Afterlife. Claudia Gray

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Afterlife - Claudia  Gray

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world, except for visits from Vic, she wasn’t very good at the social-interaction thing. “You don’t have to be afraid of us.”

      But I was. Going to “talk to Christopher” sounded the same as accepting my death, and at that moment, I couldn’t. “Not tonight, okay?”

      She hesitated, clearly disappointed, but then she vanished.

      After a second, I realized that Maxie was right about one thing: It was time for me to quit brooding and go to Lucas. By now, perhaps, he’d be ready to see me again, ghost or not.

      The easiest way down proved to be sort of melting along the tower wall, feeling the stones ripple past me. As soon as I reached the new roof, I could feel that it was far more resistant to ghosts than before, but I could go in through the front door or most of the windows. I darted in and out, finding my way, memorizing paths in case I needed to use them later.

      Occasionally I felt a small ripple of energy behind me, or in an opposite corner, and figured Maxie was trailing along after me. But then I realized that it wasn’t her.

      It—they—were other ghosts.

      Christopher? I thought, with a shiver of fear. He was the only other wraith I’d encountered at Evernight. But his was a powerful, unmistakable presence, one I didn’t detect here. And there were several of them: two, three, five, ten, maybe more. They were just slivers of fog, zephyrs of sensation, probably invisible to anyone who wasn’t a ghost, too. It reminded me of when I’d been a vampire, the way I’d started to be able to just sense when another vampire was nearby, whether or not I ever saw them. I wasn’t exactly seeing these ghosts—more the trails they left behind—but I knew they were there.

      Mrs. Bethany’s plan to draw them here through the human students had obviously worked.

      We always wanted to know why she was hunting the wraiths, I thought. I guess soon we’ll find out.

      I rose through the north tower, searching as I went. Mostly I saw a lot of vampire guys hanging out in their rooms, chugging blood, and bragging about how much sex they’d had during summer vacation, and a few other rooms with human guys who were hanging out, eating potato chips, and bragging—less credibly—about the sex they’d had during summer vacation. If I’d had a body, I would’ve rolled my eyes.

      Then I reached a room where the two inhabitants sat on opposite sides of a chess board, and I smiled.

      “That pawn is now a queen, baby,” Vic said. “Booya.”

      “Your soul is as devious as your stratagems.” Ranulf frowned as he considered what to do next.

      I unfolded, willing myself into a visible form. Both Vic and Ranulf jumped, but then they each smiled. “Hey, ghostly lady.” Vic rose from his chair, like an old-fashioned gentleman. “How’s it going?”

      “Not so hot,” I admitted. “How are you guys?”

      “We compete now for the desirable bunk farther from the windows, which will be less drafty in winter,” Ranulf said. “Later, Vic’s iPad will be used to watch a film of the winner’s choosing. Much is at stake.”

      “In other words, it’s all good.” Vic paused. “At least, in this room. On the sixth floor, you’re gonna find two guys who are having a suckier time of it.”

      “So Mrs. Bethany let them room together?” Balthazar had said he would suggest it, and given the attitudes of the other vampires toward Lucas, it made sense for Mrs. Bethany to agree. But I felt better knowing for sure. “Well, that’s something, anyway.”

      Vic was uncharacteristically quiet for a couple seconds. He avoided my eyes, instead studying the kitschy old Elvis Presley movie poster that he’d tacked onto his wall. Then he said, “I should’ve volunteered. To room with Lucas, I mean. He needs his friends with him—I know that—but I just—”

      “No, Vic, it’s okay. Lucas should be with Balthazar, because he’s going to have a lot of questions that only a more experienced vampire could handle.” There were other reasons Vic didn’t need to room with Lucas right now, but reminding him of them wouldn’t do anybody any good.

      “That’s not what I meant. I want Lucas to know I believe in him. You know?”

      “I know. But . . . give it time. Don’t rush it.”

      Vic nodded and said nothing else. The moment was threatening to become awkward when Ranulf triumphantly slid his queen across several squares. “I believe the superior bunk will be mine.”

      “Oh, man.” Vic made a face, and I had to smile despite myself. Waving good-bye, I dematerialized again and went farther up, to the sixth floor. After searching through a few rooms, I found Lucas and Balthazar. They were already asleep.

      No wonder they’d already gone to bed—this day had to have been exhausting and traumatic for both of them. I didn’t think they’d unpacked. Lucas’s half of the room was as spartan as ever, and Balthazar appeared to have stopped moving in as soon as he laid a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on the window-sill. Balthazar, almost too broad and tall to fit in his bunk, was curled in facing the wall. Ever the fighter, Lucas slept on his back, large, scarred hands above the covers, the better to grab a weapon within moments if necessary. The only time he’d ever deviated from that was when he held me throughout the night.

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