American Monsters. Derek Landy
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“No,” said Amber, “no, no, no …”
Clarissa reached through, took hold of something, easing the pressure off Amber’s arm.
“Jesus,” Clarissa said. “I think it’s a bear trap.”
The bear trap, or whatever it was, jarred against the opening and Amber cried out again, but Clarissa didn’t stop, and together they pulled the trap from the wall. Amber sank to her knees and Clarissa laid the trap on the floor, its metal teeth holding Amber’s arm tight. There was blood. A lot of it.
“You’re gonna be okay,” said Clarissa. “You’re gonna be … Christ … you’re gonna be okay.”
“You’re going to die like a pig,” said Amber’s demon-self, standing behind Clarissa. “And you’re going to leak all over this fine carpet while you’re at it. I hope you’re happy, young lady.” She laughed. “When your parents hear that this is how you died, they are going to be so unimpressed.”
Amber snarled.
“Clarissa,” she said. “Towels.”
“Towels. Soak them. Hot water. Go. Now.”
Clarissa nodded, leaped up and ran to the bathroom, and Amber shifted.
Still snarling, she brought her knee in to brace the bottom of the bear trap, and she gripped the upper teeth with her good hand. Growling at the pain, she pulled the jaws apart, and withdrew her arm. She let the jaws snap closed again, and reverted before Clarissa came out of the bathroom.
“Oh my God!” Clarissa said. “You did it! How did you do it? Jesus!”
Amber sat back against the wall, sweating profusely and clutching her arm.
“Can you stand?” Clarissa asked. “Can you make it to the bed?”
Amber nodded, and Clarissa helped her up. They were halfway to the bed when the hidden door opened behind them, and two men came through.
The first one wore the surgical mask with the snarling mouth drawn on it. He’d cut a hole between the teeth, though, and from this his tongue darted like a pink, slippery rodent that Amber immediately wanted to pound, whack-a-mole style. He held a chainsaw. Behind him came the Catching Z’s manager. He was grinning.
“Let us go!” Clarissa shouted to them. “You nearly killed her! Let us go!”
The nutcase in the mask tittered, and yanked on the cord. The chainsaw’s sudden roar made Clarissa scream, but instead of jumping back she ran at them, flailing.
The nutcase stumbled backwards, cursing under his mask, but the manager swung a punch that sent Clarissa tumbling over the bed. They turned their attentions to Amber, and Amber shifted.
The pain subsided and she could move her hand again. She snarled at the nutcase, watching his eyes widen over his mask. The manager looked like he might cry.
“You picked the wrong girls tonight,” Amber said, and lunged.
The nutcase in the surgical mask tried to use the chainsaw to keep her away, but she punched him with her good fist, square in the chest. He flew backwards, swinging the chainsaw wide. Amber ducked. The manager wasn’t so fast. The chainsaw bar hardly grazed his neck, but it was enough to cut through to the meat. Blood splattered and the chainsaw fell and sputtered out and the manager stumbled against the wall, hands at his neck, his eyes open wide in shock. His legs gave out and he slid down to the floor and died with a last spurt of blood and a gurgle.
The nutcase in the surgical mask bolted out of the door. She stopped herself from going after him, turning instead to Clarissa, who was getting to her feet. Amber reverted, gritting her teeth against the oncoming pain.
Clarissa’s eyes widened when she saw the manager and all that blood. “You did that?”
“No, not me,” Amber said. “The other guy, the one in the mask, he tripped, and this one kinda … fell into him. We got lucky.”
“That’s more than luck,” said Clarissa. “That’s a goddamn miracle. You okay? How’s your arm?”
“It’ll be fine,” Amber said. “My friend, he’s a medic. He can stitch me up.”
“You mean you don’t wanna go to the cops,” Clarissa said. “Don’t worry, I get it. I’m not gonna tell.”
“Thank you. Seriously. Now come on. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
AMBER WENT BACK TO her room. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t sleep that night.
She covered the broken mirror, shifted into demon form and took a sip, merely a taste, of Astaroth’s blood. The warmth flooded her body and the pain went away, and she lay on the bed.
Her thoughts wouldn’t slow down. They careened through her synapses, pinging off the walls of her brain like overexcited children. She thought about the guy in the surgical mask, thought about catching him in a bear trap just to see how long he’d last. She’d quite enjoy seeing those metal teeth spring shut on his head.
Morning came without incident, the room gradually becoming brighter. A half-hour before she was due to get up, she fell asleep, which was just typical. The alarm on her phone went off and she muted it, grumbling. She reverted and examined her arm. The wounds had reduced to the lightest of scars, and most of the pain was gone.
She dressed in jeans and a loose top. She didn’t bother with the activewear today. It was too warm, and she wasn’t in the mood. She stood by the door and took a selfie, then checked the room to make sure she wasn’t leaving anything behind. Reassured, she picked up her bag and walked to the diner. Milo was finishing up his breakfast at the table at the back. She joined him, and the first thing she said was, “Where the hell were you last night?”
Milo took a sip of coffee. “In my room,” he said. “Sleeping. Where the hell were you?”
“You didn’t notice how quiet the rooms are here? You didn’t realise how everything is soundproofed?”
“I didn’t notice much of anything. I was, as I said, sleeping.”
“So you didn’t notice the mirror that was screwed to the wall, or you didn’t notice the mattress that was—”
“I’m just going to save us both some time here,” Milo said. “I didn’t notice anything. I got to my room and I fell on the bed and I went to sleep, pretty much immediately. So are you going to tell me what has you so angry, or are you going to let me drink my coffee?”
“I was stuck in a booby-trapped room last night.” Amber pulled up her sleeve, showing him her scars. “The manager and his nutcase friend like to watch people