The Wolf Siren. Karen Whiddon

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The Wolf Siren - Karen  Whiddon

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      “Most of the cultists are locked up,” Kane mused. “Though we’ve been made aware of a few others who weren’t there the day the raid went down.”

      “You know how determined those bastards are.” Lucas didn’t bother to hide his bitterness. “My sister suffered for years because of them.”

      “I think I should take her out of here,” Kane said. “And quickly.”

      Lucas stared at him in shock. Of course, Kane had known getting Lucas to accept his plan wasn’t going to be easy.

      “Hear me out.”

      After a moment, Lucas finally nodded. His guarded expression made it clear he wasn’t happy with the idea. “Go on.”

      “You want me to keep her safe.” Kane leaned forward. “I can do that. I’m good at my job. But...”

      The word hung in the air. Lucas took a long drink of his beer, waiting for his friend to finish the statement.

      “She needs to go into hiding.”

      “You really think you can protect her better away from here?” The low pitch of Lucas’s voice told Kane he recognized the truth, whether or not he liked it.

      “Don’t you?”

      Grimacing, Lucas gave a reluctant nod. “Where are you planning to take her?”

      “I think it’s actually better if you don’t know.”

      “Then she’s not going anywhere.” Lucas’s emphatic answer came without hesitation. “I lost her once before. I won’t do so again.”

      This Kane could understand. He nodded. “Fine. I want to take her to my hometown. Leaning Tree, New York.”

      From Lucas’s frown, it was clear he’d never heard of it. This was one of the reasons Kane had chosen the small town. “Is it Pack?”

      “Mostly. It’s pretty remote, tucked away in the rolling Catskill Mountains. My entire family lives there—parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins.” He shrugged. “I haven’t been home in a few years. My parents own a resort—actually, it’s an old-fashioned motor court. With separate cabins. They’re pretty secluded and there’s only one road in and out. I’m thinking Lilly and I will stay there.”

      Lucas narrowed his eyes. “You’ve got this all planned out, don’t you?”

      “Yes.” Kane smiled and then rolled his shoulders, trying to release some of the knots he’d incurred on the long drive northwest. “I’m damn good at what I do. That’s why you called me, isn’t it?”

      Instead of answering, Lucas pushed to his feet. He strode to the doorway and peered out into the den, his expression softening noticeably. “Blythe, could you come here for a minute? I need to get your opinion.”

      Instantly, Blythe appeared, sweeping her silky, brownish-blond hair away from her face.

      “Kane wants to take Lilly away,” Lucas said. “He feels he can keep her safer if he does.”

      Blythe’s bright green gaze locked on her husband’s as they linked hands. She and Lucas appeared to communicate silently. Watching them, Kane pushed away a sharp stab of envy. Not everyone in the Pack was fortunate enough to find their mate like their wild cousins. Human Shape-shifters only mated once. Kane had been privileged to be present when Lucas and Blythe had realized they were meant for each other. Witnessing this had only increased Kane’s intense and private hunger to join with a mate of his own someday.

      “How do you feel about that?” Blythe finally asked, a soft frown of worry creasing her smooth brow. Kane noted she didn’t ask whether Lucas felt Lilly would be safer somewhere else. She knew her husband well and understood how tightly Lucas wanted to hold on to the sister he’d believed to be dead fifteen years gone. Kane got this, too, but he knew what he wanted to do was ultimately the best way to keep Lilly safe.

      Hands linked, Lucas and Blythe turned to face Kane. “Do you promise to keep us in the loop? We want frequent updates, texts and pictures, all of it, you know,” Blythe said.

      “As much as I can,” Kane answered. “As long as it doesn’t compromise Lilly’s safety.”

      Still Lucas hadn’t spoken. Kane waited, arms crossed. He needed to be sure he had Lucas’s 100-percent approval or his plan was a no-go.

      Finally, Lucas gave a slow nod. “Fine. Let me get her and we’ll tell her now. When do you want to leave?”

      “As soon as possible.”

      Lucas jerked his chin and turned. Blythe’s hand on his arm stopped him. “Let me fetch her,” she said softly. “You and Kane need to present a united front in this.”

      Though Lucas nodded, Kane saw Blythe’s comment perplexed him. Clearly he hadn’t considered the possibility that his sister wouldn’t go along with his plans.

      A moment later, Blythe returned. Behind her came Lilly, a quiet wraith of a woman, strands of her long, honey-blond hair drifting around her shoulders as she moved. She slipped into the room, the graceful way she seemed to glide making Kane think of a dancer.

      “You want me to what?” she said, as soon as Lucas finished explaining to her. Her bright blue eyes appeared to glow in her delicate oval face. “That makes no sense. Why would you think I’d want to take a trip with a man I barely remember?”

      That stung, though Kane kept the same pleasant expression he always wore when around her. Since the first time he’d seen Lilly, emaciated and filthy, huddled in a heap of rags in a dark and dank cell, she’d haunted his every thought.

      Lucas exchanged a glance with Blythe and Kane knew they were deciding whether or not to tell her the truth. While this wasn’t his call, at least not yet, he felt he had to make his position known. “I’m not going to lie,” he warned the other man, his arms still crossed. “I don’t see a reason to.”

      “Lie?” Frowning, Lilly looked from Kane to Lucas and back again. “What are you talking about? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

      Judging from Lucas’s clenched jaw, he wasn’t happy. Yet when he spoke, his tone was soft and soothing. “We think a few of the doctors from Sanctuary are still at large.”

      Suddenly, Lilly’s entire demeanor changed. Kane watched as all the animation disappeared from her face and she...shut down. That was the only way he could describe it. All the light simply vanished from her eyes.

      “And you think they’re going to try and take me back.” Not even a question, she delivered the statement in a flat, emotionally dead voice.

      Kane found himself aching to reach out and comfort her, but of course he couldn’t.

      Having no such compunction, Blythe wrapped Lilly in her arms. “It’s okay,” she murmured. “We’ve got your back.”

      Lilly stood like a statue, neither returning nor rejecting the embrace. Finally, she stepped away from Blythe and faced her brother. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


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