Krondor: The Assassins. Raymond E. Feist

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Krondor: The Assassins - Raymond E. Feist

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smile broadened a bit. ‘I suspect, however, you’d better also contrive some distraction for my sister while we’re gone.’

      James’s frown brought forth a laugh from Kazamir. The squire said, ‘I think I will prevail upon Princess Anita to fashion that distraction. I suspect most of the young men in the court might be faced with some difficulties given the duty to attend your sister.’

      ‘Yet you felt no difficulty in turning her over to that young cadet,’ observed Kazamir in a guarded tone.

      James leaned over and lowered his voice in a conspiratorial fashion. ‘Young Will lacks … experience. No matter how attractive your sister, she would have to initiate anything … beyond an awkward flirtation, I think. And if I’m any judge of such things, I doubt she will.’

      Kazamir slapped James on the shoulder and laughed. ‘You may be rural, James, but your grasp of certain subtleties is not. Yes, my sister is out seeking a well-connected husband. She will not lessen her chances of such by any idle dalliance. Her husband will expect her unsullied on their wedding night, and she will be. But she will make some young men very unhappy until that time comes.’

      Given James’s background, his view of such issues was far less critical; he had known too many women while a boy, and as a man who enjoyed the pleasures of the bed, to think much of the notion that men had different standards from women. Still, he had met enough men, noble and common, who felt differently that he appreciated the prevalence of that attitude.

      ‘Given her use of … enhancements to her charms, doesn’t this make things difficult back home?’

      ‘Most men in Olasko are terrified of her father,’ said Vladic, putting down his now empty goblet of wine and refusing a refill by one of the servants. ‘In my homeland few would dare his wrath.’

      James shrugged and nodded his head in agreement. ‘Seems a wise course were I a citizen of your nation; the duke appears a most formidable man.’

      Kazamir’s smile vanished. ‘As all would do well to note, James.’ James was certain that remark was more directed at Vladic than at himself. Then Kazamir’s smile returned. ‘Still, it is tempting for men of my nation to pursue a prize like my sister.’

      James blinked in confusion. ‘Prize?’

      ‘As I’ve mentioned, we are adventuresome, in Olasko. Hunting women ranks as high as hunting cave bears.’

      ‘An interesting way to put it,’ said James as neutrally as possible. ‘I think my friend Locklear would fit right in.’

      ‘He pursues women?’

      ‘Incessantly,’ said James.

      ‘Then I would suggest he be a well-practised swordsman,’ offered Vladic.

      ‘That he is, but why?’

      Kazamir answered. ‘Because in my homeland a young man is expected to have as many women as he might, while it is also his duty to defend the honour of his sister with his blade should another man offend her.’

      James grinned. ‘So you have a lot of duels in Olasko.’

      Vladic returned the grin with a nod. ‘Constantly.’

      James said, ‘Fortunately, my friend Locklear is on his way north to serve along the border for quite some time. We will be spared the spectacle of you having to skewer him early one chilly morning. I prefer to sleep in, given the chance.’

      ‘As do I,’ said the Crown Prince. ‘Given the length of the journey—’ he glanced around the room ‘—and the unlikelihood that I have time until the end of the gala to meet a receptive woman of rank, I think I shall retire.’

      Kazamir glanced around the room, and then said, ‘I concur. I think a warm bed is more welcome than drink and dalliance tonight.’

      Instantly James motioned for a page and when the youth approached, he instructed him to escort Princes Vladic and Kazamir to the guest apartments. He bid them both good night and then returned to the dais.

      The musicians played on. As soon as he was again at Arutha’s side, James heard the Prince’s voice under the music. ‘What do you think about this visit?’

      James spoke in tones just loud enough for the Prince to hear. ‘I think it’s odd. On the surface, it appears that the duke is looking for a suitable marriage of state for his daughter while indulging himself in some local hunting.’

      ‘On the surface,’ repeated Arutha, his gaze still on the dancers.

      ‘As there are few sons of suitable rank in this part of the Kingdom – well, none over the age of ten, anyway – that reason barely holds up under scrutiny.’

      ‘What other reason do you imagine?’

      ‘Well, the son says they want to hunt dragons and trolls out in the Trollhome, but I find that a bit difficult to fathom. We fought trolls near Romney just a few weeks ago, and I’m sure we left enough of them behind to entertain the duke and his companions for a lifetime. As for hunting dragons, even the dwarves don’t go looking for them. They wait until they show up, then turn the entire community out to fight them. No, the duke may be crazy enough to really want to hunt dragons and trolls, but that’s not his reason for coming west. I suspect the real reason for this journey will be found in Durbin.’

      ‘What could he want in Durbin? There are twenty major Keshian ports he could reach in the east.’

      James shrugged. ‘If we knew what it was he was seeking in Durbin, we would know why he’s lying.’

      Arutha glanced over at James. ‘You suspect something.’ He turned his attention back towards the dance floor.

      James nodded. ‘But nothing I can give voice to. Just a vague sense that this all ties together, these murders, the disappearance of citizens, the arrival of this outland noble.’

      ‘If you discover the whole of the parts, let me know.’

      James said, ‘You’ll be the first.’

      ‘Did you sleep?’

      ‘Earlier? Yes,’ said James, knowing what was coming next.

      Arutha said, ‘Good, then you know what to do.’

      James nodded, bowed to the Prince, crossed to bow to the Princess, then removed himself from the hall. As he left, he signalled for a page to follow. The young man fell into step behind him.

      James hurried towards the tapestry room and found it empty. He quickly moved on to the Princess’s garden and found a very flushed William standing next to the Princess Paulina, obviously reduced to little more than a near babbling fool as the girl held tightly to his arm, chatting about the flowers.

      ‘Ahem,’ said James.

      The relief on William’s face was abundantly clear as James bowed to the Princess. ‘Highness, this page will escort you to your quarters. Your father and brother have turned in for the night.’

      ‘But it’s early,’ said the girl with a pout.


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