Some Like It Wicked. Lauren Hawkeye

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Some Like It Wicked - Lauren  Hawkeye

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key word is felt.” Her voice was raw, and it physically hurt to step back, away from him. “Past tense. We were no good.”

      “We were young.” Declan followed her, the thud of his cane sounding before his footfall. “But I never forgot you. Part of the reason I came back was you.”

      “No.” Panic warred with delight in Aria’s gut.

      “Let’s not overthink it.” With the hand not holding the cane, Declan reached out to touch Aria’s cheek, trailing his knuckles over her skin. A blaze of sensation followed in the wake of his touch. “Maybe this is what we both need.”

      Aria closed her eyes, savoring his touch. Her body wanted nothing more than to shove Declan down on the top of Harry’s bar and have her wicked way with him.

      What would it hurt, after all? She could scratch this itch with someone who knew her well enough to please her.

      Only the palpitations of her heart reminded her that she might not survive him leaving a second time.

      “No, Declan.”

      The vampire’s eyes narrowed as, drawing her strength about her like a cloak, she pulled away from his touch. No matter what she felt in that moment, she couldn’t. “I value my sanity more than that.”

      “Don’t you feel it, too?” His voice was as rich and delicious as she remembered it.

      Aria still knew him well enough to see that Declan was warring with the same overwhelming need that was swamping her.

      “I do.” She couldn’t lie—he would see right through it. “That was never the problem.”

      “Goodbye, Declan.” These were words she’d never had a chance to say before. She couldn’t tell if she was relieved or devastated when she finally managed to turn away from him.

      Despite all that had happened, she knew him. He was too stubborn, too proud to come back to Salem’s Hollow just for her. So why was he here?

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