Broken Skin. Stuart MacBride
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Logan joined her at the window. Down in the front car park there was a clump of outside-broadcast vans. A little knot of cameras and journalists were sheltering under umbrellas in the steady downpour, the occasional flash illuminating the concrete and granite like lightning. ‘Rob Macintyre.’
‘Aye: Robby Bobby “Goalden Boy” Macintyre. Could Insch no’ find someone else to be his bloody rapist? Macintyre’s a local sodding hero.’ She took a huge bite, sending a cascade of white flour spilling down the front of her charcoal-grey suit. ‘Tell you, it’s a PR disaster waiting to happen. Little bugger’s got his publicist working overtime making sure everyone stands up and tells the world what a great guy he is and how he’d never do anything naughty like rape seven women at knifepoint …’ She sucked the last gasp from her cigarette and flicked it out into the downpour. Logan couldn’t tell for sure, but it looked as if she was aiming for the man from Sky News. It was too far down to tell if she got him or not.
She took another bite and chewed thoughtfully. ‘We get a nice, juicy murder and Insch gets a world of shite.’ She shrugged. ‘Still, rather him than us, eh?’
‘I’m getting the media department to run off some “Do you know this man” posters for our body,’ Logan said, ‘and I got the report on his clothes back from Forensics.’
A long, silent pause. Then, ‘Well, tell me what they said for God’s sake, can you no’ see I’m busy?’ She settled back behind her cluttered desk, put her feet up, and lit another cigarette, blowing a long stream of smoke at the ceiling.
‘Right.’ Logan opened the manila folder and skimmed through it, making for the conclusions at the end. ‘Blah, blah, blah, here we go: they think the blood in the clothes and blanket are all from the same person – blood type matches, but the mobile DNA thing’s on the blink, so we’ve had to send samples off to Dundee to be sure. They’re pretty certain it’s all his though.’
‘Genius.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘They tell us anything we don’t already know?’
‘They got fibres from the blanket he was wrapped in, so if we get a suspect they can run a match, but—’
‘But bugger all that’ll help us actually find out who he is.’
‘Interesting thing is the list of clothing.’ Logan handed over the report and the inspector pursed her lips, reading, then rereading it.
‘Come on then, Miss Marple,’ she said after the third time through, ‘dazzle me with your brilliance.’
‘Trousers, sweatshirt and blanket. No socks, no underwear, no jacket. No personal effects – no keys, no coins, not even an old hanky. He’s been naked and someone’s dressed him as quickly as possible, emptied his pockets, bundled him into the car and—’
‘Oh for God’s sake.’ Steel threw the report back across the table at him. ‘Of course he was bloody naked, you don’t bondage someone up and bugger them to death fully dressed, do you?’
‘Oh. Well, no, I suppose …’
She watched him squirm for a moment, then grinned. ‘See, this is why they pay me the big bucks.’
‘Anyway,’ he could feel a blush creeping up his cheeks, ‘the killer probably wrapped him in the blanket to keep blood off the car seats, but the thing was soaked through. The back seat will be saturated.’
‘Which is no sodding good to us unless we find the car. Get the labs to see if they can do something with the number plate on that surveillance tape. And set up a briefing: couple of dozen uniform, some CID, you know the drill. And we’ll need a HOLMES suite, and an incident room, and …’ She frowned. ‘Anything I’ve forgotten?’
Logan sighed – as usual he was going to be left doing all the work. ‘Press release.’
‘Bingo!’ She beamed. ‘Press release. And while you’re at it, see if they can get us a slot on the news as well – we’ll stick up the victim’s face, you ask people to phone in, and I’ll chat up that girl does the weather …’ The inspector stared off into the distance for a happy moment, then snapped back into the here and now. ‘I’ve got some calls to make.’ She made wafting gestures, ‘Go on, shoo, out, run along, go. Bugger off.’
Logan picked up his half-drunk cup of tea and left her to it.
Three twenty-nine pm – the car park round the back of Brimmond Hill. Alpha Nine Six scrunched to a halt between two huge waterlogged potholes, windscreen wipers going full-tilt in the rain. The top of the hill was lost in the low cloud, the gorse, heather and bracken battered and dripping. The driver pulled on the handbrake. ‘What do you think?’
‘Rock, paper, scissors?’
‘OK … one, two three … shit.’ Scowling out of the windscreen at the downpour. ‘Best of three?’
‘OK, OK … bloody hell …’ The driver cracked the door open, letting in the roar of the rain, drowning out the constant background chatter of the radio. He pulled on his waterproof jacket, turned the collar up, pulled his hat down low over his ears, and jumped out of the car, swearing as he ran across to the burnt-out wreck opposite, trying to avoid the puddles.
The patrol car window wound halfway down, and the PC in the passenger seat shouted, ‘Well?’
Grumbling, the driver clicked his torch on and peered into the blackened shell. There wasn’t much left: the skeletal remains of seats, their wire frames caked with lumps of grey and black ash; dashboard reduced to a buckled sheet of sagging metal; the tyres a slough of vitrified rubber. All the glass was gone. He ran the torch’s beam round the inside, just in case. Anything in there was long gone. ‘Nothing. Just a crappy old Volvo no one loves any more.’
Steel was back at her office window, peering out at the cluster of journalists and TV cameras far below when Logan returned from getting everything organized. ‘Briefing’s at four,’ he said, slumping into the threadbare visitors’ chair. ‘You’ve got sixteen uniform, five CID and about eight admin. And I got the IB to take a good head-and-shoulders shot of the body with his eyes open, they’re going to touch it up on the computer so he doesn’t look so dead.’ Logan yawned, but Steel didn’t seem to notice, just sparked up another cigarette and went back to blowing smoke out into the rain. ‘Press release will be ready about …’ he checked his notes, ‘five, but they don’t think they can get you on the news tonight. Not with this Rob Macintyre thing going on.’
She nodded. ‘No room on the box for two Aberdeen stories eh? Shame …’ She sighed. ‘I’d have loved to show that blonde weathergirl what a real wet front looks like … Still, the circus down there’s getting geared up for something. Want to go watch? If we’re lucky that grumpy, fat bastard Insch will punch someone.’