Death in Ecstasy. Ngaio Marsh

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Death in Ecstasy - Ngaio  Marsh

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Claude Wheatley tells me –’

      â€˜Don’t you believe anything that little beast says, Mr – er – Inspector – er –’

      â€˜Inspector Alleyn, madam.’

      â€˜Oh – Inspector Alleyn. Claude’s a little pig. Always prying into other people’s affairs. I’ve told Father, but he’s so good he doesn’t see.’

      â€˜I gather you rather upset Mr Wheatley by referring to his preparations for the service.’

      â€˜Serves him right if I did. He kept on saying it was murder, he knew it was murder, and that Cara was such a lovely woman and everyone was jealous of her. I just said: “Well,” I said, “if she was murdered,” I said, “who prepared the goblet and the flagon?” And then he fainted. I thought it looked very queer.’

      â€˜Miss Quayne was a very beautiful woman, I believe?’ said Alleyn casually.

      â€˜I never could see it. Of course, if you admire that type. But just because that M. de Ravigne went silly over her – I mean everyone knows what foreigners are like. If you give them any encouragement, that is. Well, I myself – I suppose Claude told you that – about her looks, I mean. Or was it Father Garnette? Was it?’

      â€˜I’m afraid I don’t remember,’ said Alleyn.

      Mrs Candour jerked her chin up. For a second her face was horrible. ‘Cara doesn’t look very pretty now,’ she said softly.

      Alleyn turned away.

      â€˜I mustn’t keep you any longer,’ he said. ‘There’s only one other point. You were the first, after Mr Garnette, to take the cup. Did you notice any peculiar smell?’

      â€˜I don’t know. I don’t remember. No, I don’t think so.’

      â€˜I see. Thank you. That is all, I think.’

      â€˜I may go home?’

      â€˜Certainly. There is a wardress in the lobby. Would you object to being examined?’


      â€˜Just looked over, you know. It’s the usual thing.’

      â€˜Oh, yes, please – I’d rather – much rather.’

      â€˜Thank you. You will be given notice of the inquest.’

      â€˜The inquest! Oh, how dreadful. I don’t know how I’m to get over this – I’m so shockingly sensitive. Inspector Alleyn, you’ve been marvellously kind. I always thought that police methods were brutal.’ She looked up at him with a general air of feminine helplessness somewhat negatived by a glint of appraisal in her eye. It was a ghastly combination. She held out her hand.

      â€˜Goodbye, Inspector Alleyn.’

      â€˜Good evening, madam,’ said Alleyn.

      She wobbled away on her French heels.

      â€˜This is a very unsavoury case,’ said Nigel.

      â€˜It’s murder,’ said Inspector Fox mildly.

      â€˜Most foul,’ added Alleyn, ‘as at the best it is. But this most foul – Yes, I agree with you, Bathgate. Bailey!’

      â€˜Here,’ said that worthy, rising up from behind the lectern.

      â€˜Next please.’

      â€˜Right, sir.’

      â€˜What did you make of Mrs Candour?’ asked Alleyn.

      â€˜A perfectly appalling old girl,’ said Nigel fervently.

      â€˜Oh, yes. All that. Almost a pathological case, one might imagine. Still, the exhibition of jealousy was interesting, didn’t you think, Fox?’

      â€˜Yes, I did,’ agreed Fox. ‘This Father Garnette seems to be a peculiar sort of man for the ministry.’


      â€˜When she made that appalling remark about Cara not looking very pretty now,’ said Nigel, ‘she was positively evil. Without a shadow of doubt she loathed the poor woman. I am surprised at your allowing her to escape. She should have been handcuffed immediately, I consider.’

      â€˜Don’t show off,’ said Alleyn abstractedly.

      â€˜I’ll be right there, Ahfficer. Where’s the Chief?’ cried Mr Ogden from afar. He appeared with Bailey by the altar, saw Alleyn, and made straight for him.

      â€˜Well, well, well. Look what’s here!’ exclaimed Mr Ogden.

      â€˜Yes, look,’ said Alleyn. ‘It’s a pathetic sight, Mr Ogden. Here we go grubbing along – however.’

      â€˜Say, Inspector, what’s the big idea? You look kind of world-weary.’

      â€˜Do I, Mr Ogden, do I?’

      â€˜And just when I was congratulating myself on sitting right next the works for an inside survey of British criminal investigation.’

      â€˜And now you’ll never talk again about our wonderful police.’

      â€˜Is that so? Well, I’m not saying anything.’

      â€˜You won’t mind if I ask you a few dreary questions, perhaps? We have to do our stuff, you know.’

      â€˜Go right ahead. My, my!’ said Mr Ogden contemplating Alleyn with an air of the liveliest satisfaction. ‘You certainly are the goods. I guess you’ve got British Manufacture stamped some place where it won’t wear off. All this quiet deprecation – it’s direct from a sure-fire British best-seller. I can’t hardly believe it’s true.’

      Nigel, from his unobtrusive seat by Fox, allowed himself an irritating grin. Alleyn saw it and looked furious.

      â€˜That sounds a very damning description, Mr Ogden,’ he said, and hurried on. He asked Ogden if he had noticed a peculiar smell and got the now customary reply that the reek of incense was so strong that it would drown any other smell.

      â€˜Though, now I get to thinking about it,’ added Mr Ogden, ‘I do seem to remember it was uncommon powerful tonight. Yes, sir, I believe I thought those two he-he boys were certainly hitting up the atmosphere.’

      â€˜Can you remember at what precise moment you thought this?’


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