Trick or Treat. Jana Hunter
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“Woof! Woof, woof!” She loved it.
After that we got down to some serious eating. When we’d demolished the lot, we flopped on the floor, stuffed, and told each other Hallowe’en jokes. They were daft, but they made you laugh. Here are some of my favourites:
Question: Why does a witch ride a broomstick?
Answer: Because a vacuum cleaner’s too heavy.
Question: What’s a witch’s favourite computer programme?
Answer: Spellcheck
Question: What big, green and smells?
Answer: A witch’s nose.
Good, aren’t they? My very very best, favourite was:
Lovestruck witch to handsome prince: What do I have to give you to make you kiss me?
Prince: Chloroform!
That one cracked us all up.
Lyndz laughed so much she got the hiccups. “Hic! What a lovely surprise for the handsome prince when he came round!”
“Talking of surprises…” I said. “That reminds me.”
“Molly’s in for a massive surprise tonight.”
“What is it?”
“Tell us!”
I giggled. “A huge hairy spider, hiding in her pyjamas.”
“Serves her right!”
Frankie put her witch mask back on. (She’d only taken it off so she could eat.) “Heh, heh heh. There came a big spider, that sat down beside her…” she cackled.
“A spider in your pyjamas is so creepy,” shuddered Fliss dramatically. “I’d just die!”
“A spider won’t stop Molly messing up our sleepovers,” Rosie pointed out. Told you Rosie was dead practical and down-to-earth. “We’ve got to do more than that to stop her.”
“Rosie’s right. Molly’s got swimming practice every Saturday ’til the school gala. We’ve got to stop her.”
“We could snip the straps off her swimming costume,” giggled Lyndz, who wouldn’t really hurt a fly.
“Or drain the school pool,” laughed Rosie.
But Frankie was deadly serious. “Why don’t we put a spell on Molly?”
We all stared at her.
“Like what?”
“We could make her so allergic to water she comes out in boils!”
“Er…” I think Frankie was getting a bit carried away with that spooky mask.
“We have to do something, Kenny! Molly’s trying to mess up our whole Sleepover Club.”
Frankie was right about that, and I could see the others agreed. This was serious. If we didn’t put a stop to Molly’s tricks the whole club was in danger.
“We-ell…” I said in the end, “I could gatecrash her swimming session tomorrow.”
“And do what?”
“Just swim.” (Secretly I was hoping to find a way out of putting nasty spells on my sister, even if she did deserve it.) “I’m a better swimmer than Molly and that really makes her mad.”
“Hmmm…” said Frankie.
“I can tell her I’ll be there every Saturday unless she stops trying to ruin our sleepovers.”
“They’ll let me into the school pool cos I’m Molly’s sister.”
Frankie thought for a moment longer. “Okay, go to the swimming pool tomorrow…And Kenny?”
“Make sure you show Molly who’s boss.”
Next morning I got to Molly’s school bright and early.
Outside it was cold and foggy, but inside the pool had that lovely warm, fuggy, chlorine smell. Mind you, I wasn’t warm enough to jump in yet. Besides, it was so fogged with steam, I couldn’t see Molly at all. So I just stood by the edge, covered in goose pimples, trying to make out one school swimming costume from another.
But that didn’t stop Molly the Monster from coming up behind me and making me jump out of my skin. “What are you doing here?” she snarled.
“Mum said I could.”
“Liar!” Dripping cold water on to me, Molly stuck her big, wet face into mine. “Mum’s already after you for putting that spider in my pyjamas, you little—”
“Oh dear…” I went, all innocent. “Didn’t you like my little Hallowe’en surprise, then?”
Molly turned purple. “Get out of here,” she hissed. “This is my school pool and my swimming practice.”
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