A Not Quite Perfect Christmas. Annie Lyons

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A Not Quite Perfect Christmas - Annie  Lyons

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I’ve got to get something from Hello Kitty, The Muppets and possibly Paddington. Oh, and there might be some cool American stuff so I’ll have to look at that too. Come on, we’ve got so much to do!’ she cried, leaping from foot to foot.

      Diana shook her head but smiled indulgently at Lily as they headed towards the escalator. Rachel nudged her mother. ‘Well, at least she’s got her energy back,’ she whispered. ‘And anyway, who doesn’t like a bit of shopping? Lily, will you look at the size of that panda!’


      Michael Allen’s pewter-blue eyes were fixed on Emma and to be honest it was making her mouth go a bit dry. If it weren’t for the fact that he was gay, Emma would have had a knee-trembling crush on this man. In fact, sod it; she did have a crush on him. He was a bit Tom Ford with an air of George Clooney and frankly what wasn’t to like in that combination? She almost forgot what she was saying.

      ‘And so given the success of the first royals’ book, we’re thinking of rolling out the format to other members of the royal family for publication next May.’

      ‘Okay, good.’ Michael nodded. ‘But let’s be selective, shall we? Harry would be an obvious candidate, I would say.’

      ‘Absolutely,’ said Emma. Wendell Burke, who was sitting in the chair next to her, gave an expansive yawn.

      ‘Late night, Wendell?’ asked Michael, bringing his hands together in prayer position.

      ‘Sorry, Michael,’ said Wendell with a sly smile. ‘I was just up late reading the new Richard Bennett. The guy is Grade A.’ Emma bristled.

      ‘Oh, yes, this is our new Oprah boy. Isn’t he British, though?’ asked Michael, glancing over at Emma.

      Emma swallowed. ‘He is.’

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