Mary Barton. Элизабет Гаскелл
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‘Ay, but I were though, and Peg there too, though she minds nought about it, poor wench! You must know I had but one child, and she were Margaret’s mother. I loved her above a bit, and one day when she came (standing behind me for that I should not see her blushes, and stroking my cheeks in her own coaxing way), and told me she and Frank Jennings (as was a joiner lodging near us) should be so happy if they were married, I could not find in my heart t’ say her nay, though I went sick at the thought of losing her away from my home. However, she was my only child, and I never said nought of what I felt, for fear o’ grieving her young heart. But I tried to think o’ the time when I’d been young mysel, and had loved her blessed mother, and how we’d left father and mother, and gone out into th’ world together, and I’m now right thankful I held my peace, and didna fret her wi’ telling her how sore I was at parting wi’ her that were the light o’ my eyes.’
‘But,’ said Mary, ‘you said the young man were a neighbour.’
‘Ay, so he were, and his father afore him. But work were rather slack in Manchester, and Frank’s uncle sent him word o’ London work and London wages, so he were to go there, and it were there Margaret was to follow him. Well, my heart aches yet at thought of those days. She so happy, and he so happy; only the poor father as fretted sadly behind their backs. They were married and stayed some days wi’ me afore setting off; and I’ve often thought sin’, Margaret’s heart failed her many a time those few days, and she would fain ha’ spoken; but I knew fra’ mysel it were better to keep it pent up, and I never let on what I were feeling; I knew what she meant when she came kissing, and holding my hand, and all her old childish ways o’ loving me. Well, they went at last. You know them two letters, Margaret?’
‘Yes, sure,’ replied his grand-daughter.
‘Well, them two were the only letters I ever had fra’ her, poor lass. She said in them she were very happy, and I believe she were. And Frank’s family heard he were in good work. In one o’ her letters, poor thing, she ends wi’ saying, “Farewell, Grandad!” wi’ a line drawn under grandad, and fra’ that an’ other hints I knew she were in th’ family way; and I said nought, but I screwed up a little money, thinking come Whitsuntide I’d take a holiday and go and see her an’ th’ little one. But one day towards Whitsuntide, comed Jennings wi’ a grave face, and says he, “I hear our Frank and your Margaret’s both getten the fever.” You might ha’ knocked me down wi’ a straw, for it seemed as if God told me what th’ upshot would be. Old Jennings had gotten a letter, you see, fra’ the landlady they lodged wi; a well-penned letter, asking if they’d no friends to come and nurse them. She’d caught it first, and Frank, who was as tender o’er her as her own mother could ha’ been, had nursed her till he’d caught it himself; and she expecting her down-lying* every day. Well, t’ make a long story short, old Jennings and I went up by that night’s coach. So you see, Mary, that was the way I got to London.’
‘But how was your daughter when you got there?’ asked Mary anxiously.
‘She were at rest, poor wench, and so were Frank. I guessed as much when I see’d th’ landlady’s face, all swelled wi’ crying, when she opened th’ door to us. We said, “Where are they?” and I knew they were dead, fra’ her look; but Jennings didn’t, as I take it; for when she showed us into a room wi’ a white sheet on th’ bed, and underneath it, plain to be seen, two still figures, he screeched out as if he’d been a woman.
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