His Christmas Bride. HELEN BROOKS
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A movement behind her brought her head turning to Melissa, who was standing in the sitting-room doorway, a worried expression on her face. ‘Tell me to mind my own business if you want, but I don’t like the idea of you seeing Zak,’ her sister said, straight to the point as always. ‘He’s not for you, Blossom.’
Blossom shut the front door. ‘It’s not like you think.’
‘Blossom, the man’s a dyed-in-the-wool bachelor with a different woman for each day of the week. He makes no secret of it. In fact, according to the grapevine, he makes a point of spelling it out to any woman he sees so they don’t get the wrong idea. Of course, most of them fall for him hook, line and sinker nonetheless.’ Melissa’s tone was scathing.
‘Melissa, this really isn’t what you’re thinking.’
‘He could charm the birds out of the trees, I’ve seen him in action, but Greg says he can be as hard as iron in business when it’s necessary. And if he can be like that in business…’
‘Come and sit down and let me explain,’ Blossom said patiently, taking her sister’s arm and leading her to the sofa beside Greg. ‘You’ve got the wrong idea.’
‘Greg thinks I’ve got a down on Zak, but it’s not that, not really,’ Melissa began again before Blossom had a chance to say more. ‘It’s just that men like him eat ordinary people up and spit them out for breakfast. Greg’s useful to him at the moment, but I keep telling him that if that changed he’d be out on his ear and Zak wouldn’t give it a second thought.’
‘Melissa, I’m not saying I think you’re wrong—just the opposite, in fact.’ Blossom jumped in when her sister paused for breath. ‘But this meal tonight is not a date, not in the traditional sense. It’s purely platonic, I assure you.’
‘Oh, Blossom, don’t be so naïve.’
‘No, I mean it. Really. He actually said he wanted to give you and Greg an evening to yourselves and that he was taking me out purely as a friend. OK? He said that.’
‘And you believed it? Kiddo, it’s the oldest line in the book when a wolf sees a juicy little lamb.’
‘I’m not a juicy little anything.’ She didn’t think she’d ever been juicy, even before Dean. ‘And I’m hardly what you’d call his type anyway. I’m sure he goes for long-legged model types with interesting cheekbones and a clothing allowance to die for. Am I right, Greg?’ She glanced at her brother-in-law, but didn’t wait for him to reply before she went on, ‘Anyway, I told him I am not dating. I laid it absolutely on the line. My career’s all that matters, he knows that.’
‘Then how come you’re going out with him tonight?’ Melissa asked reasonably. ‘The two things don’t add up, sis.’
‘I told you, it’s purely platonic.’
Melissa gave one of her snorts. They were legendary within the family, and had always said far more than words could express.
‘It is, believe me.’ Blossom was getting exasperated.
‘I believe you might think so, but you’re wrong, Blossom. The man’s a walking sex machine; you only have to look at him to see that. He can cause the juices to flow without even trying.’
‘Melissa!’ Greg was shocked.
‘Oh, I don’t mean I’m attracted to him,’ Melissa said quickly. ‘I love you, you know that, but I have got eyes in my head, Greg, and your boss is…well…’
‘She means unattached women would find him drop-dead gorgeous,’ Blossom said drily when her sister ran out of words.
‘There, you see, you do fancy him,’ Melissa said triumphantly. ‘And you mustn’t, Blossom. This going out with him is a bad idea.’
‘You’ve been telling me for the last couple of years that I should date again,’ Blossom pointed out. In fact, her sister had waxed lyrical on the subject until they’d nearly fallen out about it and had had to agree to disagree. And not so long ago, either.
‘Date, yes, even get involved if the man in question is right for you, but Zak Hamilton…I can’t think of anyone worse. He’s too…too much of everything.’
They agreed on that at least, then. ‘Melissa, I have no intention of seeing Zak again after tonight,’ Blossom said very firmly. ‘I promise, OK? This was just the easy way out tonight. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, and I couldn’t be bothered to argue. It was simpler all round to say yes.’
Melissa stared unhappily at her twin. ‘I don’t like it.’
‘I mean it. I don’t like him, to be honest. He’s too…’ Blossom couldn’t find the words to describe Zak Hamilton. ‘Too much of everything, like you said,’ she finished weakly.
‘I just don’t want you hurt again, that’s all,’ Melissa said woefully. ‘You’re not a toughie like his other women.’
‘I’m not keen on the idea myself.’
‘And, you’re right, I do think you ought to start dating. There are lots of lovely men out there who would give their eye teeth to have someone like you,’ Melissa said earnestly. ‘Men like Greg, who are gorgeous but still real family-men and completely faithful to one woman. Good, honest, reliable men.’
Greg preened.
Blossom didn’t like to point out that, perfect though Greg was for her twin, he would drive her mad after ten minutes. Instead, she smiled, saying, ‘We’ve done this one to death before, sis. And you’re looking tired; I think you ought to go for a nap. You don’t want to overdo it now you’re back home.’
Greg was instantly all concern as Blossom had known he would be. Between them they managed to persuade Melissa to go and lie down, and Greg led her sister out of the room as though any sudden movement would cause her to break.
Blossom carried the coffee cups through to the kitchen, but instead of loading the dishwasher she stood gazing idly at the blue sky dotted with cotton-wool clouds. In truth the conversation with Melissa had unnerved her more than a little. It was stupid to go out with Zak Hamilton tonight, be it on a friendship basis or whatever else. A bit like sticking your head in the jaws of a crocodile and not expecting it to do what crocodiles did.
She made a sound of deep irritation in her throat. She wasn’t going to think about all this right now. She was going to fetch her nieces and nephew from nursery once she’d finished the chores here and then fix lunch for everyone. This afternoon she would take the children to the nearby water-park. She’d keep busy and active and not allow herself to dwell on the evening ahead for one moment. And when it came she’d play it by ear. She was getting this all out of proportion, for goodness’ sake. The man had asked her out for a meal, no strings attached, no expectations. And after tonight she’d probably never run into him again.
‘No probably about it.’ She watched a tiny blue-tit hanging from a nut holder. He was having the most