The Curse in the Candlelight. Sophie Cleverly

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The Curse in the Candlelight - Sophie  Cleverly

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this instant!” She picked a ruler up off her desk and waved it at them threateningly.

      Muriel dashed back to her seat, still frowning and clutching her arm. Ebony just swept up her cards and sauntered back, as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

      Madame Lovelace coughed and then fixed us with a steely gaze. “Have you even got your books out? Anyone would think you didn’t have a teacher! Get on with it!”

      It was lunchtime before we finally got a chance to talk about what had happened. I knew, as soon as I stepped into the dining hall, that everyone was talking about it. The new girl did magic in class. She made cards move all by themselves. How did she do it?

      The whispers rushed past us like the wind. And the moment Ebony entered the hall, all eyes were on her. She smiled. I knew then that it was exactly what she’d wanted. She was relishing the attention.

      “That was quite a trick,” said Ariadne as we sat at the table.

      “You think it was a trick?” Scarlet asked. She hadn’t even bothered to touch her food. This was too exciting.

      “As opposed to what?” I turned to my twin.

      “Real magic,” Scarlet said. “I mean, did you see her touch those cards? I didn’t.”

      Ariadne put her thinking face on, the one where you could almost see the cogs turning. “She probably had the cards up her sleeve to start with,” she said.

      “But after that?” Scarlet shook her head. I had to admit, I hadn’t seen her touch the cards either, and I’d been concentrating hard. “It was too weird. And did you see the way everyone just stared?”

      “It was creepy,” I admitted. It wasn’t the Rookwood I knew, where show-offs were usually quickly dispatched by bullies. People had just sat and watched. Ebony was like a ticking time bomb, it seemed, and you felt like you had to keep an eye on her in case she went off.

      And why had she involved Muriel in her prank? She seemed determined to single her out. “Where’s Muriel?” I wondered aloud.

      “She ran off.” Someone from further down the table spoke. I looked up to see Penny, who looked distinctly fed up. She was poking her sandwiches – Mrs Knight had altered the menu somewhat, and we had cheese and ham sandwiches instead of the usual stew. “I saw her,” she said in a flat tone. “She got her food, took one look at Miss Mystic over there and headed outside.”

      “Is something wrong, Penny?” Scarlet asked, although there was no real concern in her voice. Penny had always been the school’s worst bully. “Are you not getting all the attention for once?”

      “Ha!” Penny laughed drily. “That’s rich coming from you.” I could tell her heart wasn’t in the insult, though. “I’m just … tired, that’s all.” She smiled a weak smile. “Tired of all this.”

      Although talking to Penny was usually the last thing I wanted to do, I felt a little intrigued – she wasn’t being actively horrible. “What do you mean?” I asked.

      Penny hesitated for a moment, as if she wasn’t sure whether to set the words free. She ran a hand through her copper hair and sighed. “Violet’s gone. Josie’s gone. I don’t think Nadia likes me. And my parents, well …”

      “I’m sorry,” I said. And I meant it. It must be tough for her, not having her friends around.

      Penny just shrugged.

      But Scarlet wasn’t going to be as soft on her. “Thinking of giving up the bullying business, then?” she asked.

      I expected Penny to get angry at that, but there was no explosion – just a quiet resignation. “Maybe I just can’t count on things being the same any more,” she said as she picked up her sandwich and began to chew thoughtfully.

      I hated to admit it, but I thought I knew how she felt. I turned to my twin. “Things are certainly changing around here,” I said.

      “But we’ll always have each other.” She grinned.

      Ariadne was silent for a moment, her cogs still spinning. Then she stood up. “I … I’m going to see if Muriel is all right,” she said, “… again.” She took her plate and wandered off outside.

      I watched her go. “Do you think Ariadne’s starting to forgive Muriel?”

      “It’s Rookwood School,” said Scarlet. “Anything could happen.”

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       Chapter Nine


      img missinghe rumours about Ebony were flying around the school faster than I could follow them. I heard someone swearing that they’d seen a black cat coming out of her dorm room, followed by someone else insisting they’d seen her turn into a black cat.

      It was ridiculous. Her magic had been convincing, and maybe, maybe

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