Protector of the Flight. Robin D. Owens

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Protector of the Flight - Robin D. Owens

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      Alexa’s strong grip gave Calli pause. Her words penetrated the red haze. Then she blinked, seeing what Alexa said was true. Little fire-bright sparks rose from her skin.

      The man in the shadows bolted.

      Alexa’s baton flew into her hand. She pointed it at the men and yelled, “Arret!”

      This time the men really did freeze, midmotion, their eyes rolling as wildly as the horses’. Satisfaction surged in Calli. Super powers at work. Excellent. She found herself grinning and knew part of the assholes’ fear was because of her. Really good.

      She reached the paddock where the horses still circled in fright. “What do you think you’re doing?” she said softly to the men. Alexa translated the question, her voice full of threat.

      The men said nothing. Calli got the impression they couldn’t speak. Alexa waved. “Parly.”

      Calli leaned against the wooden rail, waiting until it was safe. The man in the pen gauged the horses’ gallops and ran to escape when they were on the far side of him. He scrambled over the fence.

      “Well?” asked Calli, lacing menace into her tone. The guy in the shadows cringed back, tumbled into speech, gesticulating.

      Alexa looked at Calli, disgust on her face. “He said the horses wouldn’t go.”

      “They’re goin’ now.”

      “That’s for sure,” Marian said, joining them. She sent the men an icily aristocratic look that had them bunching together.

      “What’s the law about animal abuse?” Calli asked.

      “Don’t know,” Alexa said, “but I’ll find out.”

      “Tell ’em that I want ’em gone. Now,” Calli said.

      That didn’t go over well. The men raised their own voices, waved their hands. Calli thought they were using the old “these animals are my property and I can do whatever I want with them” defense. Mid-tirade she swept an arm out toward them and banged them up against the outbuilding wall.

      Alexa grabbed her arm. “Don’t do that again. Your Power is out of control.”

      She was right. Calli trembled from more than her anger. Power rushed through her like a flooding river. She had to dam it, use it. For good. Not to whup some stupid asses who had skulls too thick to ever learn how to treat a horse, egos too solid to ever think that someone else could teach them. Even a lesson in fear wouldn’t last with them very long.

      But, oh, how she wanted to give them that lesson in fear. Terrify them until—Sparks jumped from her skin again, and gave her a quick, shocking backlash, sizzling a few of her nerves.

      “Wow,” Alexa said. “Lock it down, Calli.”

      Dam it. Right. She sucked in a deep lungful of summer air.

      Marian had been coolly watching. “I think it would be best if we paid them off for the moment. Bought the horses. Are you all right with that, Calli?”

      “Yes, but I don’t have any money.”

      “We’ll take care of it,” Marian said, keeping her eye on the men. She said something, sounded like a price. The men shook their heads, their voices becoming louder again.

      Marian looked down her nose, gestured to the horses, obviously telling the guys the animals weren’t in good shape.

      They argued more.

      “Arret,” Alexa said, crossed her arms and glared. “Take it or leave it, but get away from here.”

      The man who’d been in the ring spat in the dirt.

      “Too stupid to live,” Marian said in a tone of wonder. “Facing the three most Powerful women in the country and arguing over a few coins.”

      Calli turned to the two men, considering what else she might be able to do with magic.

      Marian touched her arm. “You’re very Powerful. You’ve proven your point, you don’t need to intimidate them further.” She handed Calli three small gold coins.

      Sending a scalding look at Marian, Calli shook off her hand. Motioning to Alexa, she strode up to the men. “You tell these…turds…that they had better not ever treat another horse this way or I’ll skin their hides.”

      With a smile that showed all her teeth, Alexa fingered her sheathed baton and repeated the words. The men paled. Calli’s smile matched Alexa’s.

      “Bastien and I will make sure they pay,” Alexa growled. The two weren’t looking happy now. In fact, their eyes had gone wide and round as they looked from Calli to Alexa to Marian.

      Calli threw the gold coins at the men’s feet. “Go.”

      They scooped up the gold and scrambled away without a backward glance.

      Now she was faced with the task of transporting two terrified and abused horses up to the Castle. She didn’t know how she’d manage. It usually took her a minimum of two and a half hours to work a green horse into trusting her, let alone a mistreated one. “We need to get the horses to the Castle.”

      “Or stash them somewhere until you can come back to them,” Marian said.

      “That could work.” Calli’d rather have them close. These animals she understood. The familiarity of horseflesh, even their scent, reassured her, reminded her that she was a damn good horsewoman.

      “Try whispering to them,” Alexa said.

      “I’m not going near them just yet.”

      “With your mind, Calli,” Alexa suggested gently.

      Shit, what did Alexa think Calli could say? “Here, horsey, horsey,” like some tenderfoot? Calli leaned on the rail and closed her eyes. She brought the equine language she’d learned a bit of yesterday to mind and mentally reached for the horses. She heard fearful shouts. Men. Will kill me. Will eat me. Run. Run. Run.

      Calm, she tried radiating the feeling. Come to me. I will help. I will protect. She said that in her mind but kept up a flow of completely confident and serene emotions to them.

      The sun bore down on her, making her shirt stick to her back. Her scalp dampened. This was hard!

      The horses’ hooves slowed from a gallop to a canter, then a walk. Finally they calmed and lowered their heads to sniff around the ring.

      Come see me, she coaxed.

      Their eyes rolled as they saw her—or maybe it was the three of them, not quite in the shades they might usually see.

      But now Calli could sense their thought patterns—or equine images. Of course, they weren’t intelligent like volarans. But they were curious. Especially about her smell, which was volaran and horse and different-horse. And predator, but the meat-eater was behind a fence and the bad bad-men predators were gone and the other littler predators smelled interesting, too.

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