It was a merry luncheon indeed, as little Rose seemed to think, for she laughed and cooed incessantly. The girls were enchanted with her, and voted her by acclamation an honorary member of the S.S.U.C. Her health was drunk in Apollinaris water with all the honors, and Rose returned thanks in a droll speech. The friends told each other their histories for the past three years; but it was curious how little, on the whole, most of them had to tell. Though, perhaps, that was because they did not tell all; for Alice Gibbons confided to Katy in a whisper that she strongly suspected Esther of being engaged, and at the same moment Ellen Gray was convulsing Rose by the intelligence that a theological student from Andover was “very attentive” to Mary Silver.

      “My dear, I don’t believe it,” Rose said, “not even a theological student would dare! and if he did, I am quite sure Mary would consider it most improper. You must be mistaken, Ellen.”

      “No, I’m not mistaken; for the theological student is my second cousin, and his sister told me all about it. They are not engaged exactly, but she hasn’t said no; so he hopes she will say yes.”

      “Oh, she’ll never say no; but then she will never say yes, either. He would better take silence as consent! Well, I never did think I should live to see Silvery Mary married. I should as soon have expected to find the Thirty-nine Articles engaged in a flirtation. She’s a dear old thing, though, and as good as gold; and I shall consider your second cousin a lucky man if he persuades her.”

      “I wonder where we shall all be when you come back, Katy,” said Esther Dearborn as they parted at the gate. “A year is a long time; all sorts of things may happen in a year.”

      These words rang in Katy’s ears as she fell asleep that night. “All sorts of things may happen in a year,” she thought, “and they may not be all happy things, either.” Almost she wished that the journey to Europe had never been thought of!

      But when she waked the next morning to the brightest of October suns shining out of a clear blue sky, her misgivings fled. There could not have been a more beautiful day for their start.

      She and Rose went early into town, for old Mrs. Bedding had made Katy promise to come for a few minutes to say good-bye. They found her sitting by the fire as usual, though her windows were open to admit the sun-warmed air. A little basket of grapes stood on the table beside her, with a nosegay of tea-roses on top. These were from Rose’s mother, for Katy to take on board the steamer; and there was something else, a small parcel twisted up in thin white paper.

      “It is my good-bye gift,” said the dear old lady. “Don’t open it now. Keep it till you are well out at sea, and get some little thing with it as a keepsake from me.”

      Grateful and wondering, Katy put the little parcel in her pocket. With kisses and good wishes she parted from these new made friends, and she and Rose drove to the steamer, stopping for Mr. Browne by the way. They were a little late, so there was not much time for farewells after they arrived; but Rose snatched a moment for a private interview with the stewardess, unnoticed by Katy, who was busy with Mrs. Ashe and Amy.

      The bell rang, and the great steam-vessel slowly backed into the stream. Then her head was turned to sea, and down the bay she went, leaving Rose and her husband still waving their handkerchiefs on the pier. Katy watched them to the last, and when she could no longer distinguish them, felt that her final link with home was broken.

      It was not till she had settled her things in the little cabin which was to be her home for the next ten days, had put her bonnet and dress for safe keeping in the upper berth, nailed up her red and yellow bag, and donned the woollen gown, ulster, and soft felt hat which were to do service during the voyage, that she found time to examine the mysterious parcel.

      Behold, it was a large, beautiful gold-piece, twenty dollars!

      “What a darling old lady!” said Katy; and she gave the gold-piece a kiss. “How did she come to think of such a thing? I wonder if there is anything in Europe good enough to buy with it?”

       CHAPTER 4

       On the “Spartacus”

      The ulster and the felt hat soon came off again, for a head wind lay waiting in the offing, and the “Spartacus” began to pitch and toss in a manner which made all her unseasoned passengers glad to betake themselves to their berths. Mrs. Ashe and Amy were among the earliest victims of sea-sickness; and Katy, after helping them to settle in their staterooms, found herself too dizzy and ill to sit up a moment longer, and thankfully resorted to her own.

      As the night came on, the wind grew stronger and the motion worse. The “Spartacus” had the reputation of being a dreadful “roller”, and seemed bound to justify it on this particular voyage. Down, down, down the great hull would slide till Katy would hold her breath with fear lest it might never right itself again; then slowly, slowly the turn would be made, and up, up, up it would go, till the cant on the other side was equally alarming. On the whole, Katy preferred to have her own side of the ship, the downward one; for it was less difficult to keep herself in the berth, from which she was in continual danger of being thrown. The night seemed endless, for she was too frightened to sleep except in broken snatches; and when day dawned, and she looked through the little round pane of glass in the port-hole, only gray sky and gray weltering waves and flying spray and rain met her view.

      “Oh, dear, why do people ever go to sea, unless they must?” she thought feebly to herself. She wanted to get up and see how Mrs. Ashe had lived through the night, but the attempt to move made her so miserably ill that she was glad to sink again on her pillows.

      The stewardess looked in with offers of tea and toast, the very idea of which was simply dreadful, and pronounced the other lady “’orridly ill, worse than you are, Miss,” and the little girl “takin’ on dreadful in the h’upper berth.” Of this fact Katy soon had audible proof; for as her dizzy senses rallied a little, she could hear Amy in the opposite stateroom crying and sobbing pitifully. She seemed to be angry as well as sick, for she was scolding her poor mother in the most vehement fashion.

      “I hate being at sea,” Katy heard her say. “I won’t stay in this nasty old ship. Mamma! Mamma! do you hear me? I won’t stay in this ship! It wasn’t a bit kind of you to bring me to such a horrid place. It was very unkind; it was cru-el. I want to go back, Mamma. Tell the captain to take me back to the land. Mamma, why don’t you speak to me? Oh, I am so sick and so very un-happy. Don’t you wish you were dead? I do!”

      And then came another storm of sobs, but never a sound from Mrs. Ashe, who, Katy suspected, was too ill to speak. She felt very sorry for poor little Amy, raging there in her high berth like some imprisoned creature, but she was powerless to help her. She could only resign herself to her own discomforts, and try to believe that somehow, sometime, this state of things must mend; either they should all get to land or all go to the bottom and be drowned, and at that moment she didn’t care very much which it turned out to be.

      The gale increased as the day wore on, and the vessel pitched dreadfully. Twice Katy was thrown out

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