Hunted by the Jaguar. Bonnie Vanak
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Ariana froze.
Chapter Three
“The rules.” The strongest gave a thin smile. “Remember? If she’s to stay here, we must know her.”
“I know the rules, Theo. But you forget who’s in charge.”
A low growl rumbled from Daimon’s throat. He gave the man a hard shove in the chest. The male staggered back, bowed his head and then looked with respect at Daimon.
Authority reestablished, Daimon returned. “Ariana, these are my men. They will not hurt you.”
He gave them a vicious glance. “They have given their word. But they want to know you, to touch you, to mark you as someone they need to protect. There’s no sex involved. None. They will be gentle or I’ll rip them to pieces myself.”
Theo spoke up. “It is as he says, mistress. Forgive us our intrusion. We have not seen a woman in a long, long time. We will never hurt you.”
“Touch me?” She stared at Daimon as he approached the bed. “What kind of outfit do you run here? I’m not staying. I don’t want you or anyone touching me!”
She went to stand, but he took her hand and pulled her back down. “Ariana. Please. Listen to me.”
Never had she heard that desolate tone. Something inside her twisted at his broken expression.
“All right.”
“We are a sensual people, but they are forbidden from the sensual world. My men are not allowed women and lost their mates when they came here. They have not seen the ones they loved in many decades. I promised they could touch you and remember the feel of a woman’s soft skin. It is the only pleasure they are allowed. But if you don’t want this, I don’t give a damn what promises I made to them. You come first.”
Hot ferocity shone on his face. He looked over her naked body with pride, as if he knew the other men would touch her but only he had the right to claim her. A low growl rumbled from his deep chest, assuring the men he’d rip apart anyone who dared try more.
Daimon drew an arm about her waist. His lean fingers stroked over one hip in a lazy, possessive caress. The demon inside her thrilled at the stir of sexual pleasure, sending off alarm bells.
Thirty shape-shifters would touch her naked body. Ariana opened her mouth to refuse.
And then she looked up into their eyes. The stark loneliness and the desperation tugged at her heart. Instead of fierce wildness, she saw broken men.
These jaguars had suffered terribly. Banished from the females they loved, they spent their days and nights pining for their mates.
“Why are the females not allowed?” she asked.
Daimon’s expression shuttered. “It’s the rule.”
It made no sense, yet the men’s pain was quite real. Theo’s mouth wobbled as he gave her a pleading look.
“I miss my Felicity,” he said thickly. “I do not even know…if she lives.”
The soothing strokes of Daimon’s fingers were caresses heating her skin, inflaming her desire. Fear turned into sheer want. Ariana drew in a deep breath for strength.
She could resist the tug of sexual pleasure. Keep the demon in place.
“All right,” she assented. She looked at Daimon. “What do I do?”
“Lie back on the bed.”
As she did, he jerked back the sheet, baring her body. Cool air washed over her skin.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed.
A shuffling on the hardwood floor warned the men approached. Her nostrils tingled with their various scents of pine, leather, smoke and pure animal. Ariana licked her lips, waiting.
The first brush across her bare belly was a tentative caress. Instinctively she pulled back, but Daimon murmured soothing assurances. Gradually she relaxed.
Another hand stroked down her thigh. Sighs of appreciation followed.
“So soft, so silky,” someone said.
More hands upon her body. A palm caressing her hair, fingering the strands. Warm breath blowing upon her cool flesh as a man hovered near her throat. A slow stroke down one hip.
Two hands sliding up to cup her breasts. Thumbs teased her pearling nipples, arousing her.
She moaned as hands explored, paused, caressed. Her breasts ached and throbbed as the shifters teased and stroked.
“So soft, so pretty,” Theo murmured. “Like my Felicity.”
Lips nuzzled and tasted. A long, delicate lick across her quivering belly. Warm, slightly rough tongues scraped over her skin. They were marking her, sealing her with their senses, as theirs to protect.
A flick across one hardened nipple made her squirm, her skin heating with erotic fervor.
Moisture gushed between her thighs, the musk of her desire scenting the air.
A pair of hands parted her thighs, someone’s hair brushing against her skin like silk threads. Warm, wet lips nuzzled the inside of her limb. A tongue dragged over her shivering flesh.
And then the man put his mouth on her center.
Ariana screamed and arched.
Opening her eyes, she saw Daimon leaning over her, his tongue between her legs. The men gathered around the bed and watched, their eyes gleaming, turning to the shining jewel colors of big cats.
They had ceased touching her minutes ago, she realized. Only Daimon’s tongue slid over her skin, making fire come between her legs, Daimon’s hands upon her body.
The pulsing throb intensified, whipping her into a frenzy. She shifted restlessly on the bed as he continued to taste her. Licking the wetness gushing between her legs. Ariana’s legs spilled open helplessly. Her hands knotted in the sheets. She didn’t care who watched, all she cared about was Daimon’s mouth on her core, his wicked tongue dancing over her shuddering center.
And then he sank a long finger deep inside her. Hot pleasure poured out of her, blasting like a furnace. She bucked wildly, his mouth wringing out spasms of pleasure.
And with the orgasm the demon rose to the surface, chortling with glee. Darkness consumed her, thoughts of tangled sheets, Daimon’s sweaty body sliding over hers, the exquisite thrill of their hot coupling releasing the demon at last.
Coldness washed over her with the realization. Fighting the boneless pleasure claiming her limbs, Ariana jerked away from Daimon. “No!”
With a feral look, he lifted his head. Daimon sat back, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand. Then he gave his fingers a long, delicate lick.