Doom Prophecy. Don Pendleton
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Conversely, Akira Tokaido, the long-haired, young Japanese-American cyberpunk, was listening to wild music on his iPod and plowing through the transmission information regarding the final hours of Knight Seven and the mysteriously overridden Predator UAV drone. Tokaido, as opposed to Wethers, was more an instinctive, imagination-driven programmer and hacker. Bear assigned him to the matter of what happened to the slaughtered Knight Seven Special Forces team and how they had been lured off course into their trap.
It wouldn’t go easy. Carmen Delahunt was brilliant at being the in-betweener for the pair, able to bridge the deliberate, painstaking methods of Wethers and the off-the-cuff, wild energy of Tokaido. Kurtzman had managed without her efforts before, though, and he could handle it now.
“We’ve got an incoming call,” Price stated, pointing to the main board. “San Francisco.”
“Able has a lead already? “ Tokaido asked. He looked up from his monitor and slid his headphones off his ears, the tinny rattle of heavy-metal music issuing from the foam-covered speakers.
“It’s Carmen,” Wethers corrected as he went to the fax. “And you were right. Lyons got some case-head impressions from the HedSpayce massacre.”
“I’ll get on it. You keep looking through their investigation data about Ka55andra,” Kurtzman volunteered. Wethers came to him, handing the man the pages of the fax.
“All right. I’m starting to pick up a pattern, but I’m only a fifth through the data that they gave us,” Wethers said.
Delahunt’s face appeared on the screen, her Web cam transmitting her tired features across the expanse of the country.
“Damn, Carm, you look like…” Tokaido began before catching a glare from Kurtzman.
“Don’t worry about it, Bear,” Delahunt answered. “I know I’ve had a rough time. Carl gave me a list of names you might find interesting.”
Wethers spoke up, his deep timberous voice filling the computer center. “You know, you could tell him that the Farm has its own investigative resources.”
“You’d like to tell the Ironman to drop what he’s doing?” Delahunt asked.
“My apologies,” Wethers offered.
“No offense taken,” Delahunt replied.
“Besides,” Kurtzman noted. “Able Team and Phoenix Force weren’t hired for their pretty looks. These are smart, dedicated people. This is a two-way street. Any information they uncover only gives us more to help them with.”
Price looked at the faxed list of names. “Keller. Haggar. Cannon. Pretty impressive group of killers if Carl’s right.”
“He probably is,” Kurtzman replied. “According to the descriptions of the trio the S.F.P.D. encountered, and what records we have on Carl’s list, they’ve just made our short list of suspects even shorter.”
He tilted his flat-screen LCD toward Price and she read two parallel windows of information. One was the report given by a surviving police officer from the hospital, and the other window had three subwindows with photographs and verbal descriptions of Keller, Haggar and Cannon. Kurtzman highlighted dozens of matching keywords between one window and the next.
“And yet, he plays dumb so well,” Price muttered. “There are times when he’s almost Sherlock Holmes.”
“Yeah, but the deerstalker cap doesn’t match his commando fatigues,” Tokaido quipped.
“Carl and the others took off. He probably is heading to one of the trio’s San Francisco hangouts,” Delahunt replied.
Kurtzman did a quick scan and nodded. “If they’re going to find anyone, it’ll be Haggar. He was part of an outlaw motorcycle gang for a few years, and his records indicate that he used to frequent a bar in the Frisco area.”
Price groaned softly. “Able Team at a biker bar?”
Kurtzman raised an eyebrow. “They’ll be as discreet as they can be.”
Price frowned. “You know why I made the effort to keep those three on American soil. They’re a diplomatic relations disaster waiting to happen. Hell, even in the U.S., they leave big, messy footprints wherever they go into action.”
“They get results,” Kurtzman said.
Price sighed. “I know. I’ll just get ready to start calling in favors in Southern California. Just in case they accidentally set off the San Andreas fault.”
Kurtzman smiled. “Chances are, when Lyons and company are finished, the authorities will just wish that the big one had hit instead.”
“You’re not bolstering my confidence, Bear,” Price moaned, heading back to her operations office.
She was at the door when another signal lit up from Kenya.
Price stopped and looked back.
“Hang on, Carmen, I have incoming from David,” Kurtzman said.
“Let it through. He’s probably calling, complaining about another Hugh Grant movie on the flight,” Delahunt said.
“David, you’re on,” Kurtzman acknowledged, once Wethers signaled that the call was clean.
“Bloody hell,” David McCarter’s voice snapped over the satellite phone. “Careful!”
“Sorry, David,” Gary Manning responded.
“What happened?” Price asked.
“Gary’s stitching my bloody shoulder shut…literally bloody,” the Phoenix Force commander answered. “Barb, someone was waiting for us to get off that ruddy jet.”
“You were attacked when you landed?” Price asked.
“They tried to make it look like the whole base was the target, but they were looking for us. What information did Stewart have about us?” McCarter asked.
“Just that you were a joint task force counterterrorism team sent over to help investigate Algul, his blood cult, and their ties to the Shining Warrior Path and AJAX,” Price responded.
“Well, they were waiting to throw us a party. RPGs, a couple of waves of AK-toting psychos, and enough ammunition to cripple the transport jet and kill five U.S. military personnel,” McCarter explained. “I thought we were supposed to be protecting people, not springing traps and getting them killed.”
“Sorry,” Price answered. “She must have Task Force Camelot’s