All Night Long. Anne Mather

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All Night Long - Anne  Mather

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been here before.’

      ‘Where? The airport, or this restaurant?’

      ‘This restaurant,’ she clarified. ‘I have flown out of Heathrow before. We—that is—’ She had been about to mention Jeff and she bit her careless tongue with impatience. ‘As a family,’ she amended. ‘We’ve been to the Greek Islands and to Florida.’

      ‘Disneyworld?’ he suggested and she smiled.

      ‘Yes. Sam and Ryan loved it.’

      He frowned. ‘Ryan? That would be your—?’

      ‘My son,’ put in Ally quickly. ‘Sam and Ryan are twins.’

      ‘I see.’ He paused. ‘So you have two children?’

      ‘That’s right.’ Ally caught her lower lip between her teeth. ‘So now you know all about me.’

      ‘Hardly,’ he murmured, but she couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking and whether the knowledge that she had two children somehow diminished her attraction in his eyes.

      Which was ridiculous, she chided herself swiftly. No matter what he’d said, she didn’t believe he really was attracted to her. He just found her a novelty, that was all. Perhaps this was just his evening to be kind to dogs and fortyish matrons.

      The arrival of the wine waiter to ask if they’d like anything to drink gave her a few moments to collect her thoughts, and after he’d departed to get the bottle of wine Raul had ordered, there was the menu to study.

      It was difficult to decide what to eat. Despite the fact that the pounds had dropped off her in the last couple of years, she was still acutely conscious of being overweight. In recent weeks her appetite had been practically non-existent and she’d only eaten at all to satisfy Sam’s concern about her. In consequence, her eyes were drawn to the vegetarian dishes, and after some consideration she chose asparagus soup and stuffed avocado with Hollandaise sauce.

      ‘Are you a vegetarian?’ Raul asked curiously when she was forced to tell him her selection and Ally managed a rueful smile.


      ‘But you prefer vegetarian food?’

      Ally sighed. ‘I’m just not very hungry,’ she murmured, putting the menu aside. ‘What are you having?’

      Raul shrugged. ‘Something simple, I guess. Salad followed by a steak sounds good to me.’

      Actually, it sounded good to Ally, too, but the thought of all those calories gave her pause. Besides, there was no guarantee that she’d be able to eat anything. She was so nervous about being here in the first place.

      The wine was brought, and their individual meals were ordered, and Ally did her best to relax. It was definitely easier with a glass of Chardonnay in her hand, and she decided it was time he answered a few questions for a change.

      ‘You don’t live in England, do you?’ she ventured, rather daringly, and his long lashes shaded his eyes.

      ‘What makes you say that?’

      ‘Well…’ She could hardly mention his tan. That was too personal. ‘Your accent,’ she exclaimed, with some relief. ‘It doesn’t sound wholly British to me.’

      His teeth were very white against his dark skin. ‘You wound me,’ he murmured, but his smile revealed he was only teasing her. ‘I thought I spoke very good English.’

      ‘You do.’ She hurried to reassure him. ‘Just sometimes—’ She broke off, losing her nerve. ‘I’m sorry. It’s nothing to do with me.’

      ‘Why not?’ His eyes on her mouth brought a return of the panic she had felt earlier. ‘I don’t mind telling you. My home is almost in the Caribbean and both my father and mother are of Spanish-American descent.’

      ‘Oh.’ Ally took a nervous sip of her wine, and then added rather recklessly, ‘I’m going to the Caribbean, too. Tomorrow. Well, to Nassau, anyway. I suppose that’s not strictly the Caribbean either, is it?’

      ‘Not strictly,’ he conceded. ‘But near enough.’ He paused. ‘Are you going on holiday?’

      Ally pressed her lips together, wishing she hadn’t been quite so outspoken. But it was too late now, so— ‘Yes,’ she admitted unwillingly. And then, because she felt the need to explain that she wasn’t one of those sad people who holiday alone, ‘I’m going to stay with friends.’

      ‘In Nassau?’

      No, San Cristobál.

      But Ally didn’t contradict him. ‘Yes, Nassau,’ she lied, looking down into her glass as she spoke in case her eyes betrayed her. ‘Have you been there?’

      ‘Oh, yeah.’ He was laconic. ‘I’ve been there. I’ve been all over the Caribbean. My—that is, the company I work for charters sailing craft to travel firms and private individuals. I used to spend holidays crewing on sloops and schooners.’

      Ally was intrigued. ‘It sounds fun.’

      ‘It was.’ He nodded. ‘Hard work, too, particularly if we ran into bad weather.’

      ‘Hurricanes, you mean?’ Ally’s eyes were wide.

      ‘Hardly.’ His lips twitched. ‘You don’t try to outrun a hurricane. But, if the barometer’s falling, and you’ve got a party of inexperienced tourists on board, you make for the nearest landfall.’

      ‘I see.’ Ally felt foolish.

      ‘That’s not to say we didn’t encounter a squall from time to time,’ he assured her gently. ‘It rains, you know, even in the Caribbean.’

      Ally managed a small smile. ‘Not a lot, I hope.’

      ‘No.’ He shook his head. ‘And not usually at this time of year. I guess you’ll be glad to leave the cold weather behind.’

      ‘Mmm.’ Ally relaxed again, the anticipation of spending the rest of January and most of February in a warmer climate bringing its own excitement. ‘I’ve never been to the Caribbean before.’

      ‘You’ll love it,’ he told her, as the waiter arrived with their first course. ‘Plenty of sunshine, warm seas, and some of the best seafood in the world.’

      Ally smiled, picking up her spoon to tackle her soup. ‘No place for a vegetarian, then?’ she murmured drily.

      ‘No.’ His eyes showed his amusement. ‘Do you think I’m biased?’

      ‘Why wouldn’t you be?’

      ‘Yeah.’ He forked up a mouthful of his green salad. ‘I have to admit, I’d hate to live anywhere else.’

      Ally licked her lips. ‘Have you been on holiday in England?’ she asked, amazed at the ease with which the words slipped off her tongue. But, what the hell? she thought determinedly. She was never likely to see him again, and he was so easy to talk to.


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