The Rebel Daughter. Lauri Robinson

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The Rebel Daughter - Lauri  Robinson

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      “Was anyone ever impressed with Galen?” Forrest asked sarcastically.

      “No,” Roger replied swiftly. “No one.”

      “What about when he first moved here?” Forrest asked, fishing for information. “I know my mother and your wife were friends—were you and Galen ever friendly?”

      “No. Even before Rose died, there had been no friendship between Galen and me.” Leaning forward, Roger rested both elbows on his desk and tapped the ends of his fingers together. “You didn’t answer my question earlier—what about the Plantation? Who’s going to run it while you’re flying mail across the country every day?”

      Forrest nodded, mainly to give himself a moment to respond. Slowly, precisely, he said, “Galen, if he has his way.”

      Roger’s scowl turned darker than his black shirt.

      “He’s being released,” Forrest said.

      “Hell!” Roger erupted from his chair, slapping his desk. “That’s a lie.”

      “It’s true,” Forrest said. “My mother called. Said Galen was getting a new trial and most likely, due to time served, will get out shortly.”

      “Trials can’t happen that fast,” Roger insisted. “They can’t.”

      “Well, apparently they can,” Forrest replied, without further explanation. That wasn’t important. “And Roger,” he said seriously, “when Galen gets out, he’s going to be gunning for you.”

      * * *

      A noise had Twyla spinning, glancing up and down the hallway. The long walkway to the kitchen was empty, as was the shorter distance that led to the entrance of the resort. The coast was still clear. She lifted the glass to the door again and pressed her ear to the other end. So far all she’d heard was her father shout once. Even then the only word she’d heard was hell. Her father used the expletive often, so that didn’t necessarily mean the conversation he was holding with Forrest was a bad one, but her insides said it couldn’t be good. She was also betting the topic was her.

      She’d knocked down two dancers and a waitress trying to get out of the ballroom when she’d spied her father and Forrest heading toward his office. By the time she’d helped everyone up and found someone to clean up the mess, the office door was shut tight. Everyone knew you didn’t interrupt one of Roger Nightingale’s closed-door meetings.

      “What are you doing?”

      She spun around so fast the glass tumbled to the floor. Seeing Josie, Twyla released a sigh of relief and picked up the glass. “Forrest is in there with father,” she whispered.


      “So?” Grabbing her sister’s arm, Twyla dragged Josie down the hall toward the kitchen. “You know what that could mean, don’t you?”

      “What what could mean?”

      Twyla wanted to shake her sister. “Forrest,” she hissed. “He’s still in love with Norma Rose.”

      Josie shook her head as if Twyla had just said the sky was falling, as if what she’d said was an impossibility.

      Twyla crossed her arms. She was right. Josie had to know that.

      Her sister made no move at first, but then Josie straightened the buckle on the gold belt she had around her waist. Her red-and-gold outfit was gorgeous and she looked fabulous, which was strange. Josie normally wore pants and loose-fitting shirts, claiming she went for comfort long before fashion. Twyla couldn’t understand that. Fashion was everything. She’d walk around with blisters on her feet before wearing a pair of shoes that didn’t match her dress.

      Pulling her attention away from her sister’s outfit, Twyla repeated, “Forrest is still in love with Norma Rose.”

      “I doubt that,” Josie said.

      “I don’t,” Twyla insisted.

      Josie shook her head. “Forrest caring about Norma Rose is a moot point. She’s in love with Ty.”

      “Forrest could make her question that,” Twyla replied. “Maybe cause her and Ty to break up, and turn everything back to how it was.”

      “You really believe that?”

      “Yes,” Twyla said. “I don’t want things to go back to how they were. And you shouldn’t, either.”

      “I don’t, and they won’t,” Josie said confidently. “Norma Rose and Ty will soon be married. Which means we’ll both be needed more than ever to keep this place running.” Taking the glass from Twyla’s hand, Josie added, “Now stop being silly. We have over three hundred people here tonight. You need to be in the ballroom ensuring they are having a good time.”

      Twyla wanted to insist she wasn’t being silly. She was being serious. Josie needed to take her blinders off. Things changed in little more than a heartbeat. They’d all seen that. Josie, though, wasn’t one for bickering. Or idle talk. “What are you doing?” Twyla asked, and then followed up by asking, “I mean, aren’t you making sure the guests are having a good time?”

      “I am,” Josie said. “But the ice sculpture is melting and water is dripping onto the floor. I’m on my way for a mop to clean it up before someone slips.”

      “I have to know what they’re talking about,” Twyla said, reaching for the glass her sister had confiscated.

      Josie hid it behind her back. “No, you don’t. Stop worrying about Forrest and go see to the guests, or I’ll tell father and Norma Rose you’re resorting to your childish ways.”

      Twyla growled, but Josie had already spun around and was marching down the hallway toward the kitchen and storeroom, where she’d find a mop.

      Balling her hands into fists, Twyla spun around and walked the other way. Passing her father’s office was torture. Not knowing what was being said behind that door would haunt her all night. Forrest was thwarting her. If he told her father all about her escapades, and Josie told him about her listening at the door with a water glass, she’d be banished to her room until she turned thirty.

      It wasn’t fair. Surely wasn’t. The world was at her fingertips and it was as if Forrest had stomped on her freshly painted nails right before she’d been able to grasp it all.

      Music and laughter caught her attention as the hallway gave way to the front entrance. The doors to the ballroom and dining room were open, and she paused to survey the scene. People dancing, drinking, smoking and having a good time were laid out before her. This was the world she wanted. She gave a slow, lingering glance down the hallway. Forrest might be telling her father all he knew, but that wouldn’t stop tonight.

      A smile formed on Twyla’s lips. Tonight she’d prove who was the most spectacular hostess of the family. Her father couldn’t banish her to her room then. Not after she ensured Palooka George had the best birthday bash ever. She entered the ballroom with all the persistence of a bee buzzing toward a fresh-blooming flower. She knew how to gather nectar when needed.

      Twyla headed straight for

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