The Lost Wolf's Destiny. Karen Whiddon

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The Lost Wolf's Destiny - Karen  Whiddon

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able to survive. His sister certainly hadn’t.

      Pushing away the still-raw wound, he wondered what Jacob planned to do with the mother once he killed her child? A grieving mother would not only understand the depths of his betrayal, but would crave vengeance, no matter what the cost. Grimacing, he didn’t want to imagine the special something Jacob had planned for her, as well. No matter what she was, Jacob couldn’t help but notice her startling beauty.

      Growling low in his throat, Lucas again pushed back his wolf. He had a job to do, and perhaps his wolf self would be helpful in that. Either way, no matter what, Lucas knew he had to get them out. As quickly as possible.

      He made one more slow circle around the ranch, just to make sure. Sanctuary was unguarded. Good for him, bad for Jacob. But then again, he reminded himself, who the hell would really want to break in to Sanctuary? Especially if they’d never been given a reason?

      Again Lucas pictured the small girl’s wan face and her mother’s tired, hopeful beauty. His fists clenched. He had to save them. He would save them, no matter what the personal cost.

      It had taken him three days to make the drive. But then, he didn’t know exactly when the woman and her child had arrived here. If it had been directly after the newscast, that would mean they’d been under Jacob’s roof for seventy-two hours. Who knew what had already happened to them? He’d seen the look of desperation in the mother’s eyes. She’d obviously tried everything and was now reduced to grasping at straws. Jacob Gideon’s blatant brand of faith healing drew only the truly hopeless or the truly lost.

      He wondered if she’d yet begun to figure out how things went. They’d probably had enough time to realize they weren’t exactly guests, but prisoners. And that Jacob might not be the benevolent prophet of God that he claimed to be.

      He had one plan. Break in. Find the woman and her child. Get them out. And annihilate anyone who stood in his way.

      Savagely, he realized he actually hoped that Jacob decided to stand in his way.

      The woman might not believe him, but he’d have to take that chance.

      His motorcycle, which had long been his primary form of transportation, wouldn’t work for getting them out. He’d need something larger, a car or truck or van.

      He’d deal with that later. Right now, he’d gotten the lay of the land.

      Driving past the gate for the last time, he gunned the motor and headed into town and the motel room he’d reserved by phone. He’d come back tonight under cover of darkness, go in and take a closer look.

      Briefly, it occurred to Lucas that Jacob might have set a trap for him, using the woman and child as a lure to bring in his prodigal son. But as soon as he had this thought, he dismissed it. Too many years had passed and for all Jacob knew, Lucas was dead. Not once in all that time had Lucas attempted to make contact with the man who’d raised him. Despite the evidence of his bruised and battered young body, he hadn’t even gone to the authorities and reported Jacob for child abuse. He’d suspected they wouldn’t believe him or, if they did, Jacob’s silver tongue and powerful influence would convince them otherwise.

      Full of guilt and sorrow, all Lucas had cared about was putting as much distance as possible between himself and Sanctuary and the man who had killed his twin sister.

      After parking in front of his rustic motel room, he checked in and received his key. Next to the motel, a flashing neon sign advertised a café. His stomach growled. He needed meat, lots of it, red beef, hamburger or steaks, something with lots of protein to feed the animal inside him.

      Using his key, he unlocked his room door and went inside. The musty odor of stale cigarette smoke mingled with the lingering smell of bleach. The scents, no matter how offensive, barely registered.

      Because he suddenly realized he did have an amendment to his plan. Pretty much foolproof. Because no matter what Jacob might or might not expect from Lucas, he wouldn’t expect him to return as a wolf, the very thing that made him a demon in Jacob’s eyes.

      Inside, Lucas’s wolf growled with approval. Decision made, he turned around and left the room to head toward the café. Now he would eat to make sure he was strong enough for the change. After, he might try to catch a few hours of shut-eye before nightfall.

      Tonight, he’d return to the place that haunted his nightmares. Tonight, he would change and let his inner beast free. And this time, he would succeed.

      He nearly laughed out loud. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on him. It was fitting he go there as wolf. With his amplified senses—especially scent and night vision—he’d have the advantage. Jacob might have put the woman and her daughter out there as bait, using them to lure his son back. Or he might not. Either way, Lucas would find them and set them free. And in the process, he’d find a way to expose Jacob Gideon for what he truly was.

      Once Lucas was done, once he got the woman and her daughter out, he’d make sure Jacob never hurt anyone else ever again.

      Chapter 3

      The next morning, after a fitful night trying to sleep, Blythe rose before dawn, craving coffee. The nightstand clock showed it was a little after five. A search of the room revealed no small coffeepot, like the ones in some hotels, so she reluctantly gave up on that idea.

      Since Hailey was still sleeping, she moved quietly, aware her daughter needed all the rest she could get. The bad heart made Hailey tire quickly and suddenly. She’d collapsed a few times, unable to catch her breath. Each time that had happened, Blythe felt her own chest constrict, the horrible aching fear for Hailey, her frustration that she could do nothing to help her baby girl.

      Crossing to the dresser, she took a T-shirt and undergarments, plus a pair of jeans. The idea that the clothing—all exactly the right size—had been purchased with her in mind, made her wonder. What if Jacob didn’t want guests to have their own things because he was trying to break the guests’ connections to the outside world?

      As soon as she had the thought, she shied away from it. Her only concern had to be for any chance to heal Hailey.

      Ah, well. She supposed this was their way of attempting to make her feel welcome.

      Once inside the bathroom, she quietly closed the door and located a fluffy white towel. One thing she was learning about Jacob Gideon’s Sanctuary was that he didn’t skimp on luxuries.

      Turning on the shower, she stepped under the hot spray with a sigh. The water felt good and she let herself relax.

      Once she was clean, she dried herself off and brushed her teeth. She towel dried her hair as best she could, not wanting to use the blow-dryer that had been so thoughtfully provided, in case the noise woke Hailey.

      She had a bit of her own makeup that she’d brought with her in her purse, so she applied that. Finally, she considered herself ready to face the day. Opening the door, she went to wake her daughter.

      But the bed was empty. Hailey was gone.

      Stunned, Blythe stood for a moment in shock. How could this be? She’d heard nothing, and surely Hailey would have screamed if some stranger had entered the room and taken her. Wouldn’t she?

      Why? Why would anyone take her baby? What the hell had she done? She should never have come here.


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