Popping The Cherry. Aurelia Rowl B.
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‘Thanks, Jake,’ I murmured as his deft fingers clipped me in. After everything he’d done for me tonight, how could I not class him as a friend? ‘And I don’t just mean for helping me with the seatbelt.’
‘No problem, Lena,’ he said, drawing away from me to see to his own seatbelt, yet his scent lingered around me; part body wash and part deodorant as if he’d not long showered, and part musky odour that I now knew was unmistakably Jake. ‘I’d say “any time” but I’m hoping you don’t make a habit of needing to be rescued.’
He turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life, his hand accidentally brushing my knee as he reached for the gearstick. With one final wave to the Indian couple, he reversed onto the road and pulled away, leaving the takeaway behind as we made our way back to his place. Neither of us seemed to know what to say, so we travelled in relative silence, listening to the radio. I sighed with relief when I saw a little purple Corsa on the driveway.
Gemma had got home OK.
Speak of the devil, she came flying out of the front door before we’d even parked up. She wrenched the van door open the moment Jake cut the engine.
‘What the hell, Lena? What’s going on?’ If it was possible to sound relieved, ticked off and happy at the same time, then Gemma was a total pro. ‘I got back from Ben’s and found a cryptic note from Jake telling me he’d gone to fetch you.’
‘Go easy on her, Gemma,’ Jake said, unclipping both of our seatbelts. ‘Lena’s had a rough night.’
‘So why did she call you, not me?’
They continued their conversation as if I weren’t there, which suited me just fine. The journey had taken a lot out of me, and, although Jake had driven really gently around the bends, I ached all over.
‘She didn’t. I just happened to be here when the phone rang.’ Jake got out of the van and walked around the front to my side. ‘I take it you’re OK to have a guest tonight?’
‘Well, duh. Always! She practically lives here half the time, anyway.’ Back under the spotlight, Gemma eyed me up as if hoping to find the answers written on my body. Maybe they were: the bruises might be showing by now. ‘Umm … Lena, do you realise you have blood in your hair?’
‘What? No. Eww!’ Like an moron, I reached up to pat my head without thinking and suffered for it. ‘Ow!’
Gemma saw me wince, and watched me drop my arm limply back into my lap. ‘Can somebody please—’ she drew the word out so it sounded more like pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase ‘—tell me what the fuck is going on.’
‘Language, Gem—’
‘I will, I promise,’ I said, cutting off Jake’s reprimand while also trying to get my breathing back under control. ‘I really want to get the call to the police over with, too.’
‘The police?’ Gemma’s eyebrows shot up and disappeared behind her fringe. ‘C’mon, you’re killing me here.’
‘I know, I’m sorry. You’re sure you don’t mind me crashing with you tonight?’
‘Of course I don’t mind, but I hope you weren’t planning on going to sleep any time soon.’
Jake jumped in before I could reply. ‘I’m banking on it,’ he said, earning questioning looks from both me and Gemma, but he ignored us and bent down, sliding one arm beneath my knees, and the other around my back. ‘Do you think you can you hook your arm round my neck for me again?’
‘Again?’ Gemma asked. ‘What do you mean “again”?’
‘Like this?’ I asked, blanking Gemma out for the moment and linking my left arm around Jake.
‘Yeah, that’s perfect.’ He hoisted me out of the van and cradled me in his arms once more, making me feel like a rag doll all over again. ‘Could you grab Lena’s shoes and then close the door for me please, Gem?’
He set off towards the house without waiting for Gemma’s reply. Her face was a picture, though. She should think herself lucky my phone was dead, which meant no camera, or she’d have been a sure-fire hit on the Internet. It was only because I was still peeping at her over Jake’s shoulder that I saw it: that trace of something else, a certain tightness around her mouth and a barely-there narrowing of her eyes. She was not amused, looking as if she was ticked off at me, or maybe Jake.
The sound of a car door slamming and running footsteps over the gravel meant she soon caught up with us, making me wonder if she didn’t want to let me and Jake out of her sight. I’d expected Jake to put me down once we got inside the hallway of the house I consider to be my second home, but instead he held onto me, not even slightly out of breath. He carried me through to the sitting room at the back of the house, formerly their playroom, then set me down on the sofa.
Gemma immediately sat beside me and helped strip my coat off, dumping it on the floor next to her. She took hold of my hand, as Jake mumbled something about tea and blankets, then, the moment he was out of earshot, she pounced.
‘I’ve got just one question before he comes back.’ Uh-oh! Here it comes. ‘I know for a fact you went to a gig with Hayden tonight, so how come you ended up in Jake’s van? With him carrying you around like some sort of damsel in distress? Did Hayden do something? Did he hurt you?’
So much for ‘one question’. I flicked a glance at her expression to try to gauge her mood, but she looked her normal ‘best friend’ self again, presumably having got over what whatever her problem with me or Jake was.
‘Not really—well, not like that, anyway.’ I stared down at our joined hands. ‘He spent the entire night stoned out of his mind and turned into a right creep.’
‘Sounds like another lucky escape, huh?’
I froze, all except for the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms, which now stood on end. I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself down but it got stuck somewhere between my throat and my lungs, coming out in a strange grunting sound. Gemma looked panic-stricken. Her words had hit me hard, slapping away the last of my brave face, but she had no way of knowing the truth of what she was saying. She slipped off the sofa and knelt in front of me.
‘What is it?’ she asked, taking hold of my other hand as well, so she now held both of mine, her thumbs rubbing across the backs of my hands. ‘What did I say?’
‘It’s OK,’ I choked out. ‘You weren’t to know.’
‘Know what?’ The tone of her voice and the look in her eye pleaded with me to explain. There was a lump to rival Mount Everest in the back of my throat, but I tried my best.
‘Pete, the guy driving the van, was off his head and tried to kill us all. I made him stop the van so I could get out, but then …’ It was no good. I couldn’t say another word even if I’d wanted to, not with the onslaught of a coughing fit, but Gemma refused to be distracted by something as minor as me choking to death.
‘You got out and then …?’
Jake timed his return perfectly. ‘And that’s when two fuckers chased her and scared the goddamn shit out of her,’ he said, his tone filled with hate and aggression.